Ley Walker

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Who Are They?

Rivers of magical current flow under the earth of Azeroth, known as ley lines. Most spell casters are aware of the most powerful of these, but some learn that there are many smaller tendrils of power, flowing under, over, through, and around every object in the world. Ley Walkers are those who learn this fact, and tap into these ley lines in order to harness their power. Any spell caster can learn this art, and by doing so can amplify their magic and perform feats that few others can mimic. Their power is closely linked to the magic of Runemasters, but whereas Runemasters use the shape of the ley line intersections to their advantage, Ley Walkers tap into the power of the lines themselves.

Ley lines are inherently arcane, but they can be used to empower and fuel any magic discipline with the proper application. However, because the ley lines are a more natural and taint-free version of the arcane, Ley Walkers are blessed with an exemption from normal arcane corruption. Ley Walkers are often considered more natural in terms of power as a result, and often more accepted by races who otherwise view the arcane with disdain or distrust. Most Ley Walkers are Night Elves or Tauren, though mastery of the path is open to any race who is willing to explore it.

Ley Walkers are nearly impossible to distinguish from other spell casters, as their power is often subtle and hard to detect, save by others who are familiar with magic. As a result, most Ley Walkers are seen by commoners as just being exceptionally masterful practicioners of their craft, or wise sages. Others might see them as obsessed with understanding how magic itself works.

Who Likes Them?




Magi, Warlocks, Priests, Druids, Necromancers, Runemasters and Shaman can become Ley Walkers.

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  • Versatile

Ley Walkers are effective magic users, providing a wide range of abilities that bolster nearly any form of magic available, as well as providing a good mix of offensive and defensive abilities. In addition, using the ley power directly to provide healing or travel gives the Ley Walker a good amount of utility in his or her magic.

  • Uncorruptive

Ley magic is also inherently clean magic, providing Ley Walkers with immunity to arcane corruption, should they normally be subject to it. As a result, mages and warlocks can cast their magic without worry of their alignment degrading, or suffering from addiction.

  • Subtle

Ley Walkers aren't able to be easily differentiated from other casters of their type, even when using their powers. Only other Ley Walkers and Runemasters can readily identify the magic cast by a Ley Walker, and others can only at best surmise that the Ley Walker is a powerful spell caster.


  • Physically Weak

Ley Walkers gain no benefits to their physical combat skills, and their focus on pure magic makes them usually ineffective at close combat. Ley Walkers tend to be poor combat Shaman or feral Druids especially, as a result, but all such casters tend to be ineffective in combat due to their time spent studying magic.

  • Manipulation Only

Ley Walkers gain few new abilities, save for those that augment or change their past spells. As a result, they have to rely on their past abilities rather heavily still, empowering them with magic from the ley lines to compensate for their lack of new spells.

Skills and Abilities

  • Ley Line Attunement

By tapping into the power of the lines, a Ley Walker can use the ley lines to modify the power of his or her spells. This enhancement can range from things such as increasing the range of a spell, lengthening the duration, or strengthening the power of it.

  • Ley Healing

Drawing upon the magic within the earth, the Ley Walker can heal his or her own wounds with the magic power. The Ley Walker gains a powerful regeneration effect for a short duration, slowly healing injuries sustained until the magic wears off.

  • Ley Travel

By using magic to transfer him or her self across the lines, a Ley Walker can blink or teleport. Teleporting great distances requires some time to accomplish.

  • Ley Magic

Ley Walkers can harness the raw arcane energies from the earth, either causing their attack magic to gain arcane damage, or to cause protective spells to provide better defense against magic.

Training Outline

Potential Ley Walkers must first study the lines of magic itself, for the first step in mastering the power of the ley lines is to know how they work. After a good amount of study of magic and theory, a Ley Walker must then learn to access the power of the ley lines through meditation and study.

Ley Walker training involves a good deal of travel, studying the ley lines across the world of Azeroth to truly understand their patterns and how they function. They often seek out areas of particular magical strength, where ley lines are particularly strong in current, or where they intersect (often seeking out the same places of power that Runemasters seek out for their own interests.) Beyond this, Ley Walkers must slowly learn to incorporate the power of the ley lines into their own magic, a process easier said than done. It requires an intimate knowledge of the flows of magic and how they function, as well as an awareness of the ley lines themselves.

Learning to ley walk is something few can do without proper teaching. Having a master to learn from is the easiest way, but one can teach oneself to tap into the lines with enough study and concentration. However, one can't tap into this power without first understanding the nature of the ley lines, which often requires either deep magical study, or acquiring such knowledge from either another Ley Walker or a Runemaster.

Active Ley Walkers

Currently there are no active Ley Walkers, so any applicants would have to create an NPC for the training.

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