The Undermine

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The Undermine is a Custom Zone created for the Cataclysm Server by Rigley. It takes up the space of Blackrock Depths in-game, and is accessible thru the OOC Teleporter in the Goblin Locations Category.

Undermine logo.gif
Map of the Undermine

The Undermine is the subterranean capitol of the goblins and its Trade Coalition, located underneath the island of Kezan. It is a bastion of greed, gold, and goblin ingenuity, holding a bustling population of every kind of goblin out there; from the penniless to the rich barons with enough money to buy entire islands. Due to the recent eruption and destruction of the aboveground city of Kezan, the Undermine has sealed itself to prevent any further damage. Though safe from much of the destruction on the surface, the Undermine is not wholly without damage -- many passages have crumbled and entire slum areas and compounds were wiped out with lava in the lower sections. As well, some structural damage has been incurred and is undergoing repair.

In the wake of this, most of the trade princes have blocked off their domains for reconstruction. Luckily the Steamwheedle Cartel has no plans of doing so! The Steamwheedle's portion of the Undermine remains open to travelers via ingenious goblin 'transpolyporters', and businesses are more than willing to sell their wares to travelers and tourists who want to visit the fabled metropolis of Undermine.

Lower Area

The Kaja Mines

A sprawling mine of the goblin's precious Kaja'mite runs deep within the Undermine. Though nowhere as plentiful as other mines located on the surface of Kezan and the nearby isles, the goblin overseers are working their troll slaves to the bone to strip out the earth in the mine and obtain more of their precious ore. Most of its areas are blocked off by landslides and cave-ins however, and only recently have the goblins resumed excavations in the area.

Trade Prince's Highway

The entrance from the surface of Kezan, leading into the depths of the Undermine. Since the eruption of Mount Kajaro the main gate towards the surface has been closed, pulled shut mid-evacuation. The highway is cluttered with debris from wreckages from the frenzied departure, and is the location of a few salvage operations now. Flanking the highway are two garrisons on either side, manned by Steamwheedle mercenaries and bruisers.

The Decapatorium-O-Rama

Proof that the goblins believe in no merciful god, the Decapatorium serves as the venue for everyone's gladiatorial needs. The organizers hold friendly spars, organized pit fights, deathmatches and pit willing gladiators against some of the most fearsome creatures the Cartel can get their hands on!
The Decapatorium also hosts less gruesome events, such as battles between robots of engineering teams and demolition derbies. Waivers must still be signed, as the Steamwheedles won't be responsible for losses.

The Gates of Undermine

The great gates of Undermine, rumored to have been made of solid gold, stands at the head of the Trade Prince's Highway. It was recently destroyed during the Cataclysm and is currently being rebuilt by the Cartel. The gates connect the two garrisons guarding Undermine itself by way of an overhead bridge.

Old Undermine Slums

Once past the gates, a long bridge leads toward the heart of the city itself. The bridge overlooks a vast enclosure; goblin slums once stretched out across the bottom, while goblin villas with grand balconies spread along the walls. Two other bridges stretch out across the expanse on each side of the main bridge. Molten lava from Mount Kajaro now fills the bottom of the enclosure, having wiped out most of the tenements and buildings below as well as the goblins living in them.

The Shady Alley

A dimly lit spiral tunnel leading to the upper area of the city where absolutely nothing goes wrong and all laws are obeyed, especially since no guards patrol through it. Much of the tunnels leading to the lower levels of the Undermine as well as to other areas of the city has been covered up by landslides, and the Cartel has only reopened the main tunnel leading to Steamwheedle Plaza.

Upper Area

Steamwheedle Garrison

The Steamwheedle Cartel holds an impressive staff of engineers and guards within the Undermine. Most of them reside within the Steamwheedle Garrison, to the right of the gates, when they're off duty. The few crackpot detectives under Steamwheedle's employ also make their offices here.


The left garrison is an empty bastion for guilds and mercenaries seeking to establish themselves in the city. It has been structurally damaged by the eruption of Mount Kajaro, but is still currently functional.

The Potion Emporium

Alchemy is another profession the goblins have excelled in, and the emporium just beside the Decapatorium serves a place for paying apothecaries to sell their wares and develop a stock of their potent alchemical creations. The Alchemists' Union operate the Emporium directly, and is not responsible for any maladies inflicted by any potions purchased within it.

The Workshop

A general workshop within Kezan. At present its mostly stocked with constructs, but its workstations should be fitting for any engineering needs.

Steamwheedle Plaza

The beating heart of the city is a circular enclosure above and beyond the Gates of Undermine where a lot of goblins peddle their inventions and wares, and where bruisers and tax collectors make their rounds. It is full of the less well-to-do inhabitants of the metropolis.

The Molotov

The Undermine's largest bar. The Molotov is home to an array of drunken carousing, hard partying, and the occasional late night brawling. It also holds an expansive kitchen where its chefs are hard at work attempting to replicate nearly any recipe which will get them money.

The Loft

The Loft is an abandoned villa left by a rich old merchant, who accidentally fell to his death laughing at the unfortunate goblins drowned by lava down in the slums. His possesions were taken by the Cartel and his villa was made into a communal living area for organizations setting up in the city. Less militant than a garrison and still better than sleeping on the streets!

National Bank of Kezan

The National Bank of Kezan - here the money comes and goes all under the watchful eye of the Steamwheedle's biggest bruisers. The main vault is sealed save for approved officials, with smaller transactions taking place in the lobby.

Undermine R&D

A sizable laboratory deep within the Undermine run by the Tinkers' Union. It has nooks for different apparatuses as well as a break area for workers.
The R&D Test Area, once a huge enclosure full of buildings, ruins and bomb sites, was swept away lava from Mount Kajaro. The Tinkers' Union has continued operations nonetheless.

Gazzbolt Dealership

Just down the walkway from the Research and Development lab is the source of much of the Trade Coalition's vehicles and weaponry. The Gazzbolt dealership manufactures trikes, hot rods, and a vast arsenal of cannons, turrets and other assorted munitions.

Ward of Wizardry

Connected to the dealership is the Ward of Wizardry, a large gathering hall with nooks ready for mages, warlocks, shaman and priests. And druids, but that plot has been conspicuously empty. Assorted reagents and tomes are available for a price here.

The Grand Bazaar

A large hall dotted with pillars stands deep within the Undermine. Tents propped up between the pillars litter the bazaar, filled with caravans and wagons of assorted goods and wares. Three large nooks rest here; the first one full of black market traders; The second, full of exotic wares from Azeroth and beyond; and the third nook is open for rent, useable for festivities or other events.

The Steamwheedle Grand Villas

Sealed to the general public, the Grand Villas is where the utterly opulent moguls and trade princes from the different Cartels live. Rarely do the goblins who live there leave their own golden mansions, which are entirely self-sufficient and maintained by armies of servants and slaves.

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