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Moonglade is an enchanted forest in northern Kalimdor. It has served the purpose of a sanctuary, a safe haven and even a capital for the Night Elves for thousands of years. Moonglade is one of the few places in Kalimdor that have remained unharmed by both invasions of The Burning Legion. It now serves as a home for The Cenarion Circle and all Druids - Night Elves and Tauren alike. Stuck in a never-ending night, Moonglade is protected fiercely by nature itself - the residing Ancients and Treants do not hesitate if they deem someone or something harmful to nature or the peaceful balance that reigns within Moonglade. But even Moonglade, being the magical forest it is, is not perfect - The Nightmare's corruption is spreading and it has already touched the Barrow Dens. The Druids do everything in their power to keep this threat at bay, yet it is hard without help - Moonglade is very secluded due to the now hostile Furbolgs of the Timbermaw Hold.

Friendly Forces

Lake Elune'ara

Neutral Crest Neutral

  • Nighthaven - An ancient and isolated settlement, the former capital of the Night Elves. Night Elves would do anything to protect their home. If you're not a Night Elf or a Tauren, there's a high chance you'll be turned away if you try to enter this village - and that's even if you're lucky! Nighthaven is an odd settlement where druidic traditions are clearly visible and wilderness lurks just around the corner.

Enemy Settlements

Shrine of Remulos
  • Stormrage Barrow Dens - This tremendous underground fortress is sacred to Druids. Unfortunately, their vicious enemy from The Emerald Dream has found a way to a wing of the Barrow Dens. The Druids try to fight this abomination, but the abhorrent creatures of The Nightmare are a force beyond one's imagining. Luckily, the protectors are doing a good job keeping those horrors locked deep within the Dens.
  • Timbermaw Hold - This giant fortress is full of Furbolgs who will attack anyone but Night Elves if they dare to approach the tribe's home. It's rumoured to have countless tunnels and no one really knows how big the Hold is. Only the greatest allies of these Furbolgs are allowed to enter Timbermaw Hold - the passages to other lands are reserved for even greater ones.

Other Locations

  • Lake Elune'ara - A huge lake in the center of Moonglade.
  • Shrine of Remulos - A shrine dedicated to Remulos, the Keeper of Moonglade. Remulos is Malfurion's most useful advisor and one of the Cenarion Circle's founders.


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