Alterac Mountains

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Alterac Mountains

These mountains are the former homeland of the Kingdom of Alterac, one of the seven human kingdoms that were part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. After Alterac betrayed the Alliance during the second war, the kingdom was decimated. The city of Dalaran was also located here prior to its transportation to the Crystalsong Forest, in Northrend.

Friendly Forces

Alliance Crest Alliance

Ruins of Alterac
  • Dalaran Crater - The site of the city of Dalaran before its magical transportation to Crystalsong Forest. Dalaran wizards and their elemental minions still guard the site.
  • Lordamere Internment Camp - The only internment camp in the Alterac Mountains, several forsaken are imprisoned here, guarded by Dalaran forces.

Neutral Crest Neutral

  • Chillwind Point - The pass into the Western Plaguelands has always been dangerous, due to the presence of an ancient Troll ruin. A lone troll weaponcrafter turned hermit can be found here.
  • Ravenholdt Manor - The home of the guild of thieves and assassins who go by the name of their leader, Lord Jorach Ravenholdt. They detest the Syndicate and often offer rewards to those who slay them, if they can locate the manor in the first place, that is.

Enemy Settlements

The internment camps of Alterac Mountains
  • Corrahn's Dagger - A small Syndicate camp in the Alterac Mountains established on a hill overlooking Hillsbrad.
  • Crushridge Hold - A cave located near to the Ruins of Alterac, it inhabited by a large number of Crushridge Ogres.
  • Dandred's Fold - Home to the current leader of the Syndicate, Lord Aliden Perenolde. This seemingly peaceful farm is guarded by countless syndicate cutthroats and mercenaries.
  • Gallows' Corner - A crossroads, close to the Ruins of Alterac. This area is held by ogres who patrol the area around the ruined tower.
  • Growless Cave - The home of the Yeti that inhabit the mountains close to the Ruins of Alterac.
  • Ruins of Alterac - All that remains of the former city is a series of decrepit ruins infested with the Crushridge Ogres. Only the once mighty keep remains largely intact.
  • Slaughter Hollow - An ogre mound deep within the mountains, home to Crushridge Ogres.
  • Sofera's Naze - A small Syndicate camp pitched on a hill overlooking Tarren Mill. Who Sofera was is unknown.
  • Strahnbrad - The site of a raid by the Blackrock Orcs just prior to the Third War, this settlement has fallen under the control of the Syndicate in recent years.

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