Bloodmyst Isle

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Bloodmyst Isle

An island north from the Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle was rightly renamed. Radiation from the Exodar as well as the blood elves have caused widespread corruption. Both land and sea have turned crimson and the environment and the creatures living there are tainted and mutated, turning hostile to all those who cross them. Trees have even begun to crystallize. The draenei fight a losing battle to return it to its former state in their war against Bloodmyst Isle itself and the blood elves who want to retake the Exodar.

Friendly Forces

Alliance Crest Alliance

  • Blood Watch - A group of draenei are stationed in the middle of the Isle, who struggle to even live there yet alone accomplish their goals, but they remain determined and steadfast against their enemies.
  • Vindicator's Rest - This is a graveyard for those who died in battle, though warriors are also able to use this as a resting place. Judging by the characters present one could assume it was also a place for scouts. Located a fairly long way west from Blood Watch.

Enemy Settlements

An ancient bridge spans Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles
  • Bristlelimb Enclave - Many things on the island became corrupt, and including the furbolg Bristlelimb Tribe who are at war with the Stillpine Tribe. They've managed to capture Princess Stillpine and form a base east of the entrance to Bloodmyst Isle. Located far west of Blood Watch.
  • The Lost Fold - Fierce animals once kept under care in the Exodar managed to escape upon the crash and since they've not hesitated to attack anything that's in their sight. No doubt they're a pest for travelers. Located west of the entrance.
  • Wrathscale Lair - There's no doubt that the Naga will be enemies of the draenei in the present and the future, and it's probably in the draenei's interest to get rid of them. Lord Xiz, ruler of the Wrathscale Naga, resides here. Northeast of the entrance. And these are all at the entrance! Watch, it gets better.
  • Middenvale - Corrupted treants now lurk around the piece of the Exodar wreckage, and they're probably not all too friendly. South from Blood Watch.
  • Nazzivian - A group of foul Satyr who in secret, plan to destroy the draenei at Blood Watch and turn them into slaves of the Legion. Their numbers are large and their camps are plenty, they feed from the corruption created from the Exodar. They even have a small number of treants under their sway. South-west from Blood Watch.
  • Blackslit Shore - This is just where some corrupted murlocs reside, who in truth haven't actually done all that much to anyone. They are in the far coast south-west from Blood Watch.
  • The Cryo-Core - A large amount of blood elves have seen fit to salvage wreckage from the core and will probably use them for their own twisted needs. Located east of Blood Watch.
  • Bladewood - Another campsite infested with Blood Elves. Unbeknown to the draenei at Blood Watch these Blood Elves are using the crystals to pump energy to power their leader, an eredar known as Sironas. They're located west of Blood Watch and they even plan to attack it.
The Vector Coil is the blood elf base of operations
  • The Vector Coil - The main base of operations for the blood elves on the Bloodmyst and Azuremyst Isles. This is a source of power for them and is well fortified with minions of Kael'thas Sunstrider. An Eredar called Sironas is the leader of the Sun Hawks here and she uses her powers to summon more blood elves from Outland. They plan slowly and carefully, waiting for the right moment to eradicate the remaining draenei. Located near the very western edge of Bloodmyst Isle.
  • Amberweb Pass - Mutated spiders lurk here. They've most likely been only capturing the nearby Blood Elves seeing as the draenei are too far away, thus they're not much of a threat as they seem to be living peacefully. Well, as peaceful as giant corrupted spiders can get, anyway. North of the Vector Coil.
  • Axxarien - A second gathering of Satyr who are using the Exodar shards as weaponry. For what gain however, is left unknown. North of the Cryo-Core.
  • 'The Bloodwash - Another group of seemingly harmless murlocs who live far away from civilization. North of Axxarien.
  • The Warp Piston - A piece of wreckage from the Exodar that's now flooded with free voidwalkers. This was also the place that the Sun Hawks used the Sun Gate, but it was then relocated to the Vector Coil. The voidwalkers are what remained of the Sun Gate. Located north of Blood Watch.
  • Ragefeather Ridge - A group of enraged and mutated owlkin who's numbers are vast. They've most likely been causing trouble for Blood Watch, such as getting in the way of scouting and patrol missions.

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