Dun Morogh

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Dun Morogh is the home of the gnomes of Gnomeregan and the Ironforge dwarves. It is surrounded by the Khaz Mountains, which make it accessible by only a few passages, that are heavily guarded by the dwarves. Troggs have recently overran Gnomeregan, the capital of the gnomes, and forced its citizens to seek shelter in Ironforge. A battle for reclaiming the city is currently in progress.

Dun Morogh is covered in snow. It is good place for finding furs, since there are lots of wolves and bears in the area. The main income of the inhabitants of this zone come from hunting, mining in the Trogg and Ice Troll infested mines and brewing ale. The area is the heart of Khaz Modan, because the capital of the kingdom - Ironforge - is located there.

Friendly Forces

Alliance Crest Alliance

  • Amberstill Ranch - A ranch, east of Ironforge and north of Gol'Bolar Quarry, where riding rams are being sold. Also, you can buy a Snowshoe Rabbit there.
  • Anvilmar - A dwarf village, located in the north parts of Coldridge Valley. It is named after Modimus Anvilmar, the High King of all dwarves before the War of the Three Hammers.
  • Brewnall Village - A small village on the west side of Iceflow Lake. Its only income is the ale brewing and trading it in Ironforge. Their Raging Trollmasher is known to be one of the best ales in Khaz Modan.
  • Ironforge - The capital of the Bronzebeard dwarves. It is inside the Khaz Mountain. Its center is The Great Forge, where the best blacksmiths of the Alliance can be found. It is created in the same place, where the dwarves woke up many years ago.
  • Kharanos - A dwarven town, located south of Ironforge. Though it is small, Kharanos is full of activity. This is because the town has a big forge and a gnomish workshop. Thunderbrew Distillery, one of the best ale producers is also there.
  • North Gate Outpost - It is a settlement, in the middle of North Gate Pass. Its inhabitants are only soldiers, busy guarding the passage between Dun Morogh and northern Loch Modan.
  • South Gate Otupost - It is a village, located in the middle of South Gate Pass. Its inhabitants are only soldiers, busy guarding the passage between Dun Morogh and The Valley of Kings in Loch Modan.
  • Steelgrill's Depot - A small settlement for miners and engineers just east of Kharanos. Mechanostriders are being sold there.

Horde Crest Horde

Neutral Crest Neutral

  • Misty Pine Refuge - Outpost building of the Argent Dawn. Currently houses only one agent of the organization - Father Gavin.

Enemy Settlements

  • Frostmane Hold - The base camp of the Frostmane trolls, located south of Gnomeregan. It is comprised of a few buildings and a cave system.
  • Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine - Former dwarven excavation site. When digging deeper, the dwarves found out that the mine is infested with Troggs. The creatures pushed the intruders back and now the mine is under the control of the Troggs.
  • Grizzled Den - A cave system southwest of Kharanos. It is full of Wendigos. The manes of the creatures are popular for being good material for seat covers.
  • Ironband's Compound - Base of operation of the Dark Iron Dwarves in Dun Morogh. It is located south of Helm's Bed Lake.
  • Shimmer Ridge - A ridge inhabited by Frostmane Trolls. Adventurers go there to steal Shimmer Weed from the Trolls, which is used in a very tasty ale by the Barleybrews.

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