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Liridon Landashua (contribs)

Primary Characters

  • BloodElf femaleMage Arntae Southlight - Arntae has evolved a lot through her time on CotH, surviving a couple of rewrites until she was worked into the woman she is today. Arntae is a well versed, well aged Sin'Dorei mage reaching the end of her life. A life she's spent buried in books, with a focus on the workings of language and the Arcane. She's an expert in written language, able to translate most any script. She worked in the employ of the Kirin'Tor early on, before discovering it was more profitable to go freelance. Arntae seeks one last adventure before her death and currently works odd jobs to fund a large expedition to Uldum.

Secondary Characters

  • BloodElf maleHunter Liridon Duskrunner - Liridon was the first character I ever RPed on CotH, nearly three years ago. He has evolved much, completely rewritten following the last restart. I feel as though his story is coming to its natural end, Liridon having stared down most every challenge that could be presented to him and come out on top. He has experienced much personal loss the last few years including the death/presumed death of four lovers and two children and, so to speak, wants to get out of the game.
  • Human maleWarrior R.C. Lindsay - Rene Lindsay was named after a close friend, partially in jest. He was profiled sometime after his joke creation to fill the needs of a guild, but I enjoyed playing the character so much he's stuck around in the cabinet for about a year. A misunderstood Tirasian Marine, Lindsay stands shorter than the average man. Combine his stature and mockable name and it's easy to see why Lindsay carries a chip on his shoulder.


  • Human maleWarrior R. Etienne Claure - Currently being written. Stormwind cavalryman, a veteran Hussar.

Blog Stuff

Lazy place holder.