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Character name? Heari'taj


Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked?

-Heari only stands up straight if he's trying to physically intimidate someone. If not, he slouches and hunches over, and tends to sit at awkward angles.

Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?

-He's in pretty good shape. Maybe a little stronger than his wiry frame suggests, but not really what I would call powerful.

How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

-Heari is stone deaf in his right ear, and he's prone to colds during the winter months or in cold climates.

Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?

-He can't sit still! He's the only character I have where bolting across a room for no reason is totally in-character.

Is he clumsy? Awkward? Graceful?

-Very awkward, although he's not actually clumsy unless he's trying too hard to make an impression.

Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?

-He's a little ball of nerves. There are only a few situations where he is totally at ease.


What are their favorite articles of clothing?

-He's not really that attached to his clothing, but probably his pants, because they're comfortable and don't get in his way.

Are their clothes new or old? Homemade, hand-me-downs, expensive?

-Old and beat-up, and likely handmade.

Do his clothes fit well?

-Not really. Sort of a "Guess at your size, put them on, and adjust to fit" approach.

Is he comfortable in what he wears or does he “fight” his clothes?

-He's very at ease with his clothes, unless he's wearing his tabard. It's too covering and constricting, and it drives him nuts.

Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character?

-They definitely fit his character, but neither line of work. He only marginally looks like a pirate and he certainly doesn't look like a rouge.


Does he speak in a high or low-pitched voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?

-For a troll, his voice is a bit high-pitched. He used to be told that he sounded like his sisters. Considering his tendency to scream when startled, it's probably true.

Is he a loud or soft-talker?

-Very loud. His voice is always a little louder than he thinks it is, due to his deafness.

Is there a wide range in the voice in pitch, volume, and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?

-It's pretty consistent, except in volume. He tends to shush himself a lot if he's in a situation where he has to keep it down.

Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation, emphasis, phrasing?

-You could cut his accent with a knife, and he tends to refer to himself in the third person when speaking Orcish or Common. Even when speaking Zandali his phrasing is very casual and laden with slang.

Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble, is he distinct?

-Heari's a world-class mumbler.


Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?

-Definitely not the brightest crayon in the box, but he has his clever moments. Usually they take a lot of effort, though.

Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?

-Very emotional and impulsive, which gets him into trouble a lot. He tends to do whatever feels right at the moment, and sort out the aftermath later.

Emotions and Personality

Is he an extrovert, an introvert?

-That's a toughy... I think he's an extrovert. Kind of.

Does he like people?

-Not really, although he likes getting reactions from them.

Does he have many friends? Any close friends?

-Most of his close friends have passed away. His closest friends are Sulfaran, Zartha, and Red. And one of those essentially lives in his head. : /

Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?

-Absolutely hot-blooded.

Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show?

-Heari's emotions are pretty basic, but they do have a wide range and change very quickly. And he shows every ounce of them.

Would you say he is basically sensitive or callused?

-He's pretty sensitive. It doesn't take much to get under his skin.

Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naïve about new people or situations?

-Suspicious. He grew up in a xenophobic tribe, so strangers are always considered dangerous invaders to him.

In a danger or emergency situation, would he go to it or run away from it?

-He runs away a lot, but if cornered he fights viciously.

Is the character basically nervous or calm?

-Nervous. He's always sure something or someone is out to get him.

Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion on tricks or jokes played on other people?

-If he thinks he can get away with it, he'll pull jokes on other people, although usually he's a crony: someone else will start the joke, and he'll join in.

Under what conditions could he be harmful or cruel to another person?

-If he feels there is a threat to himself or those he is loyal to, or if he thinks he is being made fun of.

Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area?

-Around strangers, he tries not to be, because he's afraid that the object of his affections will be harmed or ridiculed.

Is he capable of relating to others in a loving way? Is a capable of relating to one person in a romantic way?

-Again, if he's around strangers, he tries to be standoffish, but among friends he's surprisingly affectionate.

Wealth, Power, and Influence

Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others?

-Heari has spare coppers if he's lucky. Occasionally he earns more than that, but it's quickly spent.

Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?

-He really doesn't care much about money, but he's very protective of his possessions.

Does the character rate high on the pecking order with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?

-He was born to be low on the totem pole, although in technicality he was an officer among the Stolen Sun pirates for a while.

Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?

-Sometimes he will coerce people into doing things, but he usually goes straight for threatening their lives or limbs to get it. Sulfaran listens to him out of respect most of the time.

To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?

-Heari will listen to whomever he thinks knows what's going on, but he hates to admit he's dependent on these people, and often develops grudges against them. Occasionally he runs across someone who triggers the right memories, he will follow orders from them unquestioningly.


What does this character do when he is bored?

-He doodles or talks to himself.

What does he do when he's excited or nervous?

-He bounces on the balls of his feet, wrings his hands, paces, and talks even faster.

What things does he really like to do?

-Bask in the sun, make explosives, climb on things.

What things does he really hate to do?

-Anything that involves water. Swimming and baths are at the top of the list.

What are his leisure activities? Pastimes? Recreations?

-He makes little gadgets when he has the focus to, or just explosives otherwise. He also likes to draw, although he's not terribly good at it.

Does he play games? What kind?

-Sometimes he makes up games to play with himself (or versus Sulfaran, it's hard to tell), but he rarely has the patience to play with or against others, much less comprehend long rule sets.

Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?

-He's a terrible hunter, and he's usually underfed, so if others give him food, he relishes in it.

Favorite Things


-Warm colors, usually red and orange.


-Elf jerky, made from the ears.


-He'll say Volatile Rum to sound tough, but it's actually melon juice.


-Campfire smoke, firebloom.

Time of day?


Season of year?



-Heari is illiterate. Books are something that happens to other people.

Places to visit?

-Stranglethorn (home), and Un'goro.

Metals: gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc?

-Copper and bronze.

Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc?

-Wood and clay.

Fabrics: silk, wool, linen, etc?

-Leather, although he doesn't have a big interest in cloth. It it serves it's purpose, he's fine with it.

Pieces of furniture?

-Hammocks! Good for being lazy in when he finally gets tired of being wired.


-He thinks raptors are really impressive, and secretly likes cats.


-Anything fire-themed.


What things frighten him?

-Water, and to a lesser extent the cold... along with being left alone with the whispers.

Is he motivated by fear?

-Very much so.

To what extent is he motivated: never, occasionally, usually, constantly?

-Usually. Threatening him will usually get faster results, but he'll carry a grudge.

What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?

-Drowning, loosing his family altogether, becoming fel-corrupted (from Sulfaran).

What would he think were the three most wonderful things were to happen to him?

-Being re-accepted by his tribe, having all elves fear him, and having a big family (the joke used to be 100 mates).