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History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written-and ours is lost. Rommath will be a hero, because all he needs to do is goad us into feeding off Fel Magic again and a river of blood from 'nonbelievers.' He is about to play you all for fools in his gambit, and make his truth -the- truth. But only if he lives and we die.
-Alakintra the Condemner

The Blood Knight Seeking Blood Ties
Given Name: Alakintra Auriel
Name: Alakintra
Title: Alakintra the Condemner
Age: 128
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Blood Knight
Faction(s): Blood Knights, Concord of Subjugation
Eye Colour: Fel Green
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Ponytail
Skin tone: Fair
Height: 5', 8"
Weight: 188
Alignment: LG
Player: Caediath

Physical Description

Alakintra's features are remarkably average. He his the typical Fel Green eyes of a Blood Elf, honey blonde hair that's usually kept neat and fairish skin. That's where his similarities to other Blood Elves end. His right side is prominently scarred, with two scars over the right eye, one drifting from his forehead to his jaw once it hit the cheek and another passing over his lip heading towards his chin. He also hosts a webbing of thinner, less brutal looking scarring on the right side of his face. He looks perpetually tired, as well, due to the scars locking his right eye in a bloodshot state since it can't blink as often and is constantly dry and itchy.

His body is remarkably average, he's actually built more like a half-elf. For a Blood Elf, he's rather stocky. He is not solidly built enough to take a direct hit, nor is he strong enough to bowl over bigger enemies, nor fast enough to dance around quick targets nor does he have the lung capacity or the stamina to keep up for longer engagements. He's a flexible combatant because of this, however. His biggest advantage is a lack of glaring weaknesses for the opposition to exploit, but his biggest disadvantage is a lack of specialization. Because of this, he had a reputation as the Silver Hand's eternal rookie.

Status as a Paladin

Alakintra's swordplay and use of his gifts is akin to that of a Blood Knight Master. He is a Paladin in the sense that he is a true believer and sworn to uphold a set of tenets for the sanctity of life itself. He mirrors the Silver Hand so closely that it's almost perverse to them how well he 'apes' them. In reality, he truly believes and truly seeks to protect. For if he is to better himself and show that he is different, he has to be the exception that proves the rule. He follows a strict code, detailed below, which allows him to make sure he stays in line. He knows the hard way what the lack of constraints can lead to, being born addicted to magic.


I will fight only for justice,
I will fight only for righteousness,
I will remember that the war I wage is for a cause greater than myself,
I will uphold the sanctity of the Holy Light and protect those who follow it,
I will be purgation made manifest for the shadow that draws over our lands,
I will be a beacon of hope to those who have none,
I will be a bastion of defense for those who cannot defend themselves,
I will never allow myself to be overcome by vengeance for that makes me nothing more than a killer,
I will use my gifts to protect the weak,
I will use my gifts to heal the wounded,
I will use my gifts to rain righteous fury on my enemies and the enemies of the Light,
I will speak only truth,
This code was formed by me for the sole purpose of recreating the world and restoring life with it.
That's the duty to which I've been entrusted.
Those who wield too much power and only bring chaos, they are simply not part of my great plan.


The Mask

Alakintra is one of the most-if not THE most-feared of Blood Knight mentors following his role in the Rebellion. He's become a brilliant Blood Knight noted for his purposeful movements directly to the front and shares a certain ruthlessness to a certain corrupted King, but not the passion for conquest or genocide. Alakintra's believed to be a very close comparison to his older brother, evolved beyond the little boy he used to be for a specific function in the front lines and obsessed with his duties. It seems at times as if he has willingly burned out his personality and turned into a jaded psychopath simply because the other characteristics didn't contribute to the task at hand. He's gifted in improvising strategies on the field not because of his planning but in the fighting of battles. His advanced situational awareness and abilitiy to judge enemies makes him a skillful combatant when engaged against a similarly skilled force. In personal battles he fights with precision and flair, ruthlessly and viciously without honor, mercy or pity. Because of his new outlook, he's often compared to his big brother.

The Man Behind It

Apathetic with a gentlemanly calm... at least that's what he puts out there. Alakintra has the emotional stability and constant presence of mind to be a promising Paladin if he was able to utilize the gifts of the naaru through legitimate means. While not overly brooding about it, he is upset after hearing of the great legacy of the High Elves and seeing his shattered people in the depths of addiction to magic. While he struggles to overcome it himself, he manages to cope enough to not use the inborn siphoning ability as often as most Blood Elves. In many ways, he is wise, being able to understand the feelings of those around him, but as a newer Blood Knight who has proved his worth over and over again, he hesitates to act.

He's hard to truly get through to, but if one breaks through, they have earned a staunch ally and trustworthy friend for life. He's hardly as self-righteous as one expects a Paladin or a Blood Elf to be, and is humble, perhaps even self-depreciating himself. He acts on a whim, his conscience as his guide. To this, he earned his family's scorn. Because he goes against what is expected of him, he is considered the worst of his family, and he knows it. By his peers, he's often compared to a cat: he sits there and looks pretty while they do all the scouring. In reality, it was him standing back that made him into the animal he is today. The power he wields making him a hero to those he saves, but the methods he used to attaining him making him a demon to himself.


It's been implied that he may in fact be boasting an inferiority complex due to his brother's prestigious status as a Blood Knight.

Alakintra has been hinted to be a bit of a sadist due to his tendency to dispose of Agents in horrific means. This was later vehemently denied when brought to light, but given the incessant humming whe disposing of the bodies one cannot help but think that the Blood Knight may be enjoying the plotting for the regicide a bit too much.

But What Does He Mean?

Admittedly, Alakintra uses some very obscure, weird or outright stupid terms, and I'll be giving you guys a Common-To-Retard Dictionary so you can understand what exactly he means when he says x.

Ape: Human, 'nuff said.

Bit: A copper piece, pluralized as "bits." Not to be mistaken with an insult he slings around at Sarnis.

Loyalist: Living garbage among the Sin'dorei, not Rommath Loyalists, but he uses it to mock Sin'dorei by calling them Quel'dorei as a gut punch. Alakintra does not play fair.

(Meal) of Champions: Mana Potion, coffee and dried meat, because of his addictive personality, he tends to justify his Mana and Caffeine addiction as it being why his prowess is so good. Played for laughs.

Sovereign: A reference to the power of the almighty dollar in real life, Alakintra refers to gold pieces as Sovereigns.

Throat: (verb) The act of defeating someone in a duel, since Alakintra never considers a training bout as a success until his blade is at the loser's throat or vice versa, unless a solid hit has been landed.

Throne: A silver piece, pluralized as he sees fits. Not to be mistaken for an abbreviated version of The Frozen Throne, as he refers to it as The Throne.



As an outcast, family has lost its meaning. He only acknowledges his brother.


Alakintra was the fifth and last child of Nellius and Sivan Auriel of Silvermoon, the second male and the black sheep of the family. His older brother and eldest sibling, Caediath was a promising Blood Knight, his eldest sister Ielai was a promising Warlock, and his two older sisters Idranel and Jaeda were powerful sorceresses... Alakintra was Alakintra. His childhood was without noteworthy occurrence. He failed miserably at bending the wills of animals, he failed miserably at wielding dark magic and he failed miserably at being stealthy. He began training to become a Spellbreaker in his fifties, the psychological conditioning coupled with the insatiable thirst for magic caused him to eventually snap after only a decade. This snap of the psyche eventually proved to have been less of a breakdown and more of a breakthrough. His family was not pleased when they discovered that he had grown weak from the training. His perceived weakness was perhaps his greatest strength, and it caused him to be outcast.

He began to use methods to bend the Light to his will in a manner akin to the Blood Knights, specifically his brother. He could now use this power for his own ends, to help his fellow Blood Elves. Caediath humored this ideal for a while and even took him along on travels, teaching him things on the road from cooking to repairing his damaged armor. During a rest stop in Eversong where Caediath was seeing an old friend, he jokingly suggested Alakintra took to the road himself and make a name for himself. They took Anastrianna, a sorceress with them and the three traveled together to the Eastern Plaguelands before the brothers parted ways.

The last thing his brother said to him was reassuring. "Before you go, I want you to know... you and I don't see eye to eye on many things, but I found your company to be a breath of fresh air. The problem is Azeroth isn't ready for you. It probably never will be. You have a dark craving and a positive way to channel it that gives you a greater purpose than I. All I've got left really is you... the girls are too wrapped up with their sorcery. You put reasoning and purpose before your own agenda. You're a whole different animal, and knowing that I took part in training you makes me proud. Whatever you choose... do it. I'll be right behind you every step of the way. I want you to talk to a friend of mine in Eversong, she's a smithy."

Alakintra thanked him, and left to Eversong, where his life as an Auriel ended, and his new journey would begin. He sought out this contact, a blacksmith and spoke with him. He received a package... Caediath's plating when he began his journey, as good as new, and his own blade. When it was all said and done, there was a sunset... his trial began at dusk, and only by illuminating the darkness by staying true to his ideals did he feel he would ever see dawn.


Alakintra has begun training as a 'True' Paladin, independent of any real faction. He has also recently ceased manipulation of the Light for his own ends and is a true believer. Despite leaving the order, he was requested in the Concord of Subjugation meant to cease Rommath's rise to absolute power, ironically this meant that once again he was a Blood Knight. Since his reinstatement as a Blood Knight once they realized he was not some foolish idealistic child and demanded the respect he felt he deserved, originally, his demands were for status as a Champion, but there were compromises made.

Alakintra met his untimely end in the battle of Silvermoon.


"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" - After being arrested... for public drunkenness, no less
"What. The. F***." - General response to stranger conversation
"Oh sh-" - Killed by a Sunblade Protector


  • Alakintra, like his brother Caediath are both left handed.
  • Alakintra's name translates to "Forgotten Oracle." Bonus points if one guesses the name origin.
  • Alakintra quotes Wynne D. Fanchon from Armored Core: For Answer during her death knell in Attack Arteria Carpals. This quote is never used in client, it is used in another character's background.
  • Alakintra's speech is an almost direct quote from Captain Price's final briefing in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2