Weight guidelines

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Weight Guidelines help players determine the weight of their characters. The numbers listed here are the expected weight of normal, healthy representatives of their race and gender. While extremes occur in either direction, it is important to note that large variations from the weights listed are considered rare.

Weight Table

Race Male Female
Blood Elf 118 - 175 (54-80kg 100 - 165 (46-75kg)
Draenei 287 - 533 (130-242kg) 160 - 297 (73-135kg)
Dwarf 154 - 226 (70-103kg) 124 - 193 (56-88kg)
Forsaken 150 - 270 (68-122kg) 95 - 235 (43-107kg)
Gnome 42 - 45 (19-20kg) 37 - 39 (17-18kg)
Goblin 55 - 110 (24-49kg) 75 - 85 (34-38kg)
High Elf 118 - 175 (54-80kg 100 - 165 (46-75kg)
Human 160 - 280 (73-127kg) 125 - 245 (57-111kg)
Night Elf 216 - 324 (98-147kg) 206 - 314 (93-142kg)
Orc 292 - 508 (132-230kg) 252 - 468 (114-212kg)
Tauren 375 - 664 (170-391kg) 346 - 634 (157-288kg)
Troll 216 - 324 (98-147kg) 201 - 309 (91-140kg)
Worgen 175 - 350 (79-158kg) 200 - 275 (90-124kg)

shortcut iconSee Also: Age Guidelines

shortcut iconSee Also: Height guidelines
