Player: Danalthar
Character Full Name: Orutanu Highmountain
Character In-Game Name: Orutanu
Nickname(s): Oru
Association(s): The Ebon Blade, The Lost Minded
Race: Tauren
Class: Death Knight
Age: 64
Sex: Male
Hair: Three braided, white beards along with one horn, curling upwards to the sky.
Eyes: Glowing Blue
Weight: 542
Height: 8'10
If Orutanu expects that the day will be fine, he wears a simple black, untextured hat, with a blood red kilt and matching belt. He also has leather straps on his chest and his runeblade, held to his back by the leather straps. If he is going to fight, then he wears Saronite armor, covered in furs, and something resembling a goatshead on his head. He then straps his runeblade to his belt.
Other: He has intricate runes on his chest, back and forearms, and is generally scar-less. His fur is literally neon white, and he has only his left horn. Also, his right hand is missing it's middle finger.
Orutanu, since his freedom, has been an all-around submissive cow. He prefers not to talk, as he sees his voice as a sign of how disgusting he is. He also takes every chance he has to cover up his eyes, as they are another sign. Although he's anti-social, he still spends his time at social hubs to try to return to his society.
Orutanu was born to the Highmountain Tribe, under the prime Leatherworker and his mate. He was never really interested in working with leather, so, instead, he went into training to become a Brave. He trained peacefully for the majority of his life, moving easily with the move to Eastern Kingdoms, and the life in Hinterlands. They stayed in Hinterlands, peacefully for a bit while Orutanu protected the Tribe from Trolls and Dwarves.
However, the food could not last forever, so the Tribe once again foraged north, venturing into the Plaguelands. However, they, at the time, had no clue the Plaguelands were plagued, and the group was ambushed. Orutanu fell in said ambush, unknowing how to kill ghouls and skeletons, and he was taken to the newly made Ebon Hold, where he was transformed into a Death Knight.
Orutanu became a murdering machine under the will of the Lich King. During the fighting in Havenshire, he lost his totem, the last vestige from his life. This would have disappointed him, could he feel disappointment, so he kept fighting. Eventually, he came to the fight for Light's Hope, and after he was freed, he was automatically disgusted with himself. Partially for losing his totem, but mainly for all the innocents he had slaughtered.
The regret gripped Orutanu, and he left the Ebon Hold behind, searching for his tribe amongst the Eastern Kingdom. He was unable to find them, and, giving up nearly a year later, he returned to the land he had long heard of during his childhood; Mulgore. There, he stayed, becoming a citizen of Thunder Bluff and joining the Horde, as so many of his Death Knight friends had. Although, truthfully, he could care more about the fighting. All he wants is to return to his life before death.