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Player: Insel

Character Full Name: Azkaria Gratin

Character In-Game Name: Azkaria (Not yet created, waiting for ability to make a DK)

Nickname(s): Ay-zee

Association(s): Knight of the Ebon Blade, Former Kirin Tor apprentice

Race: Human/Undead

Class: Death Knight (former Mage initiate)

Age: 23/30 (Killed shortly after Arthas' return to Lordaeon, Undead since then)

Sex: Female

Hair: Purple/decaying

Eyes: Glowing blue

Weight: 7.5 stones. 10.5 stones with armor.

Height: 5'5"

Alignment: It's Complicated. For a long time, it was True Neutral, starting to lean towards good thanks to the influence of others around her.


Kirin Tor Apprentice's Robes when casual. Death Knight armor in battle.


Azkaria is (presently) saucy and slow to anger. She channels her bitterness at the world into humor. She's now lead a huge number of different lives, as a Human Mage, Scourge, Forsaken, Death Knight, and Forsaken again. This has also caused her to be very slow to form any kind of lasting relationship, mostly because in the past 7 years, she's never been able to stay in one caste for more than a couple of years. She's trying hard to get over these issues, but her humor is also used to keep her distant. As she explores Northrend, perhaps she shall encounter another rebirth. Maybe she will be one of the few to find new spirit in those wastelands.


I am starting to have too many lives to count. Human, Scourge, Forsaken, Death Knight, and now, a member of the Horde. First, I was a human Mage in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. I had a celebrity-crush on Arthas for the longest time, when I was growing up, and I was one of the many awaiting his return from Northrend. When I saw his majestic, powerful figure strolling up the streets to return to his father, I was so happy. Two days later, I was hiding in my home, and one of his lieutenants burst through the door and slew me. I remember hearing his laugh outside the house as he watched the slaughter. It was not a happy day, but I don't remember much during the time afterwards. I was one of his slaves, and I simply woke up one day when Sylvanas freed many of us from his grip.

When I finally got out, though, I had to deal with many of the people I once knew waging war upon me. The Scarlet Crusade did not seem to understand that I had free will, and worked to destroy me. I used my skills from life to keep myself hidden from them, and to freeze them in their tracks. I decided I needed more power to eliminate them, and I gave myself up, willingly this time, to Arthas, in exchange for that power.

It was a mistake. I spent a year or so honing my skills, becoming Death incarnate. And what happened? He gave me to Rivendere to use as... as a bookkeeper. To keep track of those who came into and out of the city of Stratholme. I sat in dusty houses keeping track of supplies. Finally, he threw me at Mograine and the Crusade, giving me my sweet revenge... only to betray me.

I come before the Horde, reborn. Again. I promise not to use my powers for vengeance, as I have learned that only brings repeated destruction. I humbly seek to serve the Horde in whatever capacity I can.