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Player: Ansith

Character Full Name: Xanfire Silverkin

Character In-Game Name: Xanfire

Nickname(s): Xan

Association(s): Squire of Lazarus, member of The Lambent Sovereignty

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Weight: 73 kg

Height: 182cm

Alignment: Lawful Good


Light leather padding, chainmail and The Lambent Sovereignty tabard over the top of it all.


Generally nice to everyone, very cautious of what he does, what he says, and what people will think of him. He sticks very close to those he knows and stays quiet when someone new is around. Always tries to stay honest with people, always tries to please everyone (Of course, most of the time this doesn't work and he ends up disappointing someone), always thinks of others above himself. All of which can really be classified as a Passive personality.


Xanfire was born in Westfall where he also grew up. His family owned a small wheat farm close to Sentinel Hill, his father worked on the farm alone in the day while his mother worked in the house looking after him. Xanfire was kept in the house until he was 8; he was then schooled by his mother in reading and writing while seldom helping with his father on the farm. After a few months working on the farm he started talking with the neighbouring farm owners, he heard stories from them of bandits stealing supplies during the night. Still curious, he asked his father why he wasn't told about this before, his father explained that he was lucky and that his supplies had remained untouched for months. Xanfire trusted his father and had no reason to believe he would lie to him so he just continued on with his life.

When he hit 12 his mother stopped giving him lessons and Xanfire had to focus all his time on helping his father with the farm. He worked until one night when he was 17, he was awoken by the sounds of yelling outside, he ran out to find his father's crops burning. He ran to help his father extinguish the fire, as he did he looked over the other farms – no other fires to be seen. They worked through the night dealing with the fire, in the morning the neighbouring farmers gathered with him and his father, his father spoke for a moment explaining what had happened and then came to one conclusion, “Defias”. The other farmers all started speaking, telling him that he should have co-operated with them and that he was a fool for not doing so.

The following night Xanfire woke up his father in the middle of the night, telling him that he was going to “End it”. Xanfire had one task in mind, killing the leader of the group of bandits. He took his father's sword and wooden shield and ventured out into the darkness to find their camp. He searched for hours finding no sign of any camp in the outer areas of Westfall. After that night he continued his search, it lead him through Duskwood and several other places. After a week of searching he gave up, letting go of any hope of returning home victorious and made the decision not to return at all.