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Character Full Name: Wink Tinkerbolt

Character In-Game Name: Wink

Nickname(s): None that he is aware of, though his old tinker association did refer to him as 'Disaster on Legs'.

Association(s): GEAR (Gnomish Engineering and Associated Relations)

Race: Gnome

Class: Mage (Tinker)

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Hair: Wink's hair is a bright green mess, hardly ever kept in any actual shape, and often stained with oil.

Eyes: Although hardly ever seen from behind his engineering goggles, Wink's eyes are a bright blue shade, and quite big compared to his face.

Height: 3'2

Weight: 42 lbs

Alignment: Chaotic Good


While his clothing does tend to vary quite a bit, mostly depending on what pants he hasn't scorched yet on accident, Wink is never seen without a pair of engineering goggles. Being so incredibly used to wearing them, chances are he isn't even aware of them until you mention it.

Other: Like any tinker worth his weight, Wink tends to carry around a large array of trinkets, doodads and other things that make Gnomish hearts beat faster. His bags also tend to be filled with blasting powder, whirling gizmos and all kinds of other half-finished engineering pieces. Very few of his gadgets are actually finished and functional, though the ones that do were mostly made to mimic the frost spells of Alliance mages, albeit far less reliable than actual magic.


True to Gnomish nature, Wink is both curious to a flaw and obnoxiously friendly. He tries to get along with everybody and everything, constantly trying to get on the good side of people, which is made rather difficult by his other desire to show off his amazing inventions and the subsequent explosions that usually follow. Indeed, Wink Tinkerbolt's inventions aren't exactly the safest around, though this has done little to douse the Gnome's enthusiasm. When something breaks down at the first attempt, that is merely a sign that the second attempt is going to be much better, and while such a mindset is certainly great if you're trying to build a Mechanostrider, most people will likely end up finding Wink's constant attempts at befriending them after having just gotten rid of him frustrating.

When encountering things he hasn't seen before, he does what any self-respecting Gnome would do; make certain nobody is looking and secretly take it apart to study its working, then put it back together before anybody notices. This has gotten him in a tight spot or two in the past though, for while taking apart and repairing somebody's rifle is one thing, his fellow tinkers weren't all too amused when he was caught attempting to open up one of the Deeprun Tram's control panels.


Wink was born in Gnomeregan, and for the first thirty years of his childhood he lived there in relative peace with his parents, where the young Gnomish child grew up amongst some of the greatest tinkers, watching in awe as they built some of the greatest devices known to man and gnome alike. It came as no surprise to his parents when the young Gnome joined a tinker union the very moment he was old enough to be considered for apprenticeship, and the majority of his life towards adulthood was spent working in Gnomeregan, living a life secluded from the big wide world, only having read about crazy concepts such as "Trolls" and "Elves" in books in his spare time, hardly familiar with anything but Gnomes, technology and the occasional visiting Dwarf.

He quickly proved to be an incredibly accident-prone engineer, favouring the Goblin approach of "throw something together, use some duct tape to hold the mess together and hope for the best" rather than the careful planning of his Gnomish colleagues, something that got him in quite a few conflicts with his more organized brethren.

After the evacuation of Gnomeregan, he spent another eleven years living in Tinker Town with his engineering association, growing extremely intrigued early on with the human mages who would visit every now and then, and especially so with the ones who had mastered the destructive power of fire, without requiring explosives or blasting powder. The next years were spent attempting to replicate these miraculous effects, until he was finally ready to showcase his Gnomish Dragonbreath Recombulator. Of course, having skipped the essential safety precautions, the project went haywire and his association's leader's pants didn't make it out of the ordeal without burn marks.

At this point the other tinkers were fed up with his irresponsible, 'try-first-think-later' approach at Tinkering and he was kindly asked to leave the association. While this by no means meant he was forced to leave Tinker Town, Wink figured his failure had less to do with his blatant disregard of safety, and more to do with his limited experiences with magic, so he left for Stormwind, where he has been living ever since, studying mages in an attempt to recreate their abilities with gears and levers.

He has, however, switched to the slightly less explosive side of magic, and his recent creations were mostly attempts at recreating the freezing power of frost domain spells, with relatively limited success so far when compared to an actual, experienced mage.