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Player: Talal

Character Full Name: Wilivene Belstar

Character In-Game Name: Wilivene

Nickname(s): Wil

Association(s): None

Race: Undead

Class: Warlock

Age: Died at age 65

Sex: Male

Hair: Pale green and long enough to reach his shoulders.

Eyes: Sunken and yellow

Weight: 130lbs

Height: 5'6"

Alignment: Neutral Evil


Wilivene will usually be seen in seemingly every-day clothes, and will sometimes wear his dark robe when he wishes.

Other: Wilivene is incredibly emaciated. All his dabbling in demonology has taken its toll on him, even when he's already dead.


Dark and treacherous. Wilivene seems to have not much of a moral center, if not none at all. If you were to annoy him even a bit, he would attempt to destroy you. Wil always seems to be working on some new project to further his power, or find a way to make himself indestructible.


Born in Stromgarde, Wilivene was the son of a drunk and a whore. His father was killed during a 'disagreement,' involving 15 silver when Wil was only 4, and his mother sent him north, to live with his uncle in Lordaeron, hoping he might lead a better life there.

Wilivene's uncle, Rodrigo, was a mage and a very learned man. He showed Wil the basics of arcane magic, and taught the boy to control it. Rodrigo didn't do this out of charity, however. In exchange, Wil had to clean, cook and bathe his uncle. All the work of a slave. Wilivene did it happily though, knowing that if he did, he would be taught all the secrets of magic.

Many years later, when Wil was 26, his skill with magic stopped improving. No matter how much he practiced, no matter how much he tried to learn new things, he couldn't. Rodrigo began to notice this, and tried every teaching method he knew to get the boy to absorb new information. He even started beating Wil when he couldn't perform some of the simplest magic.

Wilivene poured all his willpower into pushing himself further, but he could not. Rodrigo decided to take him to the Violet Citadel in Dalaran, to see whether any of the more powerful magi would know what to do. The Dalaran sorcerers tried every method they knew, but nothing seemed to work.

While they were there, Wil spent his time in the huge library of the Violet Citadel, reading about history, past wars, and arcane writings. He stumbled upon one tome, that hinted at enormous power. Wilivene was intrigued, and began studying more and more, eager to find this power.

After several days in the library, Wil found what he was looking for. A book, very high up on the shelf, that explained demonic magic in detail. Wil studied the writings every night until the day Rodrigo said they had to leave. He quickly wrote down what he could from the book and returned it to the library, ready to set off home again. The two arrived late at night, and Wil was eager to put what he'd written into practice. He prepared everything exactly has he had written and begun the summoning process. Shadows seeped from his skin, and a dark light rose from the floor, and suddenly, a small creature, with long ears and bright, yellow eyes stood in front of Wil, perplexed at where he was. Wil was so startled he nearly fell over.

"Wha- wha- what are you?!" The small creature stared at Wil for a moment, as if he'd only just noticed he was there.

"MynameisWelein! Youismasteryes?" It talked so fast, he could barely understand it.

"I... I, uh, suppose I am... I summoned you... I think..."

"Yesyesyesyoudid! OtherwiseWeleinbenothere!"

"Hold on, slow down a bit. Did you say your name was Welein?"

"Yesyesyes! WeleinIam!"

"Okay... and what are you, exactly?"


"What did you say? A nimp?"


"Oh, an imp? And I suppose your my demon...?"

"Yesyesyes. YousummonedmeandnowhereIamjustlikeIwastoldwouldhappen!"

"I... See..."

The two discussed everything through most of the night, and Welein promised Wil he would show him other demonic powers possessed by a warlock. Slowly the powers corrupted Wilivene, and changed him entirely. He knew using these powers was sapping the life out of him, and so began his quest for immortality and invincibility. A year from that day, Wil disappeared entirely, no one contacting or seeing him for years, up until the plague hit Lordaeron. Somewhere amongst the massacre, Wilivene was killed, and raised as a forsaken, which only increased his shadow power.

Being dead, the side effects of playing with demonology no longer sucked his life, but instead, twisted his mind and destroyed his physical body.

Wilivene learnt much about shadow magic from the Undead, and began practicing alchemy, in the hopes he could find a cure for the plague, and perhaps re-discover the immortality of the elves for himself.

Searching for new methods he could practice, Wil traveled south to Duskwood, where he now spends most of his time. Here, Wil experiments on the creatures of the woods, testing new and different poisons and even possible cures for the plague, which inevitably all failed. Wilivene occasionally hunted wandering adventurers as well, harvesting their souls for use in his unnatural experiments. With some of these souls, he used to further his demonic powers, summoning more and more powerful demons to his side.