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Player: Oubliette

Character Full Name: Vivia Sauven Loria Barber

In-Game Name: Vivia


Association(s): Undercity

Race: [{Forsaken|Former Human]]

Class: Forsaken Warrior

Alignment: Undecided

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: pale green

Weight: 130

Height: 5-5


She outfits herself in concealing clothing, often prideful in her appearance and wishing not to show any of that hideous wounded flesh. Just dreadful it is, thus, anything that covers it or is "pretty", though, much to her dismay, it doesn't stay that way for long, what with the vile ichor of her very making oozing through at every wound, every opening, every orifice. Pretty clothing soon becomes as rotten as she is, driving her just a little bit more mad.


While she does not remember most of her life previous to dying, besides the very most important things, (of which how she dies was not among them), Vivia was the wife of a well-off barber, as evidenced by her last name and as one of the forsaken, much of her personality has reverted back to her former life. She is often cheerful, polite and exuberant. She doesn't like to think about her condition and instead talks at great lengths about all manner of things, avoiding topics of war, violence, political affiliations but preferring talk of pleasantries. She has discovered that her condition has rendered her somewhat fearless of things she would normally wet herself at the mere mention of, like trolls, orc, murlocs and obviously, the walking dead, though she does have a healthy respect for the way she is put together, that she could be undone, if not killed, and then she would not be able to return home or have the curse lifted (her optimism knows no bounds) so she knows when to run for he "life".

On the flip side, she has a darkness boiling inside her, walled off, compartmentalized from those around her that coils and allows this 'fluffy, kittenish' personality to share the body of Vivia Barber, knowing it can rise up when it wishes. Let the ignorant child babble on about the cold breeze in the trees and the rabbit on the hill. It knows it will rise up and take it's revenge on the fools that made it this way. It's heart festers, a nigrescent cancer in a rotting shell, spreading it's tendrils in all directions, knowing soon, the girl will give itself over to it. She will accept her doomed fate and then, they will be as one, strong and cunning, capable of taking what they desire without remorse.

Vivia's shattered personality is in conflict, but not so much as she would like and it is set off by things that might 'upset' her. Normally this is quite difficult but she as rather inconsistant as to what it is. Sometimes hunger drives her, as she rarely sits down to a meal of "human throat" without the dark-side's urging and help and while the dark-side's deeds disturb and embarrass her, she realizes how right it all is, how it's natural.

Vivia Barber enjoys long windy walks, collects pressed flowers and deeply misses her cat, "Little Lord Stripesy Cutie Pie Pants"


Vivia Barber was not born of noble birth or even expected to do great things so her parents were overwhelmed with glee when she didn't run off and "tart it up" in Stormwind. She married the town barber of Darkshire and that was just fine by them, being farmers of little wealth. The barber was a charmer and it was suggested more often than once that he have a run at becoming mayor. This sort of talk excited Vivia's mind and thrilled her with the prospect of living in a finer home, being adored by the people of the hamlet, as she was oft vain of her comeliness. At the dawn of the third great war, unbeknownst to Vivia and most of Azeroth of the events about to unfold, she set off to the north. The journey was one of leisure. She would travel by sea to Hillsbrad, thinking to have a journey to see distant relatives and see a bit of the world before settling down to have children.

It was fate's hand that could be felt though when before reaching the city of lordaeron she was taken ill, never getting to see the splendorous castle or sample the culture of the largest northern human settlement and instead dying an ignominious death in a bed, far from her home.

Of her former life, she remembers little of it, save shining moments and figures or even what became of her village. What she does remember are happy times and now she suspects the mages of Stormwind will be able to cure her, if only she can reach them. She knows so little of the world outside of Goldshire and Darkshire, even Stormwind she only visited once. The world seems a very large place to her, even moreso when she awoke in a crypt in the north of lordaeron. Vivia also does not remember or has blocked the memory of her time as an agent of the Scourge and for her sanity, she may keep it that way.