Victor Whitecog

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Player: ScottRicho

Character Full Name: Victor Whitecog

Character In-Game Name: Victor

Nickname(s): Vic

Association(s): Alliance

Race: Human

lass: Warrior

Age: 58

Sex: Male

Hair: White, shoulder lenght with curtains

Eyes Emerald Green

Weight: 156lbs

Height: 5'11

Alignment: Neutral


He spends the majority of his time wondering around in mail armour, mainly due to his many years in the army and only really feels comfortable when wearing it. Although on the odd occassion he is known to be walking around in common cloth clothing when his old bones and muscles can't slug the metal around anymore.

Other: Victor always carries a piece of parchment around in his backpack. On the piece of paper is the written acknowledgement of his retirement from the army.


Victor is a man with a strong sense of duty. Even though he has been retired from the army for the past four years, he often finds himself still saluting people when he greets them. He likes to have a nice friendly chat with anyone that will indulge him. Although he has experienced many things in his life, he knows that there is still lots and he hasn't seen. Even the things he has experienced he wonders if it changes from one person to the next. Because of this, his conversations, once they get going can seem a bit on the nosy side.

Victor is a very honest person, but knows when to hold his tongue so as to be respectful. He has had many tragic losses in his life and he hides these behind a wall of smiles and many tankards of ale. Although often seen as a warm-hearted man, when in battle he seems completely different. This is due to his years in the army and the training that he had while in it. Once battle is underway, he walks along the edge of ruthlessness.


Victor was born in Stormwind, where he lived and grew for 15 years of his life. Victor's father, Oscar had grown up a hunter, his skills passed to him from his father and he passed his skills onto Victor. Victor was always full of life and just wanted to get out, survive on his own and see what is out past the walls and nearby fields of Stormwind. So on his fifteenth birthday, Victor decided that he was going to venture out and explore to his hearts content.

Victor explored every last edge of the Elwyn Forest, living off the land as his father had shown him. Before leaving his father had given him a silver dagger that he got on his fifteen birthday when he planned to set out and explore. But the dream was sort lived as Oscar met Victor's mother, Laura and decided to stay in Stormwind instead.

Victor spent two years living under the stars at night, gathering wood to build his fires for which he would use to cook the meat of which ever animal he had managed to hunt. In the forest was where Victor had met his best friend, George. Geroge was three years older than Victor at the time, making him twenty. George was a big fellow, standing at an even 6'2, arms like tree trunks. His face was riddled with stubble and his brown hair hung loosely over his face. The two of them enjoyed the adventures they shared in the forest. On the odd occasion helping Goldshire beat back a pack of wolves hoping to raid the Inn for its meat.

When Victor turned twenty-one was when his whole life changed. Him and George were sat at a table in Goldshire's Inn enjoying a nice drink. They were sat at their usual table near the foot of the stairs, bantering on about the bear that tried to steal their food from the campfire the night before. Once their drinks were done, they stood up to leave and go about their usual daily hunting. On their way out a woman stopped them and asked if this was Goldshire. The woman had a slender frame and stood in at 5'4. She had shoulder lenght blonde hair and her bright blue eyes seemed to shine out from her smooth face. Victor was stunned. George had already assured the girl by this moment that it was Goldshire and he hastily dragged Victor off to go hunting. Looking back over his shoulder, Victor took in a few last sights of the woman before she disappeared into the Inn.

Victor returned to the Inn everyday for the next month. It turned out the woman was a new waitress there. Her name was Ellen. Victor didn't understand at first why he was so interested in the woman, but over time it became obvious to him. Eventually with the encouragement of George and a few tankards of ale, Victor asked Ellen if she would like to go for a stroll through the forest later. Ellen didn't hesitate and agreed instantly. That night they walked and walked, talking for hours through night. By the time they had gotten back to the Inn it was day break. In the time they were together that night something clicked and they both knew that they were in love.

A year passed and Victor and Ellen's love flourished and they sealed the deal by getting married. They moved back into the city of Stormwind and had a daughter called Alicia. Victor loved his daughter with all his heart and he made sure that he brought in enough money from his blacksmithing job to give her everything that she wanted.

At the age of twenty-four, Victor and George decided to join the army. A recruiter was in the town square a few weeks ago shouting that joining the army meant you would be trained and paid to stay back and guard the city. The promise was good and spending the day walking around with George sounded better than hard labour all day.

Four years later that all changed.

The Dark Portal opened up and the armies of the Horde poured out and they came for only one reason... War. Battles raged across the kingdom, waves and waves of Orc warriors just seemed to come from nowhere. Pretty soon they were at the gates of Stormwind. Victor and George engaged in many skirmishes with the green monsters. Many of the fights ended in a flee but a handful gave a small victory to Stormwind. In between the distractions of the fights, Victor had Ellen and Alicia escape out of Stormwind and into the nearby area of Westfall. Dispite their best efforts it was not long before they were pushed right back and Stormwind began to slowly fall to the Horde Armies.

Just as it was looking like this was going to be the place that Victor was killed, Lord Lothar lead them out of Stormwind and they fled to Lordaeron. Victor was torn in two, he was taken away from Stormwind, leaving his family behind him in Westfall. For weeks Victor waited impatiently as the newly form Alliance lay down their battle plans. Not a single day went by that he didn't think about his family.

Soon enough, Victor and George were sent into countless battles against the Orcs. They had fought boarding parties off as they defended their ships in gigantic naval battles. Victor remembers the taste of blood seeping into his mouth. The stale iron taste muffled slightly by the salt from the sea water. The shadows of dwarven flying machines doing air battle with Red Dragons, painting the sky with trails of fire and explosions. It was truely hell.

Every battle they fought was just loss after loss and the battles they did win they suffered heavy losses. Victor was becoming tired and worn down by the constant battling and the horrorific scenes that played in his head of the Orc monsters slicing through lines of troops like soaked parchment. In the battle for Quel'Thalas, Victor lost apart of himself that day. Him and George were defending the left flank from any Orc ambush parties hoping to get in behind the main force. Predictable as clockwork they did and quickly overpowered Victor's squad. With the loss of their squad leader, Victor took it upon himself to rally the men and push back the ambush party. Victor lashed out at Orcs left and right driven by some mad bloodlust. In his rage however he got careless and easily knocked aside by the ambush party chief. The big Orc lumbered its heavy axe in the air over Victor, the light that hit the blade dimmed and faded on the blood soaked steel. The axe fell and Victor's eyes closed. Thoughts of Ellen and Alicia flooded his mind. But nothing struck him. Opening his eyes Victor saw the smiling face of George hanging over him. George had saved him. Victor was about to say thanks when blood trickled from the man's mouth onto his armour. The axe had struck George instead. Victor went berserk throwing himself back onto his feet and slaughtered the remaining Orcs on his own.

After the battle he saw the body of George buried along with hundreds of other soldiers that had died in the battle. For his troubles, Victor was promoted to Sergeant and given a unit of his own to comamnd. He went on to battle the Orcs at Blackwood Spire and see the war come to an end.

During the rebuild of Stormwind at the first chance he got, Victor travelled to Moonbrook to see his family. There was nothing left alive in Moonbrook, it was destroyed by the Orcs after Stormwind fell. Although they had won the war, Victor felt beaten, worn and left with the guilt of not being able to protect his family.

For the next year Victor stood guard as Stormwind was being rebuilt. Every night he intoxicated himself with ale, trying to come to terms with his own guilt. Soon enough the army decided it was time for him to retire. He had served the army for thirty long years and they saw fit to let him enjoy the rest of his life in peace.

Victor settled down in Northshire, got himself a small house and slowly tried to rebuild his life and get use to the fact of being a civilian again. To provide a steady income and to keep his mind off of everything he lost, Victor performed small tasks for Northshire. While on his way back from beating back some wolves from the edges of the town, Victor overheard about the army being once again sent off to war and that undead have arose to battle their armies.

Yet again, Victor felt a familiar feeling coming over him. The same feeling he had when he had to leave his family in Westfall to die, the same feeling he had as he saw the lifeless eyes of George. Helplessness. There was no worse feeling for someone like him. He was a trained soldier, whenever a problem arised he was right there with his fellow soldiers ready to solve it. But now being attacked by the Horde and this new undead army. The odds stacked against the Alliance once more.

Not a day went by that he didn't wish to be out on the battlefields once more. He also often found himself wondering about this new undead army. Was it a threat of its own, or was it another trick that the Horde had been saving. Victor decided he wasn't going to sit around and wait any longer. Victor took up his sword once more and headed out on travels around Azeroth to help out where he can.