Victor Septimus

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Player: Tales23

Character Full Name: Victor Septimus

Character In-Game Name: Victor

Nickname(s): Lord Septimus, Father Septimus

Association(s): Church of Strom

Race: Human

Class: Priest

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 212

Height: 6'1


White and Golden Robes.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Victor is a very devout man he has spent a good portion of his life in service of the church but during the siege of Stromgarde he was forced to help fight those who would take his land. Because of this he has become more aggressive. Now that Stromgarde is on the verge of freedom Alexis has begun to preach the light once again and has thus returned to being the soft-spoken man of the light.


Victor was born and raised in Stromgarde, his father was a priest and his father's father was a priest, and when he was old enough he took his first steps into priesthood by starting his studies in the chapel of Stromgarde. He spent a good portion of his life learning the ways of a priest and his father was proud when he became a priest of the Holy Light. As the years went on his father soon passed away from age and due to the increase in troll and ogre activity in the area his mother moved to Stormwind to avoid the trouble that some foresaw. Victor was on his way to becoming a bishop when the Syndicate assassinated the king, being forced to take up arms against the invading armies of the Syndicate and Ogres he abandoned his teachings trying his best to help his kingdom. With the reclaiming of Stromgarde underway thanks to the help of the Lambent Sovereignty, Kul Tiras Special forces, Volunteers and Stormwind Military he has returned to his preaching doing his duty as a priest of the light.