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Player: Kaghuros

Character Full Name: Vestus

Character In-Game Name: Vestus

Nickname(s): None.

Association(s): Royal Apothecary Society, Sin'Sholai.

Race: Forsaken.

Class: Warlock, aspires to become an Apothecary.

Age: Older than he's willing to admit. He died when he was in his forties.

Sex: Male.

Hair: Scraggly and rot-grey. Most of it is gone, while the rest falls over his head in wet clumps.

Eyes: Lit yellow with Undeath.

Weight: He is mainly skin and bones, with his non-essential organs mostly having been hollowed out recently in undeath.

Height: Vestus stands at an average height of 5'10", and doesn't hunch. There are animal tendons sewn into his back in lieu of working Human ones. They limit his flexibility but keep him from hunching.

Alignment: Lawfull Evil. (This is from the perspective of a Forsaken. He obeys the Dark Lady and the R.A.S.)


Vestus is often in a suit of heavy tanned leathers. They cover every exposed part of his body as part of a double-thick, makeshift, sewn-leather hazard suit. It's pocked and scarred by acids and under the hood sits a leather and metal gas-mask that prevents corrosive particles from destroying his lungs and vocal chords. The suit makes his movements awkward and stiff, but carries resistance to the acids he works with.

Other: Vestus has a leather patch sewn over his lower jaw where the skin was burned away.


Vestus is inquisitive and calculating. He kept his scientific mind in Undeath and often works on problems presented to him using logic and reason, deducing an assumption whether correct or not. He holds little animosity to others, but believes Undeath to be the only truly free state and that anyone who disagrees with the research of the Royal Society he so adores is worthy only of true death. Vestus does not hate Arthas like others do, but he pursues him with the same passion as other Forsaken because it allows him to do his work with the blessing of the Apothecaries and he reveres the Dark Lady with his entire being.


Evensir Demalion was not a rich man, and he was not an extremely liked man, but he was driven. He spent his early years in Dalaran and, as most young boys of the city, joined up with the Dalaran Academy when he came of age. His time in the Academy was uneventful other than the small matter of his discharge...

Having been caught studying "unsavory magicks," Evensir was sent out into the world with only a minor amount of training and the shirt on his back. He quickly apprenticed himself to the only profession he knew anything about: Apothecary. He became an alchemist's apprentice in a small shop in Lordaeron, learning the trade and experimenting under the watchful eye of his master in an effort to help make his way. He stopped practicing magic completely as long as it wasn't involved in his profession, a few chants to bring out some property or another, or a dash of fire to light a stubborn burner.

When the Plague came, Evensir was proprietor of the shop on his own, having inherited it when his teacher passed on. The Plague was a quandary Evensir couldn't solve, and that was his undoing. He caught the deadly necromantic disease and was felled quickly, rising to serve in the army of the dead.

In more recent times, Vestus, as he came to call himself, took up the practice of darker magics. He studied the Warlock arts under Scourge and then Forsaken tutors, becoming somewhat capable and able to summon weak-willed demons like the Voidwalker and Imp. His magic soon took second place to his work as the call for alchemists was sounded. Vestus joined the Royal Apothecaries as an Under-Apothecary (Someone who does menial lab work and serves under most tenured Apothecaries on their will.) and has been working in his off-time on his thesis, finding a corrosive useful to the Forsaken military in small engagements. So far he has met with no success, but he still searches for the right reagents.