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Player: medusa333

Character Full Name: Valary Bane (formerly Valary Summers)

Character In-Game Name: Valary

Nickname(s): Val

Association(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade, formerly associated with The Cult of the Damned

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Age: 21 (16 at age of death)

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Typical blue glow

Weight: 130

Height: 5'6"


Wears dark colors


Valary is quiet and reserved, not brooding but pensive. She prefers the solitude of her own mind and thoughts over conversations with others. She deals with things rationally and logically and holds high standards for others, valuing intelligence and competence over other traits such as morality. She has little, if any, interest or understanding of the feelings of others. She is ambitious and self-confident. She is also deliberate in her actions and does not feel remorse for them. Once very proud in her service to the Scourge, now she tends to avoid most other Death Knights. To be around those who know the wounds inflicted on her pride as much as she does, is difficult for her to bare.


Valary was born near South Shore to a family of no notable standing. She was restless and bored by the small-town mentality. Her father was a Paladin named Edmond and he left the house for extended periods of time, leaving Valary and her brother to care for her mother, who suffered from dementia. She was exposed to her mother's violent behavior, often having to restrain her. Her mother's mental stature deteriorated until she could no longer recognize members of her own family. Valary often left the house, wandering the forest. She spent much of her time sketching.

In the months before the Blight Plague swept over the town, members of the Cult of the Damned perused the area in search of new members. Valary was enticed by their promises of adventure and power and she confronted them, speaking of her desire to join their ranks. They welcomed her. Months later, when Valary assisted the Cult in setting up Plague cauldrons, she was hardly prepared for the damage she helped to cause. She wasn't prepared for battle either, having never fought in her life. When the few remaining humans realized what was happening and retaliated against the members of the Cult, Valary fell to them.

The Cult of the Damned awoke her as a member of the Scourge and sent her to the halls of Acherus for training. There she was told that she had the great honor in assisting in the defeat of the Scarlet Crusade. Empowered with pride and a new sense of purpose, Valary trained vigorously. Her feelings of pride and power compensated for any feelings of loss she may have felt for her family. She fought in the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel with great determination in the ranks of Commander Mograine but was forced to surrender by his demand.

When she learned of the true purpose of their mission, Valary was crestfallen. Her feelings of power and pride vanished instantly. Feeling betrayed by the Lich King, Valary quickly agreed to ally with the Argent Crusade along with the rest of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. She followed them to Acherus where they killed the remaining Scourge that inhabited it. After that she returned to Stormwind, pleading with the King for forgiveness, although she felt no remorse for her actions. He granted it to her, but with much hesitation and little friendliness.

She attempted to work for the Cathedral of Light as a cosmetary mortician and hoped that her skill in the field would outweigh their distrust for her. It was an odd and tense situation that lasted little over a week before the Cathedral decided it was against their best interests.