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Player: GeneralDefyre

Character Full Name: Uztok

Character In-Game Name: Uztok

Nickname(s): Fishbowl Troll

Association(s): N/A

Race: Troll

Class: Hunter Engie

Skills and Abilities: Uztok is great with anything technological, and is able to build many contraptions to help him out with…whatever he is doing.

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Hair: Long green hair braided into cords

Eyes: Amber colored eyes

Weight: 234 lbs

Height: 7’ 4” (Upright)


Uztok wears white leather armor when exploring or wandering, and brown overalls and gloves when doing anything mechanical. He always has his goggles and tools on his person, as well as a quite large helmet he wears occasionally, earning him the nickname of "Fishbowl Troll".

Other: Uztok’s hands are heavily calloused due to lots of mechanical work, and he has sharp eyes, perfect for spotting any small parts on a contraption.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Uztok is a genuinely kind troll, who loves the snow, mechanics, and building robots. He is polite to all races, and even when threatened, keeps his cool, usually cracking a joke or two to lessen the tension. Uztok's attitude on fighting is simple: Don't bother him or his friends, and he won't bother you or your friends.


Uztok was born on Darkspear Isle to a family of warriors. His mother and father were both guards, fighting the surrounding wildlife frequently, with Uztok watching from a safe distance. As he grew up, Uztok was trained to fish and hunt, as well as how to fight anything remotely close to a humanoid. He was an excellent fighter, though always had his heart with tinkering with various objects, trying to set up anything automatic he could.

But one day, when Uztok was already grown, everything changed. Murlocs swarmed the isles, destroying everything and everyone they could. Uztok and his parents fought them back as much as possible, but then Uztok’s mother fell to a group of the slimy beasts. Uztok witnessed his mother’s death, and only just escaped the carnage with his father and many others from their home.

They were at the shore, and were cornered by the murlocs, until suddenly several boats appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The boats fired at the murlocs, felling them within a few seconds, before drifting closer to pick up the trolls. Uztok followed his father on board after the rest of the trolls board, and he finds out their saviors were Orcs.

Uztok, being the kind soul he is, befriended many of the Orcs on board; teaching them his fishing and fighting techniques he learned growing up on the isles. The journey took about a week from Darkspear Isles to the Echo Isles on Durotar. There, the orcs took their leave of the trolls, setting up their establishment as Orgrimmar further north, while Uztok and his tribe set up Senjin Village.

Uztok continued his fishing and hunting, as well as his tinkering, eventually becoming an engineer when he became an assistant to a goblin who he met at Razor Hill on his way north. The goblin taught Uztok everything there was to know about engineering and eventually gave him his official license.

Then, Uztok went to a gnome in Ratchet, to train in Gnomish engineering, as he saw more goblin inventions than gnome inventions explode. Thus, Uztok is now a proficient gnomish engineer in Everlook, living in the snow he so loves.