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  • The forum GM, most of the time the only forum GM.
  • Can do lots of other junk too, such as and not excluded to; giving out items and levels, reviewing profiles, moving/locking threads on the forums, and handing out the occasional forum warning.
  • Is a lot nicer than what you've heard.
  • If you ask me for help, and I don't respond... my answer doesn't neccissarily mean no, it usually means I don't have the time to put the insight needed into answering it. If you ask me again, I'd be more likely to help... especially if I forget.
  • If I say no, and you want to counter my answer, I need proof. I can be wrong, but I like to be firm until I'm proven wrong.
  • ...I am one of a few GMs that will outright tell people no, rather than not be upfront. I like it when people are this way with me as well, heh.
  • I am a ninja, and have been known as the "Secret" GM in the past. I could be on, and you wouldn't know it. For all you know, I could be one of your other buddies, hehe...
  • I have been a member since January 2008, the same year I was married.
  • I have been a GM since around...oh, July 2008? That's a guestimation, I know it was around the summer time.
  • In my time at CoTH, I've also had a son... the first CoTH baby!
  • If you have any questions, about darn near anything, I will usually try my hardest to answer it for you, as long as it's not "May I please have "x" item?"