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Player: Orangeapple

Character Full Name: Ura Plainsrunner

Character In-Game Name: Ura Plainsrunner

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Stormshade Clan (Formerly Grimtotem Clan)

Race: Tauren

Class: Druid

Age: 68

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green (Both Green and Red in Lioness form (As seen on model))

Weight: 360lbs

Height: 7'5"

Usual Garments/Armor: Tattered ceremonial wedding robes(as she has not had many opportunities to find new clothing) (Tauren) Fur (Lioness)

Personality: Ura differs greatly in her Tauren and Feral forms. While a Tauren she is typically kind, shy, and nurturing of others. She could never even consider harming another being, even one of the vile forsaken that destroy the land.

While a Lioness Ura is very different. She can be petty and cold; she has been known to mortally wound or ever devour those who offend her. She ironically only leaves the corpses of the forsaken, those who defile her territory more then any other, uneaten; forsaken corpses are not very appetizing. Prey she does not wish to devour she may instead stalk and taunt.

One of the few things both Ura's forms have in common is her loyalty to friends, whether she is a tauren cultivating herbs for her clan, or a lioness fiercely defending her pride.

History: Ura was born from the union of two members of the Plainsrunner clan, though her father eventually fell to fanatical beliefs and joined the Grimtotem. Her childhood was fortunately spent with her mother. She eventually trained in the ways of druidism and she learned to take on the form of a lioness.

While she was with her mother was learning the magics of druidism her father had been working to ensure her position in the grimtotem clan. Through his work she was to be married with one of the elder grimtotem shamans. Unfortunately, as with many of the Grimtotem's other rituals, the marriage required immense amounts of bloodshed, bloodshed of non-Grimtotems. After her and her mother's clan's refusal to partake in the slaughter of an alliance outpost the Plainsrunner clan was destroyed by "Unknown Alliance Infantry".

While a Tauren Ura followed a strictly vegetarian diet, unable to bring harm even to the most insignificant animal. This diet was simply not practical while living in the barrens. Ura attempted to focus primarily on predators in order to maintain her ethical senses. She quickly proceeded to devour herbivorous animals in her diet. Several days later she began to hunt and devour those who would defile her territory. After a few weeks alliance wanderers also became a high protein part of per palate.

Ura was possibly the only Plainsrunner to escape from the Grimtotem assault. She managed to run off into the barrens whilst in the form of a black lioness. After living in the wilds for several weeks Ura entered the crossroads for a couple hours. After this trip she found several corpses of black lions. They had not been skinned or harvested in any way, only burned to death. She never returned to a town and now only resumes a Tauren form rarely to practice her speech and prevent herself from turning into a savagekin.

Until recently Ura has avoided all civilization. Only now has she stumbled across a group known at the Stormshade Clan. She has grown to feel comfortable around them, even when in her feral form. She has grown to trust them both as friends and members of her pride.