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Player: Jacula

Character Full Name: Ulric Rotter

Character In-Game Name: Ulric

Nickname/Title(s): Sir Ulric Rotter, High Templar of The Knights Errant [Inherited title]

Association(s): The Order of the Knights Errant, The Alliance, the teachings of the holy light.

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Hair: Finely groomed scarlet red

Eyes: Olive green

Weight: 167.6 pounds

Height: 6'2"


Usual Garments/Armor: Ulric can usually be seen in a bulky suit of ceremonial armor, its heavy plates holding a distinct shine. He also dons a tabard of a blue, flowing fabric with the oblong cross of The Knights Errant embroidered over its front and back. Two ornate clasps holds a long, draped cloak in place which reaches down the length of his frame. A sturdy leather belt can be seen around his waist, holding a finely crafted scabbard and a sword with an intricate pommel.

Other: Ulric has a long, lanky stature which does little to embody his title of High Templar. His appearance as a whole is not an imposing one, nor does he carry himself like a man demanding the respect of others. His lithe features and soft spoken mannerism rather portrays him as a man of social and aesthetic qualities. His skin holds a particularly pale tint, as if not one to bask in the sun. He gives the general impression of being more of a thinker than a fighter.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Ulric was raised as a fundamentalist believer in the teachings of the light, and seems to uphold such ideology without significant flaws. He is an extrovert person with an eloquent tongue, often thrill seeking and with an appetite for decadence. He is not prone to anger nor sadden, his general demeanor being a calm and merry one. His approach to others is often courtly, with a tendency of being snide. He tends to look down on people who does not have faith, yet is not one to voice such distaste publicly.

Ulric is radically idealistic, yet hopelessly naive and gullible in the presence of women. Although his mannerism is a harmless one he is highly learned and intelligent, his trail of thought observant and calculating, although well hidden under his extrovert outward. He has racist tendencies against most races, having been brought up among humans exclusively. Yet he does not give a hostile impression, his traits reflecting the qualities of an orator or artist rather than a Knight.


The Order of the Knights Errant:

There is strong tradition of Knighthood which has been upheld through generations, often veiled by the humility of its practitioners. Such tradition was long ago embraced by a gathering of devoted paladins, who had grown weary of the ever insistent corruption and blasphemous lifestyle spreading through the human kingdoms. These men and women of the cloth where strong in their values, their morals untampered by envy and greed. Legend say their hearts held not a glimpse of selfish intent, the only desire flowing through them being the purity of the light. An unfaltering wish to do good, and ask nothing in return.

They formed what to this day is known as The Order Of The Knights Errant, an independent gathering of humbled believers who took up arms for the teachings of the light. They where not vast in numbers, nor skilled with blade or bow. Drawing strength only from their faith, and the unity amongst themselves. They pledged alignment to the practice of good, and bestowed Knighthood upon all who joined them in their quest. Under the leadership of the young Paladin Sigmar Rotter they set out into the world to preach the tenants of the light, and defend those too weak to defend themselves.

In their restless wandering they accomplished many feats, yet their reputation remained veiled by their humility. Demanding neither coin nor praise for their deeds. Such practice was referred to as the Knights Errant, the never ending duty of doing good, for the sake of good. The order grew steadily over the years, and reached its influential peak during the third war under which its knights served honorably. Aiding in defending the Alliance, with main focus on humanity itself. One would think their legend would not be easily forgotten, yet such was not the case.

Although the war provided great feats for the Order, many where lost to the malevolence of the Scourge. Some who where fortunate enough to return found themselves hardened by what they had experienced on the battlefield, others had lost their faith in the light. Their devotion tarnished by the gruesome sights that scars the hearts of soldiers. Verily, war can corrupt the faith of the most righteous.

Many Knights who had returned where not the same men who had left, their former selfless and charitable ideology coming second to their personal wishes and desires. High Templar Sigmar sent forth the Orders young into the world to practice the Knights Errant, while he and the founding paladins turned their backs on values of old. Their ideology deteriorating behind closed doors. Their chivalry was replaced with gluttony, their benevolence with greed. Prayers spoken where now but empty words, and with grand feasts and indulgence they fed their desires. As if such suppressed longings would fade their memories of Tirisfals rotten trenches.

The reputation of the Order slowly faded and much like the Knights errant, feats and heroism of old was forgotten. Replaced by the lament of the aging founders, reliving their old adventures only through tales and shameless boasts. While the those still of faith traveled high and low to practice the Knights Errant, the founders aged bitterly, their former glory now forgotten. The hero's of past where now too old to regain their past standing, and High Templar Sigmar would soon realize that they had all descended into the very thing they had set out to destroy so many years ago.

Pained by his own transgression and that of his Knight Templars, Sigmar gathered the few men and woman of integrity remaining from the corners of the empire. Having grown of venerable age, he sent word for his son Ulric to grasp the reins of the Order after his passing.

Ulric was young and inexperienced, yet his faith in the light and its teachings where strongly devoted. Sigmar placed Ulric in the care of Fordwind Waltgaud, one of his most trusted advisors. A man which integrity war had not tainted. With his final wish for the Orders passed glory to be restored Sigmar succumbed to the tooth of time. And so it was that young Ulric was bestowed the title as High Templar, and left under Fordwinds tutelage and protection. They now seek to gather those uncorrupted, as well as seek out faithful men and women to join their cause. To restore tradition of old, to practice chivalry and the Knights Errant. To set forth on grand adventures throughout the world and restore the past glory of the Order.

Ulric, Son of Sigmar:

Ulric was born into a deeply religious family which resided in Stormwind. He was the first born of four other children, his father the gallant High Templar Sigmar, and his mother a courtly damsel who's hand Sigmar had taken in marriage.

His upbringing and relation to his parent was a solemn one, being the oldest of the siblings he was left with responsibility over his sisters. A task which he did not find enjoyable in the least. They would be a constant thorn in his side, teasing him and getting him into trouble when he was left to supervisor them. His father being a stern disciplinarian did not make such responsibility easier.

Ulric would often find himself frightened by his father, his approach to him timid at best. As he grew older he would strive to honor him, more out of fear than wishful indulgence. His striving proved difficult however, as he was not what one would claim to be an embodiment of his father. As a child he was rather frail and soft spoken, often bullied by has peers as well as his sisters. He was terrified of conflict, and would subdue himself rather than being confronted in an argument.

At the age of twelve it was decided that Ulric was to be educated. He was to be sent to a faraway monastery where the monks would tutor him, a wish brought forth and decided by his father. Given his religious and disciplinary upbringing adjusting to the life in the monastery would prove easy in theory, yet Ulric found himself bored with the gray walls and ritualistic worship within. His studies would soon become his only creative outlet, and for years he indulged himself fully to the many subjects that where to be had.

He found himself to be greatly interested in art and literature, as well as orating. The study of poetry and psychology catching his eye as well. Worship soon came to manifest deeply in his spiritual perception of the world, pledging devotion to the light and its ideology. Wielding the light itself would prove to be difficult however, his ventures into its study demanding restless hours of focus and disciplined learning.

He was schooled in the art of swordplay and honorable combat as well, yet failed to excel in his training. Being of a rather frail build he was left inclined to avoid it if possible, the restless crucible of physical strengthening not appealing to him. Ulric would spend eight years in the monastery, time slowly passing in the monotony which had can to be his existence. It was only recently he received news of his father Sigmars death, and was sent back to Stormwind to fill his position as High Templar of The Order of The Knights Errant. He took the bad news in stride, yet found himself wary to follow in his fathers footsteps. He was placed in the tutelage of one of his late fathers most trusted advisors, and was left with the responsibility of upholding the honor of his family, faith and tradition.