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Player: Andrasia/NarijikaOdasako

Character Full Name: Traelee Leighanne Dreahi (Could introduce herself as any of those.)

Character In-Game Name: Traelee

Nickname(s): Trae, Leighanne, Dreahi, Miss

Association(s): Silvermoon City, the Blood Knights, Orgrimmar

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Paladin (Blood Knight)

Age: 136

Sex: Female

Hair: Maroon/Brown/Orange/Red-ish.

Eyes: Green. Just green.

Weight: A slim 142 pounds.

Height: Around 5'11"

Alignment: True Neutral.


Armor. Rarely seen out of it. Whether it be her Blood Knight suit or her cool purpleh stuff, or her shiny 'dressed to impress' armor, she's in it.

Other: She love purple, thus meaning why she has purple armor and what not.


Let's see. The thing about Trae is that she is generally kind-heart'd though quick to judge from first impressions. She deems a first meeting with someone is very important with someone so she tries to be rather mannerful when in the presence of someone new to her. Oddly enough, she badgers herself a lot on little things and doesn't have the much self respect but she usually keeps that to herself, as she wants to present herself in a good manner. She's also the type to strive to do something when she has her mind to it. Like say she is knitting a sweater for her bestie, she wouldn't stop until it was complete or make sure she has the proper time to complete it.


Like basically all the current Blood Elves, she was born to Quel'Dorei parents, living safely in Silvermoon for a good portion of time with her mother, father and brother. Her mother worked as an Enchantress, her father a Guard and her younger brother had the dream to grow up and be just like daddy. Though the truth of the matter is Traelee had no idea what she wanted to do for a living and pretty much just lounged around a lot of the time helping her mother prepare enchants while doing house work and what not.

Soon time passed and the whole Amani war happened. Her father was shipped off to fight and met a rather unfortunate end there, which left her mother to grieve and take care of two kids by herself and up hold her job. I'll just say it wasn't the best of times, but the family endured.

By the time the Scourge invasion rolled around, her younger brother enlisted in the defensive forces right away too, like I said earlier, be like his father. Well, he was like his father and met the same unfortunate end. So after the whole Sunwell fiasco, Traelee and her mother helped with the restoration of Silvermoon, her mother was able to hold back the hungering for magic more than she was. Trae, in her own eyes, felt that she wasn't a strong enough woman to hold it back, and sometimes, the addiction got the better of her. Oh did she wish she could be as strong as her mother, caring for two after the father died, keeping a place to live, food on the table and work, and even hold back the feeding.

It soon dawned on Trae for what she wanted to do. She would take it upon herself to uphold her late brother's dream and continue what her father started and join with the Blood Knights so she could help with protecting what's left of her people and even maybe find a way to cure this addiction for everyone. She decided to leave her mother's home and go off to fend for herself now, being a grown woman and all. Her mother was pretty sorrowful about that, since she would be alone, but she knew it would be for the best.

So now, Trae spends her time around Silvermoon, helping those in need. She even takes frequent trips to Orgrimmar to try and help the more reluctant allies now. She doesn't really hold a prejudice to the new allies like she does the old ones who abandoned her people however. Though she is on her own now, she feels it will be a good life...hopefully.