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Player: hawardx.

Character Full Name: Tod'ai.

In-game Name: Tod.

Nickname(s): Tod.

Associations: None.

Race: Troll.

Class: Hunter.

Skills and Abilities: He knows basic survival skills and fishing. Also knows how to use bows and arrows, and prefers to fight with a stick or spear. Tod is also a skilled Herbalist, because he likes flowers and good smells.

Age: 20.

Sex: Male.

Hair: Purple.

Eyes: Amber, almost red.

Weight: 242 pounds (110 kg)

Height: 6'11" (or 210 cm)

Usual Garments/Armor: He usually wears a simple shirt, tucked in his rough linen shorts. He has a battle outfit too which consists in leather-made, and yellow/orange painted, pieces that dont cover up much of his body, but lets him move freely. The chest, hands, and boot pieces also present knots of iron for more protection, a last thing in this outfit are his wooden trollish shoulder planks, with two feather on each exemplar.

A final detail, Tod always uses paint on his face, he uses his two favorite colours: White and Orange.

Other: Tod takes his dreams literally and follows them every time. He likes to keep souvenirs of everything he's done or every place he visits too, and everyday he develops a new kind of manic expression.

He loves to paint as much as he loves mango fruit or any kind of sweet meal.

He fears Thunder lizards to death. And dislikes undead (Ghouls and stuff, not the Forsaken or the DKs)

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Personality: Tod is childish, obnoxious, and curious (Specially curious about the other races of Azeroth, and their ways of life). He is also very loving and loyal, and can be over-emotional (Means he overreacts, and cries - a lot- ), moody, and, most times, irrational too. Tod is forever faithful to his friends and risks flesh and bone for them, his love or loyalty is easily bought though, a simple fruit or petty gift will suffice. There is another side to this troll too, he can be very caring and nursing with the ones he loves, but its specially short fused when attacked/insulted directly, this short fuse often results in blood, maiming, and lots of troll tears.

Another tip, Tod can be very obstinate and some times close-minded, once he gets an idea inside his thick skull, its hard to get it out. As hard as it is to get out something from his head, he forgets stuff pretty easily, meaning that if you had a conflict with him on Tuesday, he will have probably forgotten by Tuesday. Tod can also be very innocent and well.. dumb, so most times he will not understand some insults or comments of people about him, that's why he will most likely reply to anything with a "Wha?" or a "Why?".

Finally, Tod believes in a "Make love, not war" way, he will try to make friends before making any enemies (When he is in the mood of course), this doesn't mean he doesn't fight, he will if he feels he must, but most times, he regrets it awfully.

History: Tod was born in a beach, below the shade of a palm tree, he was born son of Tof'dai, a common warrior, part of the Darkspear Tribe, and also son to Shahula, his mother, who he never met because she got eaten by tigers on some poorly planned hunting expedition. Besides this he had a pretty normal childhood for one of his kind, fishing and hunting with his family, which consisted in his Father, and his uncles who were: Tol'dai, Tibi'dai and Togu'dai. They all lived in a normal sized shack near the beach, and made their living as best as they could. Then the exodus came, they moved with the orcs to Kalimdor, but nothing changed much, as they lived the same way in the Isles, and they did enjoy this way of life for a long time until, on one deplorable day, his father, and his brothers (Uncles of Tod) were brutally murdered by Thunder lizards in Durotar, during a daring but foolish expedition to the wild Thunder Ridge. Some trolls of the tribe tell that the all four hunters and their little pupil went up north to hunt, but only the little one returned, bathed in blood, and with a spear in hand, His familiars were never given proper burial, so Tod believes that their spirits haunt him in sleep, and in many shapes, to the present day.

These were no lies, Tod had witnessed the death of the ones he loved the most, and this single event scarred him for life, he never got to grow up entirely. Unlike the rest of the teen trolls who got adept at fighting, riding and hunting, the now teen orphan Tod stayed back, enjoyed fishing and painting with improvised colours made of leaves, fish oil and sometimes blood.

His leaving, past his age of physical maturity, came unnoticed. He set path to the Crossroads, looking for a better life, with only a bag on his back, and a loincloth around his butt.

But he found no luck here either, Tod smartfully tried to best a band of wild Zhevras, and got beaten badly, just before he was stomped to death, a strange figure appeared and smoked all the beasts with a flick of a finger.

It was Naomi Kasmira, a wandering forsaken sorcerer who was just passing by. Tod offered the only thing he owned: His life, and thus started his days of slavery, not he didn't like them though, he loved his master as a baby loves a mother.

The events from this point to our very present, were many, as Tod earned his freedom, and wandered Azeroth, making friends and enemies, making love and painting on scrolls, fishing turtles or kicking gnomes up to the skies.

Most things he will tell you if you ask, or even if you don't. His story so far is not important, at least not to him, as he likes to leave it behind, what really matters is his present... and his occasional mango.