The Rebellion

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Rommath's harsh rule became ever more strict as opposing forces vanished, with force. The Hand of Rommath was formed to root out any dissidents, their hidden prisons were quickly filled and the screams of tortured captives became commonplace as the agents forced their victims to confess their crimes.

Not all was so dark however as there were those who plotted to free the Sin'dorei from the shackles that held them, these rebels were hunted and many fell to the lure of Fel magic that came to permeate the city, but they remained, weak and hidden, yet still a presence.

The change came when Lady Liadrin of the Blood Knights discovered the plot that had caused the rift between the Sin'sholai and the rest of the Horde, horrified by the ruthlessness of Rommath and his accomplices she contacted Haruldon, who she hoped would stand with her as she confronted the Mage-Lord.

A day of bloodshed and murder, all went wrong and Liadrin, Haruldon and their forces fought their way out of the city and dispersed in the forests of Eversong, escaping Rommath but leaving their people to his mercy. Rommath's response were swift and Silvermoon was closed, portals and gates closed to ensure that none would escape or enter without strict permission from the Mage-Lord.

Unable to simply sit by Haruldon took upon himself to free his people from his old friend, Liadrin and her knights stood in support and soon they massed an army, even Forsaken added their strength to the cause. The rebels, or Concord of Subjugation as they were known, assaulted the walls, breaking into Silvermoon and forcing Rommath to face the retribution of the Sin'dorei. The husk that was the Mage-Lord, now a demonic figure enwreathed in shadows, was slain and Haruldon chosen to lead the Sin'dorei as they and the Forsaken rejoined the Horde.