The CoTH Limitus Test

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Please be honest with yourself when scoring.

Section 1 - The Name Game

Is the character named after you? (This can be your first name, middle name, or last name.) +10

Is the character's name an unusual spelling of a more common name or word? +1

Is the character's name taken from another fantasy source? (A fantasy novel, video game, etc.) +20 (Don't do this.)

Does the character's in-game name describe what they do? (Their class, their past, their rank, etc.) +20 (Don't do this, either.)

Is the character's name unusual in another way, based on their race? +1

A female with a male-sounding name? +1

A name the character chose for him or herself, because s/he "didn't want to forget"? +2

A noun or adjective not normally used for a name (especially for human characters)? +2

Does the character have a really cool name that you wish you had? +1

Are any of the character's nicknames a title or otherwise a description of the character? (i.e. "The Girl Who Could Fly")+5

Is the character named after an important lore figure? +20 (Keep in mind that it would be a violation of the naming rules.)

Does the character have more than one name? (i.e. a nickname or a pseudonym that other characters use to refer to the character)+1

Did you spend more than a day looking for just the right name? +1

Have you considered naming your pet or child the character's name? +1

Section 2 - Physical Attributes

Is the character the same gender as you? +1

Do you consider your character to be very attractive? +1

Is the character a hybrid of two or more species? +20 (Keep in mind these kinds of characters are not allowed.)

Is the character a cross-breed of any other type? (i.e. multi-tribal, multi-clan)+1

Is the character not subject to limitations normally put upon someone of this race/class? (Examples: A character who is a blood elf but does not suffer addiction. A character who is a paladin but tolerates the undead. A human who enjoys the company of orcs.)+5

Is the character a teenager or in her/his early twenties? +1

Does the character look like s/he is a teenager or in her/his early twenties for no apparent reason? +3

For a magical or special scientific reason? +2

That you plan on making a plot point later? +1

Does this sentence or similar appear anywhere in your profile or stories? "(Character's name) was the youngest person to ever become (insert job title here)." or "No one ever expected (character's name) would be good at (insert job title here), but..." +5

Is the character the age you would like to be? +1

Is the character beautiful or roguishly handsome? +1

Do you expect characters find the character highly attractive? +1

Do you expect characters see him/her as a threat because of this? +1

Does the character have an unusual eye color for no apparent reason? +3

Will this be a plot point later? +1

Does the character have really nice hair that you describe in detail, either in your profile or FlagRSP? +1

Does the character have an accent (or lack thereof) that is not typical to the race? +1

Does the character have a scar or a strange marking that is noticeable by other characters, but does not actually detract from his/her appearance? +1

Is the character deaf, mute, or both? +1

Do you intend for her/him to no longer be deaf and/or mute later in the plot or else die? (subtract 1 pt if you honestly have no intention of the character ever being cured)+3

Is the character otherwise physically disabled? (anyone who says "She's so pretty that it's like a disability because everyone hates her or wants to have sex with her" will be summarily keelhauled)subtract 2

Do you intend for them to eventually be cured, or else die? +1

Is the character mentally disabled? (read: at the functional level of Forrest Gump or below)subtract 2

Does the character have any telekinetic, telepathic, or other psychic powers despite / because of this disability? +3

Is the character overweight? (not just "I ate too many Snackwells and now my thighs are HUGE, but honestly overweight)subtract 2

Is this remarked upon by another character who is not motivated by jealousy? subtract 2

Do you intend for them to become average/thin later? +4

Section 3 - Personal Traits

Is the character the long-lost child or descendant or sibling of a lore character? +20

Of a faction leader? +20

Of a raid boss? +20

Was the character adopted or did he/she otherwise live with people who were not his/her parents as a child? +1

Is the character a member or a friend of a hitherto unknown clan or tribe? +5

And is the last surviving member of that clan? +2

Add points for each aspect seen somewhere during your character's life:

- abandoned by caregivers +1

- born or forced into slavery +1

- born or raised in extreme poverty +1

- sole survivor of a calamity +2

- physical abuse +2

- sexual abuse by a caregiver +3

- rape +3

- member of a "despised" class or race +1 (+2 if it is a plot point of the "I can make a contribution even thought I'm ... " variety)

- illegitimate birth +2

- later parent of illegitimate child +1 each

Does the character suffer from guilt about something terrible that s/he did in the past? +1

Do the other characters eventually convince her/him that it was not his/her fault? +1

Does the character share your religious beliefs? +1 (Add an extra point if the religion is not the norm for that race.)

Did the character have an unusual birth or unusual experience in early infancy? (i.e. abducted, placed in a basket and set afloat, visited by Three Weirdos, etc.) +1

Does the character have a twin, a clone, or a sibling of the same gender? +2

Does the character have a very good singing voice? +2

Or play a musical instrument amazingly well? +1

The guitar or flute, for instance? +2

Does the character have the same (or equivalent) taste in music that you do? +1

Does the character do what you do for fun or profit? +1 (This includes having the same or a similar job to the one you have, or would like to have when you're older, or having a job that sounds like a lot of fun even though you know nothing about it. It can also mean hobbies, like collecting bottle caps or crochet or whatever.)

Is the character directly employed by a lore figure? +2

Is the character royalty of any type? +3

That she/he does not originally know about? +3

Do you intend for everyone end up liking the character (or at least the characters you like)? +1

Section 4 - The Love Connection

Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with another original character? +1

With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex? +5

Does the character fall in love with and/or have sex with a lore character? +10

With whom you would like to fall in love and/or have sex? +15

Section 5 - The Real World and Your Character

Would you like to be friends with the character if you met in real life? +1

Do you think everyone who reads the profile or history of the character should automatically like the character and want to be friends with the character? +2

If someone tells you he/she doesn't like your character, do you take it as a personal attack on you? +5

Do you ever pretend, just to yourself, that you are the character, with the same strengths and abilities? +1

If someone calls your character a Mary Sue, do you immediately assume they're jealous of you or get offended? +3

Section 6 - The Fiendish Plot

(This applies to both your character's history and what they are capable of in the future.)

Does the character manage to develop a friendship with an otherwise villainous character, and through this friendship, reform the other character? +2

Is the character transformed into a different race or into a magical or genetically-altered being? +10

Is the character happier in her/his new form? +10

Do people like the character better in her/his new form?[1]

Do you wish you could be transformed because of the neat powers? +1

Does the character save the day and/or another character's life? +1

Through magical/mystical intervention? +1

Through dying? +5

Through almost dying? +4

Does everyone go into mourning? +1

Does s/he get not-dead later on? +4


0-14 Developed character, unlikely Mary Sue.

15-20 Borderline character. Characters in this range are potential MS's, who can go either way dependent on the author's skill.

21+ Mary Sue/Gary Stu. Proceed with greatest caution.

35+ Reconsider your character and plot. Please.