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A template to simply color text. This template comes preloaded with coloring for NPC emotes, says, yells, and whispers. It can also handle the class colors.





Specific colorMode keywords:

  • say, emote, yell, whisper, blizz, bossemote
  • deathknight, druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior

The three-parameter mode only works when using say, yell, or whisper.

Other colorMode options include any valid CSS, such as:

  • Html color names (black, white, purple, lightgreen, etc.)
  • Html hex color specifications of the form #RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF.
  • Html RGB color specifications in form of rgb(RR,GG,BB)

Be careful when using other color modes than the predefined options. The sixteen predefined options are designed to work on both light-colored and dark-colored (the default) skins. If you're not using one of the sixteen, test your colors on both a dark skin (e.g. Monaco Gaming, or the old default) and a light skin (say, Monaco Saphire) to make sure it looks ok.

2-parameter mode
* {{Text|Emote|The comedian impersonates an orc.}}
* {{Text|say|'''Perry Gatner says:''' One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...}}
* {{Text|yell|'''Illidan yells:''' YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!}}
* {{Text|whisper|'''An Unknown Voice whispers:''' Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.}}
* {{Text|bossemote|King Ymiron motions for silence.}}
* {{Text|blizz|This is the Blizz forum color.}}

3-parameter mode
* {{Text|say|Perry Gatner|One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...}}
* {{Text|yell|Illidan|YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!}}
* {{Text|whisper|An Unknown Voice|Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.}}

* {{Text|purple|Something purple.}}
* {{Text|rgb(120,120,120)|Custom color of gray}}
* {{Text|#99FFFF|Something 99FFFF.}}

2-parameter mode

  • The comedian impersonates an orc.
  • Perry Gatner says: One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...
  • Illidan yells: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
  • An Unknown Voice whispers: Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.
  • King Ymiron motions for silence.
  • This is the Blizz forum color.

3-parameter mode

  • Perry Gatner says: One last impersonation. It's tough, but let's see if you can guess who it is...
  • Illidan yells: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
  • An Unknown Voice whispers: Tell yourself again that these are not truly your friends.


  • Something purple.
  • Custom color of gray
  • Something 99FFFF.

Class colors
  • deathknight
  • druid
  • hunter
  • mage
  • paladin
  • priest
  • rogue
  • shaman
  • warlock
  • warrior

External links
