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This template creates a WoW-styled tooltip for profession links. This is particularly useful for skills learned without a recipe, such as alchemy discoveries. This template can also be used for professions that create an enchantment such as a tailoring embroidery.


This is the full list of named parameters listed in order that they appear in the displayed/in-game tooltip. Parameters that apply color to text in the finished tooltip have the same color here.

At the top, to fix template loops, always use:

icon to display. omit Image:/File: and extension (.png). Uses {{icon}}.
Example: |icon=INV Ingot Titansteel red
item name as it appears in-game.
If applicable, quality of the created item, passed to {{quality}} to generate formatted item name.
If an enchantment, specify which slot.
name of WoWWiki page for this item, if different from |name=.
Profession required
Profession skill required to use item.
Example: |skill=250
If applicable, tool required to create.
Example: |tools=Runed Arcanite Rod
First reagent.
Example: |reagent1=Illusion Dust
Quantity of first reagent if more than 1.
Example: |reagent1quantity=16
Second reagent.
Quantity of second reagent.
Third reagent.
Quantity of third reagent.
Fourth reagent.
Quantity of fourth reagent.
Fifth reagent.
Quantity of fifth reagent.
Sixth reagent.
Quantity of sixth reagent.
Item created if applicable.
Example: |creates=Ametrine
Quantity of created item; Use if more than 1.
Example: |createquantity=3
Items effect text
Cooldown on the use effect
Cast time of the use effect