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Show links to achievements inline. Especially useful for meta achievements referencing other achievements in their {{Achievementbox|<criteria>}} entry.


{{Achievementlong|<name>|<optional display name>|<optional mode>}}

Valid Field Entries:

  • Name: The name of the achievement.
  • Display Name: Optionally specify a display name, which can be different than the achievement name.
  • Mode: Optionally provide a mode. faction= to show the faction icon, points= to show the number of points, all= to show both.


You can mix and match.

The following code:

*{{Achievementlong|50 Coins of Ancestry|all=}}
*{{Achievementlong|50 Coins of Ancestry|points=}}
*{{Achievementlong|50 Coins of Ancestry|faction=}}
*{{Achievementlong|50 Coins of Ancestry}}
*{{Achievementlong|50 Coins of Ancestry|50 Coins of Ancestry (Special)}}
*{{Achievementlong|Scrooge (Alliance)|faction=}}

... looks like this: