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Player: Ebenezer

Character Full Name: Tardunk Heartsplitter

Character In-Game Name: Tardunk

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Red Vanguard, Warsong Clan, Orgrimmar, Horde.

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Hair: Bald. He has a beard.

Eyes: Yellow/Orange.

Weight: 199 kg.

Height: 7', 0.


Usual Garments/Armor: In Northrend, he goes for a warm set of armour that reflects the colours of the Red Vanguard. Red. When in areas that are not so chilling as Northrend, he goes for armour that has less fur and leather, and more steel and iron. He wears a tabard. Either a Horde/Orgrimmar tabard or the tabard of the Red Vanguard.


Tardunk is a warrior of the Horde. Being a Warrior of the Horde makes him very proud, being part of the Warsong Clan makes him even prouder, and being able to fight along with other Orcs in the Red Vanguard makes the cherry-on-top on his pride. In battle, he shows no mercy, and even when wielding a shield, he may not care about using it for protection, unless commanded.

Tardunk has a total of four or five weapons which he polishes, sharpens and turtle-waxes nearly every day, so that they are ready for splitting skulls any day. If he gets sick or ill by any means, either wounded, cursed by a Warlock, or simply just catching a cold, he never lets this stop him as he thinks that he must be ready for battle at all times.

His lack of mercy also carries on to how he looks at other races, cultures and nations. If one from a single faction murders an Orc in a dishonourable way, he carries a grudge to that faction. That day, every week, every year, until he is satisfied. Satisfaction usually comes from blood being spilled. He looks down at anybody who are not useful in battle, and if one of his allies becomes "useless", he may/may not try to make them useful again. Tardunk may assist allies who are being attacked by big and bad things by taking the hit himself. He is sort of a tactician sometimes, but still, 70% of his plans consist only of "Slay them" or "Destroy them".

He dreams of becoming a commander and lead a troop of Orcs to victory.


"I am Tardunk Heartsplitter. I am part of the Warsong Clan, I have been at nearly every war there has been since I was 20. I have seen more things that you would guess. I have seen my childhood friends die honourably and dishonorably in war.

I have none now.

I was eighteen when the Second War ended. I could not participate, I had to 'watch'. The Warsong Clan was not put in a internment camp as other clans. At least not all of us, and not me. I drank blood from Mannoroth, yes. I did many 'horrible' things while under the Curse. Even though some of them were 'honourable', I look at the curse as a goddamn disgrace.

And yes, I slightly know how to use sarcasm.

During the Lich King's reign in the Third War, I was part of the Warsong Offensive, lead by Garrosh Hellscream. When the Lich King fell and we were victorious, I became part of the Red Vanguard to clean up the trash that the Lich King 'left behind'.

I've known how to wield axes and shields before I could walk. My shield is part of my attack, and my axe is part of my defense.

  • Cough!*

I am Vanguard. I am the one who swings the axe. I am the one who takes the blow. I am the one who dies first.

I am Horde."

Skills and Abilities

Depending on his equipment, he ether fights in a Defensive, aggressive or offensive stance.

Defensive: Wielding shield and axe, he combines both his axe and his shield to unleash relentless cleaves and slams at the foe, also using his shield more as a weapon than as a shield. He is capable of blocking undead abominations in their way, but he may not successfully do this several times at once.

Aggressive: Two axes. Whirlwind, double-cleaves, bash n' slam. May also attach chains to his weapons, more explained in Offensive.

Offensive: One axe. Large swings, larger swings, and even larger swings than that. May attach a long chain to his weapon to be able to throw it, this may be combined with a whirlwind attack to create a large axe-spiral of devastation.