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Player: OblivionGate

Character Full Name: Tarcius Riftwalker

Character In-Game Name: Tarcius

Nickname(s): Sunchaser

Association(s): Ebon Blade, Undercity (once, the Alliance)

Race: Forsaken

Class: Death Knight

Age: 62 (54 at death)

Sex: Male

Hair: Once black, now greying

Eyes: Dull, blue glow

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 6ft, 8 inches


Tarcius always wears heavy, winter clothing that would keep him warm in even the worst snowy tundra. A heavy hood and fur cloak aligns his head and back, made from some grey animal pelt. He chooses to wear heavy, black boots and gloves, and the only amount of metal he chooses to wear is an extremely breastplate that looks so old that it's quite possibly falling apart. Notably, he wears a strange mask on his head (that looks like the skull of a troll) and carries around two rusted throwing-axes that could not possibly inflict any damage even if he tried.

The troll skull is welded to Tarcius' face, making it near impossible to pry off. Otherwise, this undead is quite obviously past the point of rot and appears to be skeletal in most places. His lower jaw is metal, and the only bits of his body that are exposed are bone.


Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Once you get over the intimidating stature of this undead creature, the chilling frost that comes off of him, and the frightening, hollow voice he possesses, it becomes quite clear that Tarcius is still there. If someone talks to him for any extended amount of time, they tend to realise that Tarcius is clinging onto his ‘humanity' with his sharp talons. While technically immortal, he has lost the ability to enjoy the finer pleasures of life and attempts to keep light-hearted and interesting, despite his ever-growing coldness.


Tarcius was raised within the protected walls of Stormwind and the first few decades of his existence were entirely unremarkable. He grew within a moderately poor family and eventually found a job working as a servant under a Quel'dorei named Voranth, a prospering copper merchant. The life was peaceful, and during times when he had no work to do about the manner, he would play with Kiallie, the merchant's daughter. Still young and innocent, he taught her of war games his father had taught him, though other than this, life sailed on.

His lifestyle spanned on many years, turning from the servant boy of Voranth to his butler in turn. A war approached, and soon he was called upon to assist Sir Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth. Voranth understood, and a boy who had grown up playing games of war was now a man, joining up with the Alliance at the age of 34.

The Second War spanned over two, bloody years, but Tarcius managed to survive throughout the entire ordeal and returned home to his beloved Stormwind. Less than twenty years later, he found himself at war once again – fighting for his people in the Third War.

Towards the end of the war, when Prince Arthas Menethil brought his soldiers to the shores of Northrend, Tarcius fell in combat. A troll armed with two throwing axes brought the man down, and thus the bleak, black oblivion of his existence began.

However, his death did not last a long time. An amount of time passed, one that Tarcius was unsure of for minutes spanned eternity in his death. He could hear the voice of the dead within his mind, and he rose up to serve the call of the Scourge.

Tarcius awoke to find himself beside the corpse of the berserker that had murdered him. In an act of perverse, mindless anger, Tarcius stripped the dead of any belongings, and ripped parts from the troll that had slain him, attaching them to himself. When he was done, he stalked his way from the battlefield and left the Third War forever.

Years passed before Tarcius heard anything that drew his attention. Having wandered through Northrend, he was upon a snowy plateau when he finally heard the sound of the Lich King beckoning him. He rose to the Scourge's side for he was lost, and did not know what he was anymore. The span of time that had passed had numbed his memories, and made Tarcius lost to the world. The time spent serving the Lich King was unremarkable, he did as every Death Knight was expected to do, and served his master tirelessly.

Then, one day, it changed. The Ebon Blade rose up, and offered Tarcius a freedom that he had never remembered, but knew that he once had. The spark set in his mind, and his soul burned with a furious passion. He lashed out at the Scourge, destroying all that he could, in a hope to remember what had once come to pass. A fellow Ebon Blade member named him the ‘Sunchaser', for he was seeking something that he could not quite touch.

Now, the ‘Sunchaser' stands with the Ebon Blade as more of a background role. He still seeks to slay the Scourge in all of their forms, yet other things take his interested. He seeks to find out what he was, as only fragments of his former memories remain.