Tara fairbanks

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Player: NodCommando

Character Full Name: Tara Fairbanks

Character In-Game Name: Tara

Nickname(s): None

Association(s): Kirin Tor, Dalaran

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Weight: 160 Pounds

Height: 5'8"

Usual Garments/Armor: Often wearing robes that indicate her affiliation with the Kirin Tor. Uncommonly, she can be seen wearing simple shirts and pants. She will almost never be seen in any form of 'armor'.


Personality: Genuinely friendly and almost always positive. Tara tries to show respect and proper courtesy to everyone she meets, be they Alliance, neutral, Horde, or even conjured elementals (as pointless as that may be). Though friendly, she is slow to trust the Horde-alligned races, with a bit of an exception to magic-wielding members of the Horde. She holds a strong dislike to the use of fel magic, and, by extension, users of fel magic and those that employ the use of demons. She isn't very pious, though if asked, she would say she's a follower of the Light. Just a very, very casual one.


Tara Fairbanks was born only months before Goldshire was destroyed by the orcs as they prepared for their assault on Stormwind Keep during the First War. Tara's family, along with many others, fled before the orcs arrived, seeking refuge in the distant city of Dalaran. Upon arriving in Dalaran, both of Tara's parents settled down once more and tried to continue their life as they had before; her father taking a position as a blacksmith and her mother working in a local tavern. Life continued on normally for the family, and Tara was raised in a relatively standard and safe environment. Living in the magocratic city of Dalaran would have a lasting impact on Tara. It was inevitable that she would be exposed to magic, and once she had seen it at work, she instantly fell in love with the arcane arts. She began learning to wield magic in her teenage years, and joined the Kirin Tor upon her nineteenth birthday. Just one year later, Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde.

The family fled the city during its destruction; practically mirroring their prior escape from Goldshire. They sought refuge with many other former denizens of Dalaran and members of the Kirin Tor in the surrounding countryside until several months had passed, and it was safe to return to the city. Dalaran was utterly devastated when they arrived. The Fairbanks family, of course, helped in the reconstruction efforts. Tara's father helped extensively in the reconstruction, whilst her mother tended to wounded survivors. Tara assisted in the creation of the barrier around the city that provided sanctuary during the reconstruction. They all stayed with the city as it was relocated to its location high above Northrend's Crystalsong Forest.

To this day, Tara can often be found in the city, sometimes providing lectures to aspiring young magi, or other times absorbed in her arcane research.