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Player: Rosencrat

Character Full Name: Tani Tacklebolt

Character In-Game Name: Tani

Nickname(s): Lil' Tan, Miss Tacklebolt and assorted aliases.

Association(s): The Alliance, Gnomeregan, Ironforge

Race: Gnome

Class: Rogue

Age: 68

Sex: Female

Hair: A dark green mane cropped short and swept to the right.

Eyes: Dark green

Weight: 39 lb

Height: 3'4”

Other: None


Usual Garments/Armor: Tani has little preference when it comes to leisure clothing. So long as it is comfortable and accomplishes the stated problems that clothes were designed to fix she will wear it. Despite such apathy she does have a good eye for fashion and colors when the need truly arises. During work hours she moves through the spectrum of outfits. She's been known to wear dresses and suits, leather armor and an array of uniforms and disguises. She keeps an eye on practicality, forgoing excessive outfits in favor of strong and sturdy armor types. ‘If you can't run in it, then you can't see me in it' is her stated motto.


Alignment: Chaotic Good

Any bitterness over Tani's lot in life has been stifled beneath a cheery optimism, a gnawing smile that just dripped with saccharine sweetness. She had it rough. She and everyone else had it rough. No use complaining. Just get your hands in to it and see if you can't turn a bad situation good.

Miss Tacklebolt is a gnome with a swagger. She is calm, self-assured and prone to a glibbed tongue or a wry smile when she knows she's in her elemeny. Adventurous but composed, she keeps her head about her and her mind churning. Achingly practical and honest to a point of insult, she's friendly and well-spirited. Even if she is rather crass.


Good spies come from bad families. Nobody asks questions when you leave home for weeks at a time, you learn to get along without meaningful connections and when someone tries to threaten your loved ones the possibility pool is just that much smaller.

Jossephon and Corrina Tacklebot weren't bad parents. The couple was perfect for each other: Both bubbly and pleasant, childish in their interests and fiercely driven when motivated. It was the perfect personality for a set of big-dreaming, high-wheeling tinkerers. But not for lowly, practical parents. They created three little gnomelets with an uncommon gusto and zeal. Yet, like so many beloved inventions the spark left and the children were put away for bigger and grander projects. With this free range came responsibility and with responsibility came rules and work and stress. The three children learned to get by without parental attention, cooking and cleaning and entertaining themselves while there mother and father busied themselves with the invention of the day. The little Tacklebolts learned how to resolve issues and make ends meet without their parents. They scrounged around in old workshops and cleaned up shops for pocket change. They tutored each other and clumped together in a fight. They were smart and practical children with a steady future who grew up in a time of fluxuating fates.

The first surge of troggs on Gnomeregan during the Second War turned out to be as merciful blow to the Tacklebolt family. For children and parents ill-suited for war the first attack killed most of them off quickly and without suffering. By a twist of fate Tani and her father were out of the house when the first troggs came from below, off on an errand across town. While her father tottered about amongst the other refugees Tani signed up for the fight, lending her pluck –what she had in excess- and skill –what she lacked- to the fight.

Years later and a war lost Tani and her father surfaced with the rest of the survivors, homeless and humbled, to the world they had turned from for so long. She helped her father settle into Ironforge, putting him up with a simple job consulting with an Engineering firm and a small apartment in a back part of the city. With him out of the way she bartered herself for odd jobs, making a living doing odds and ends around the city.

The gnome was a scrapper now, a fighter whose brain and body was pounded beneath survival and luck. With wiry thin muscles and a quick, practical mind she found herself away from the fray in flanker squads, running through alleyways and culverts of Gnomeregan to knock out quick hit and run raids on the troggs. She was bold and reckless and stupidly dense when the time called for it. She ran into as much trouble as she caused and came out looking like she tangled a bit too close with a blender. Yet she survived, a bit more battered and a bit more gung-ho but still the same woman.

In Ironforge she spent an unsuccessful time as a watchsmith, janitor, painter, miner and a very short dint as a dentist. Lost on ideas and with an aching itch to join another fight Tani signed on as a grease monkey for a Dwarven Steam Tank Division. Riding backplate across the world burned a savage streak across her brain, cutting lives and experiences into her head. She learned how to picklocks and repair engines, build guns and dress wounds. She learned how to sneak away from a fight after the enemy has destroyed your crew and burned your tank. She swapped between divisions with the rest of the crew, every wrecked tank sending her to a different group and a different fight. By the time she retired she had went with the vanguard right to Northrend to take part in the fight.

A rogue with a smile, Tani has left the service to see what else the world has to offer. Still a keen girl with a spark and a slight frame ill-suited to direct combat, the fighter has decided to make a name for herself with another cause. With her loyalties still to Gnomeregan, Ironforge and the Alliance as a whole the free-agent Tani keeps her mind open as to what she will do next.