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Player: MrCandlejack

Nickname(s): Tal, or Tel.

Association(s): The Academy of Aula Arcanum

Race: Blood elf

Class: Priest

Age: 130

Sex: Male

Hair: Messy ponytail, golden white.

Eyes: Glowing green.

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'11


Usual Garments/Armor: Expensive white linen or silk robes, very fancy. Sometimes bearing a mace, other times a staff. Wears fingerless cloth gloves if working on a project, or during combat. If he isn't wearing fancy robes, he's wearing tough cloth robes in case of discord of magic, or spilling.

Other: Holding up his ponytail, he wears a family hand-me-down, a red crystal.


Alignment: True Neutral

He doesn't care for authority, but he will not provoke, or try to uplift it by ruining it. He strives to learn as much as he can by talking to heroes, joining academies, studying with famous academics, or even going on perilous adventures just to learn about magic in particular, or a magical being. Having no combat experience, he will pay warriors or mages to escort him through the dangerous areas. He is friendly as long as you are friendly to him. If you wrong him, he will eventually find revenge, and will not hesitate to bring that revenge to action. He is a very good friend, but an enemy you do not want. Having known his parents left him as a child, he is wary of gaining friends. He is usually in a good mood, and like most Blood elves, he can be quite arrogant at some times. That doesn't keep him from being a valuable scribe. When he is in a bad mood, he usually will seclude himself in a library, or read his father's war scroll over and over until he falls asleep, or gets in a better mood. He loves being a scribe, the thrill of finishing that last scroll, or learning that new spell gives him a sort of high.


He is a very new academic at only 130 years old. He only just graduated from his academy back in Sunspire, and is striving to learn more about his holy magic. He is an apprentice scribe, but getting better. His Inscription teacher has also taught him how to pick herbs, he is very new at that, but he is training hard to be able to recognize different herbs and what they do. He has recently traveled to Fenris Keep to join a academic group. His family left him with an old scholar friend when he was a baby. The family friend told him that his father was a Ranger, and his mother a herbalist. He doesn't know where his parents left, all he would tell him is that it was for his own good. When he turned around 20 years old, he gave Talel a red crystal, and an old war scroll. Apparently, the red crystal has been in their family for years, and he was supposed to pass it down to his son. In the scroll, it has stories of old war legends. He reads the scroll every night, before bed. He still wears the crystal to tie up his usually messy hair. He keeps the scroll in his robe, or in his backpack whenever he travels. When he is not inscribing or picking herbs, he is reading from the libraries in near towns, or in the guild library. He will sometimes go down to the nearest bar and listen to stories of old war heroes, or tales of the older days. When he was a child, after his lessons and training he would go down to the pond and stare at the fish. He wrote down their colors, shapes, and personalities. He continued to do this, and has been doing it to this day. He has a journal of different animals and their personalites. He wants to show it to his peers, but he's afraid it isn't done yet, because he hasn't traveled as far as a few major cities, and his academy head quarters. When he finishes it, he hopes to publish it into the academy's libraries for others to learn about the various creatures and monsters. He has met many, many people, but kept none as friends. He has never been in a relationship, but he is still very young. His life as a scribe is very enjoyable. He has loved scrolls ever since he read his first scroll. He loves traveling and finding out more about the legends, and magic. One day he wishes to be a professor for an academy, so he can teach young scholars who love to learn as much as he does. He has minimal spell training, but he has minor healing spells, and some holy spells.