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Player: Threw

Character Full Name: Takola Geosong

Character In-game Name: Takola

Class: Shaman

Race: Tauren

Profession(s): Alchemist/herbalist

Age: 60

Weight: 650 pounds

Height: 8' 9"feet tall

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Hairstyle: Unkempt except for a braided beard


Light clothes that keep the bugs off but allow him to stay cool in the barrens heat. For a tauren he is large and muscular. Very heavy and strong in appearance. Marks of the horde on both shoulders, tauren style runes going down each arm both tell a story. Down his right arm is his mother's life story, on his left is his fathers, they meet up under his shoulders, top center of his back starts his own story and it works it way down to his tail, since he is young there's still room on his back for more.

Build: Heavy set and muscular, even for a tauren he is large.


Takola has a personality of a rage-aholic who just got out of anger management. He knows he has a short temper and he tries hard to keep it in check. He’s not all bad though, he knows what he wants and he pursues it making him very direct. Outside of all that he's level headed and can be kind towards friends and some strangers, and tolerating to the rest.


Takola's mother, a young Dawn Strider shaman, had her heart stolen by a mighty older Grimtotem warrior. She was truly in love, or what she thought was love, with this man because of his strength in battle and his bad boy attitude was charming. He entertained her feelings for him until one particular night which was supposed to be a romantic evening for two turned violent.

Takola's mother survived the ordeal and returned to her tribe embarrassed and she wouldn't speak of what happened. At least until signs of pregnancy started to show. She lied to protect the father and said she did consistent and her pregnancy was an accident. Her family did not believe this but they didn't force her to speak the truth, instead they supported her though the pregnancy and agreed to help raise the child.

A few years after Takola's birth his father showed up demanding to see his son. Takola's father had learned subtlety in the past few years and made it seem that he wanted to be a part of Takola's life and that his family did as well. Still hurt and a victim of the crimes committed to her years past Takola's mother allowed it despite her family's pleading. She took Takola with her and went to live with the Grimtotem; there she taught him the ways of being a shaman. Takola enjoyed speaking with the spirits but his father never agreed with it. The Grimtotem felt that shamanism was weak and that Takola should learn to depend on his own two hands instead of the spirits to answer his calls. It was only because of the Grimtotem elder crones being a shaman did his father agree to it.

Takola grew up as a Grimtotem, his father teaching him the ways of war as his mother teaching him how to be a shaman. He grew up favoring the ways of shamans, caring about the earth, the plants and developing a good relationship with the elements but he was not shy of the Grimtotem ways. He enjoyed finding ways to combine being a shaman with being a grim totem and by the time he became an adult he was skilled as a combat shaman, commanding the elements into combat and his knowledge of earth lead to him making many potions to help in combat when the need arose. Takola always considered himself capable of being a Grimtotem while still pleasing his mother but a day came where he learned it was just not possible.

Takola became troubled with visions of his mother suffering. These visions gave birth to a concern for her that allowed him to notice the poor treatment she received being among the grim totem clan but not being one of them when before he was simply ignorant to her suffering. He knew of her family being in Thunderbluff and encouraged her to return, but she had stayed in the Grimtotem to raise him and she would not leave without him, so together in the cover of night they made their escape from the Grimtotem clan. The favor of the elements was upon them that night and they were able to escape without much trouble. They were found by a Bloodhoof patrol, and after explaining his mother’s distress and fear of being followed they agreed to escort them to the Dawnstider clan where they were reunited with his mother’s side of his family.

From that night forward Takola devoted himself to the Horde and the Bloodhoof chieftain whose men so kindly offered their services in his mother’s escape. It didn’t take long for Takola’s father to come looking for him, but by then Takola had learned everything his father had done to his mother and now sickened by his father and the evils he was not aware of as a Grimtotem, he made it clear that he had no intention to ever return to the Grimtotem. This was taken in typical Grimtotem fashion, Takola’s father attacking his son making it clear that the penalty for leaving the Grimtotem clan was death but Takola had grown strong in the spirits, and in the ways of war. The fight was hard but Takola bested his father and had his father’s head delivered to the Grimtotem with message that the same fate would await any tauren who tried to force him back to the Grimtotem or collect his head for leaving.

At this current day Takola now travels the worlds furthering his studies in the spirits and nature itself. His love for such things has grown and has taken a majority of his free time now. He keeps in touch with his mother still and occasionally he has to deal with Grimtotem head hunters but only when he ventures into their lands. Most of this time is devoted to taking care of the spirits and upholding the lessons he learned from his mother.