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Player: ChocoboKnight7

Character Full Name: Tag'Gar Gritaxe

Character In-Game Name: Taggar

Nickname(s): "Knuckles"

Association(s): Shattered Hand Clan, Orgrimmar, Horde

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior, Grunt

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Hair: Black, short and sticks up in a V shape.

Eyes: Blue

Weight: 329lbs

Height: 6'3"


Usual Garments/Armor: When not found in his gladiator armor, Tag'Gar can be seen adorning all sorts of warm leathers.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Patient, stubborn, open-minded. He can wait out a long conflict and is likely to never back down from it until a victor is decided. Although he does have racist tendancies, he is capable of judging a person based on their actions rather than just their race or profession.


As Tag'Gar began to wake one morning his father, Rek'Tol Gritaxe, sat down on his cot and placed a hand on his shoulder. They stared into eachother's eyes a while until Rek'Tol finally spoke. "Son, today you will start your career as a warrior of the Horde and someday I know you will achieve glory."

Tag'Gar was turning 18 and his father had decided it was time he began his intense training to become a champion of the Horde, or at least a contributor. Tag'Gar had already decided what he would specialize in, he would become a great warrior and crush his foes out on the battlefield.

Tag'Gar had always been fascinated by the stories of the Frostwolf and Thunderlord raiders and developed a love for Worgs because of it. So at the age of 15, he tracked down an average sized worg in the forests near his village and tamed it, gave it a name and took care of it, for he would become its master.

It was midnight now and Tag'Gar was already with the Shattered Hand champion who would ensure he would become a great warrior within the Horde. His father arrived and stood at the door, watching his son with pride as he and his trainer rode off and out of the village. The training was intense, but Tag'Gar stook with itand he learned quickly. He often brawled with the other students using a wooden version of brass knuckles he made himself, and because of this he came to be known as Knuckles.

Years later as the second war came about, Tag'Gar was called upon to fight for the Horde in Azeroth. All the Orcs Tag'Gar stood beside were confident the war would end in their favour after the sacking of Stormwind. But their over-confidance would be their downfall. Bloody battle after blood battle ensued one after another. The brave Orcs had no time to rest. Battle-weryness and home sickness began to take their toll among the Orcish ranks and the same year the war started, it had ended with the interment of the surviving Orcs.

Tag'Gar did what he could to survive during his time in the internment camps, doing his best to help out some of his fellow Orcs, as well. When Thrall escaped and began freeing Orcs from their prisons with the help of the Warsong Clan, Tag'Gar began to prepare for battle once more. When the time came for him to be free, he would be the first Orc to charge.

After being freed by Thrall and his Warsong Clan, Tag'Gar offered his services as a Grunt and followed Thrall to Kalimdor and he was there when Orgrimmar was founded. Now he has left his position as a Grunt to explore the world as a free Orc.