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Player: Xigo

Character Name: Sindri Evertide

Character In-Game Name: Sindri

Nicknames: N/A

Associations: The Watchers, Darnassus, The Alliance

Race: Night Elf

Class: Warrior

Age: 10,582

Sex: Female

Hair: Deep blue

Eyes: Pale silver

Weight: 256 lbs

Height: 6'9


When not clad in her Warden's Regalia, Sindri can often be found in light leathers or cloths.


A grim individual, Sindri has come to understand that her race is on the decline. Her closest friends were slain in Maiev's quest, and she feels the weight of the Watcher's failure to capture Illidan heavy on her shoulders. The recent years have not been kind to her, and she has begun to suppress her emotions in order to cope with the trauma. Previously much more social, now she focuses on her job to avoid facing the anguish engulfing her idle thoughts.

When combat comes, the Warden is single minded in her deliverance of justice. She truly enjoys comparing her martial prowess with another, as it allows her mind to focus entirely on one thing. Nothing distracts her once battle is underway. And she seems to take a sort of delight in ending the lives of the foes of Darnassus.

She is not interested in relationships, nor does she care much for the relationships of others. While she will find pairings and friendships with other races odd (and in some cases disgusting), she does not allow herself to be bothered with slaying or standing in the way of such things. After all, even the greenskins were once their ally. And with the Lich King slain, peace seems to be on the way.

The war between the Alliance and Horde holds little meaning to her. She believes it to be incredibly foolish, especially after what happened during the Battle for Hyjal. What does matter to her though is the defense of her people, and she will participate in battle between the two factions if only for that reason. If she feels combat will not benefit the Kaldorei somehow, she will abstain from participation.

Due to Tyrande's releasing of Illidan, she holds a great hatred of the woman. This stems down to the Sisterhood of Elune, as she has long since come to believe them as incompotent fools who serve a leader that eagerly released a prisoner based on a whim. Further betrayals by Illidan after his release only cemented this view. With Tyrande still retaining her position as a High Priestess and thus far avoiding punishment for her crime, Sindri holds little faith for Elune. After all, what Goddess of Peace would allow her representative to unleash such a man upon Azeroth? Any worship she gives the Goddess is either doubtful or lip-service.


Sindri was born to a disgruntled mother and father during the Night Elves' period of great strife, the years before the War of the Ancients occurred. She never met her father, and her mother rarely spoke of him. And thus she was raised by only one parent, much to said parent's annoyance.

Her mother taught Sindri of how to wield a blade, and how to wage war. She learned techniques, strategies, how to hide, how to run, how to kill, and other assorted things. But while Sindri was taught these things, her mother never passed onto her knowledge of how to function in society. Thus, Sindri was a rather awkward child, her only interactions with other people coming from the times her mother would give her to a relative or friend to temporarily watch so she might commit to one of the duties of her profession. All of this would be of aid to her during the War of the Ancients.

She would follow in the footsteps of the woman that raised her, joining the Sentinels when the organization was formed. While she was no expert in the usage of a bow, her ability to wield a bladed weapon proved to be impressive. Centuries passed before she obtained the ranking of Huntress, largely due to combat prowess. With a merry demeanor and a merciless mind, Sindri proved to be an adept Huntress. Riding her nightsaber alongside her mother's as they patrolled the woods of Ashenvale gave her great pride, and the two finally began to truly bond as they joined arms in combat together.

Her abilities were truly recognized when Illidan was apprehended. When Maiev selected her cadre of Watchers to stand guard over him and other prisoners, Sindri found herself offered a position amongst these forces. She accepted the honor, standing guard amongst the Barrow Prisons of her people.

The duty did quite a bit to her personality. While she was vigilant in her watch and remorseless in her apprehension of criminals, the recluse from her loved ones caused her to grow grim as time passed on. It was simply a very lonely job, and she was unused to being separated from others for years at a time. Millenia would pass as she viciously pursued justice, and her diligence would be rewarded in the form of a promotion.

Oddly enough the training for Wardenhood was one of the more vibrant moments in her centuries of life. Intense spars between herself and her mentor were held on an almost daily basis. The hunts for enemies of the Kaldorei race grew fiercer and fiercer. She felt tested every day, and her mind was sharpened with every trial. And when the day came for her full obtainment of the rank, there was no doubt in her mind that she was fit for the task.

Her single-minded pursuit of justice would continue until the tranquility of Ashenvale was disturbed by the invading greenskins. A dark and brooding hatred found itself growing within her heart as she bore witness to the destruction they wrought upon Ashenvale. She would see her mother and relatives for the first time in thousands of years, the reunion causing her cold heart to warm once again.

And when the Battle for Hyjal came, she saw her father for the first time in her life. It was a short and sweet meeting, though cut short by the impending threat of the Legion.

As battle was joined a new sort of revelation fell over Sindri. She bore witness to Sentinels and Druids falling in defense of Azeroth, but it was not only them sacrificing their lives. No, so too did the Orcs and Humans die in order to protect the world. The alliance of the three, no matter how short it was, touched her. And though she would admit it to none, it caused her to think less about race and more about the actions of the individual. If the green destroyers could protect her beloved home, then what were other people capable of? The realization shaped her views on the Horde and Alliance wars of later dates.

Immortality was lost at the end of the day, but it mattered little to Sindri. The idea of one day being able to die peacefully appealed to her. What did trouble her was the loss of her mother. She searched acres of land, covered with bodies, attempting to locate her beloved parent. Eventually she would spot her father, cradling the fallen Sentinel in his arms, weeping for the death of his mate. Sindri would join him in mourning, the scar formed upon her heart from this loss never truly fading. She hasn't seen her father since this day, presuming the man to have gone back to the Emerald Dream.

There was no time to waste grieving for her mother, though. The call for the Watchers was issued by Maiev, and she was one of those who answered. Illidan was their objective, his capture all that mattered. Sindri steeled her heart and set her mind upon aiding her sisters, not allowing it to soften as she saw millenia-old friends falling to naga and other threats. As the cadre came to slowly dwindle to nothing, Sindri found herself one of the few survivors. She returned to Ashenvale in shame, tending to her duties once again.

While the world outside Ashenvale exploded in conflict, she never truly allowed herself to be bothered with it. Only when her duties called for her to journey outside the sacred forest would she do such, returning swiftly afterwards. Regardless of what would come, she stood vigilant as a defender of the Kaldorei, and served as one of their many blades hidden in the night. Justice stands as one of the few things that are truly important to her now, pursuing it with conviction and pride.

Skills and abilities

Warden's Regalia: While Sindri holds a preference to facing foes one on one with light armor and a sword, she understands this perfect scenario rarely ever happens. It is due to this fact that she has been trained to fight while wearing the plate armor of the Warden, adopting a fighting style revolving about attacking multiple foes at once while wearing it, utilizing both moon sword and cloak in wide sweeping motions. This style however does not work with other armors, as they lack the blade-cloak, and she is unused to their weights.

Abilities: Sindri maintains access to the abilities her fellow Wardens use, primarily the 'blink' spell.

Authority: Sindri stands above most Night Elven authorities, answering only to the highest commands. This makes her a fairly autonomous individual (like most Wardens). However, the price for abusing this power is steep, likely resulting in a loss of her position should she commit to 'corrupt' actions (or worse).