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Player: Theik

Character Full Name: Shoja

Character In-Game Name: Shoja

Nickname(s): Chieftain

Association(s): Daggerclaw Tribe

Race: Jungle Troll

Class: Warrior

Age: 46

Sex: Female

Hair: The troll woman's hair has gone white from age, though she still sports more than enough of it to form a wild Mohawk. A shrunken head hangs from one of her braids, reminding those of her tribe what happens if they don't stay in line.

Eyes: Shoja's eyes are a dark hue of orange, bordering on a light red.

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 280 lbs

Other: Shoja's muscular body shows a wide array of scars from combat, which she wears with pride.

Alignment: Lawful Evil


Shoja is never seen without impressive looking armour to boast her status as the chieftain of her tribe, an array of tribal plate, skulls of various humanoids impaled on the spikes that stick out.


Like most Jungle Trolls, Shoja is a ruthless opponent with no real sense of mercy, as to be expected from any self respecting chieftain. Yet while most Trolls have to make do with nothing but sheer brawn, Shoja is remarkably cunning for a Troll warrior. She certainly wouldn't be able to fit in at a sophisticated party, but she's got a basic enough understanding of diplomacy, and enough common sense, to know when a discussion was more likely to get what she wanted than cutting heads.

That's not to say that she doesn't like cutting heads though. As displayed by the various necklaces she wears with shrunken heads, Shoja tends to be extremely aggressive. A warrior at heart, and incredibly proud at that, she'll quickly retaliate any insult on her honour with a spear to the chest, especially so if the offender happened to be male. Raised with the ideals that the Daggerclaw Tribe has upheld for three generations now, she has less than no real respect for men.


Born into the Daggerclaw Tribe in Stranglethorn Vale, she quickly proved to be a particularly vicious troll, even as a child. Training under the chieftain at that time, she quickly blossomed into a fierce warrior, building up the strength and stamina the primitive tribe so admired.

She passed her rite of adulthood easily, leaving her village naked to fight a savage tiger, and returning covered in blood, hauling what little of the majestic creature she didn't devour along as a trophy. Not long after she officially became an adult member of her tribe, the ambitious young troll challenged her tutor to a duel after she had gotten injured during a skirmish with one of the other tribes.

Unable to reject a challenge by Troll law, even while she was wounded and barely capable of fighting, she had no choice but to fight young Shoja, who managed to overpower the older Troll with relative ease now that she couldn't put up much of a fight. Killing her in the lethal duel, she claimed control of the Daggerclaw and the shrunken head of her tutor as her first trophy.

Over the years she ruled the tribe with an iron fist, though she never managed to win any serious battles against the other warring tribes. When the Atal'ai poured out of Zul'gurub looking for sacrifices for their newly arisen bloodgod Hakkar, Shoja realized that her tribe was too small to put up a real fight for long. She instead opted to flee and fled south, where she made a deal with the Blackwater Raiders for safe passage to Kalimdor. None of her tribe know the true details of the deal, though rumours that Trolls she claimed had drowned in the passage were in fact handed out as slaves.

Now the ageing warrior tries to forge a destiny for her tribe in the Horde Controlled lands, having settled her tribe in the Stagnant Oasis, where they wage a war against the local Centaur.