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Player: Shivali

Character Full Name: Shivali Sunchaser

Character In-Game Name: Shivali

Nickname(s): Shiv, Shivi, Shiva, Blaza, Chasa,

Association(s): Ratchet, Steamwheedle Cartel, (Loosely) Silvermoon

Race: Blood Elf

Class: Hunter

Age: 132

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark Red

Eyes: Green

Weight: 143 pounds

Height: 6'6"


Usual Garments/Armor: Ragged leather boots and trousers, cloth shirt, and tabard with occasional leather jacket


Generally speaking, Shivali is an average, very proud and self-centered blood elf with a very short temper for those that disrespect him. Although they really shouldn't have anything to respect him for. He's not a very good person, very rude and very confrontational. Most of the time, when someone is in a fight with Shivali, Shivali is likely to have started it. He's not always foolish within his violent behavior, though. When he wants to, (Or when he isn't drunk or on felweed) he can be pretty tricky. Being around him for too long is a sure-fire way to get him to try and scam you. As stated previously, he is very self-centered and would do a whole wide range of things to get a hold of your money. (IE: Shooting you in the leg and taking your wallet, selling you fake diamonds, taking your mechano-strider keys, et cetera...) Of course, he isn't entirely evil. He likes being around people, and drinking and fighting with his degenerate buddies and assorted anti-social associates. He's not likely to kill anyone, for all his talk about himself being badass and whatnot, but for some weird personal complex, he's probably not going to be the one to back down from fight. He'll fight until he's punched out, knocked out, or thrown out and no time sooner. Occasionally, when he hasn't had enough to drink, he'll wimp out and stick to just cursing people out, but it's more likely he'd want to fight. When it comes to the races, Shivali has nothing but deeply ingrained racist hate for night elves and a strong dislike of trolls. The rest of them, he gets along as well as he can, which isn't very well considering how rude, self-centered, and confrontational he is.


Shivali was born in one of the more rural and secluded areas of southern Quel'Thelas, a family of hunters and rangers. He was the youngest of three brothers and one sister. As one might have expected, his father was a marksman in the Farstriders, who'd fought in all the wars that might have passed in his time in military. When they were old enough, one of Shivali's brothers and his older sister joined the Farstriders too. When Shivali came of age, both he and the brother closest to his age were expected to move north and go train among the Farstriders as well. Well they did, and after about six weeks of training they left said Farstriders, not bothering to tell their parents they had done so. At this point, both Shivali and his closest brother were growing quite bored with the forests, so they went to Silvermoon and covertly started a business peddling illegal drugs, mystical paraphenalia, and exotic pets smuggled into the city by a friend of theirs. It didn't take long for the guards to find them and shut them down. Now the brothers were broke, driven out of Silvermoon, and very pissed off at each other since they both thought it was the other's fault. They had a big fight, shook hands, had another fight, hugged, had a third fight and parted ways. Shivali's brother went to the far south, probably to Dalaran, and Shivali went to the west, to one of the lesser port towns near the mouth of the river that runs through Eversong. There he started another business, this time smuggling the illegal goods all the way to Silvermoon and selling them himself before heading back to the port. After a few years he got caught, and spent a great deal greater years in prison. As soon as he got out, he was confronted by his eldest brother and sister, saying that his mother was dead and his father was really pissed. Shivali took this about as well as he could have at the time, and did what he always does with those sort of emotional things, run away. He joined the military, as infantry.

After about a week he deserted and went back to the port town under cover of night. He joined a crew of sailors who were heading south. Over the next several years he learned his poorly constructed form of common from sailors, thieves, criminals, and eventually goblins he'd meet along the way. By the time he was done with the sailing thing, he was on Kezan. With what little money he had from sailing, he went straight to the Undermine and lost it all. He got somewhere around ankle-deep in debt before he wizened up. He spent about two years or so commanding a group of pickpockets in the lower parts of the city before he finally got all the debt down. He immediately severed ties to the group of thieves and got a job in a goblin workshop, cleaning up and running errands. He learned a few things about mechanics over the next several years, and slowly began to get more important jobs around the workshop. (Though his salary never increased, of course.) Eventually he was actually making small fixes on the machines themselves. He worked this business a few more months before he started hearing about some kind of plague in Lordaeron. He wanted to check on the rest of his family, "to see if his dad was dead enough to pass on any inheritance" as he told his friends. He got on a ship to go up the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms all the way to Eversong, just in time to feel the effects of the Sunwell's destruction. He joined the rest of the blood elves in their plight of magical withdrawal, turning to the fel for the same high the rest of the blood elves looked for. He spent a few months around the ruins of Eversong before realizing he wanted to go back to the Undermine, and that he actually believed he had found a place he liked among the goblin cities. (Around this time the Blood Elves had been accepted into the Horde.) He spent his remaining money to take a ship back to Kezan and get to the Undermine. At this point he got a new job as a mechanic in a new workshop in the upper city, towards the surface, working a few other odd jobs for friends along the side for some time before getting fired. He spent the next six weeks in his apartment drinking and smoking before getting a few friends together and stealing a mechano-hog from the workshop. This of course, was not very well though out, since there weren't many straight escape routes in the Undermine. Plenty of places to hide things, but obviously not easy to get a hog up and out of the city all too quickly.

They hid it in one of the friends houses for a few days before people started asking questions. Apparently Shivali's old boss immediately assumed it was Shivali who stole it, and sent the bruisers looking for him. Shivali could tell his "friends" who'd helped him steal the hog were not going to stay friends for much longer, so the first chance he got, he took the bike up and out of the Undermine, heading straight for the nearest port. He foolishly spent the rest of his money paying to transport himself and the bike on a ship all the way to Ratchet, at which point he found that the ignition, headlights, fuel tank and muffler had all been removed and stolen. He managed to get the bike to a local repair shop, where they were willing to sell off the parts he needed. Unfortunately he had no money whatsoever, after the voyage from Kezan. So there he was, once again broke, dirty, pissed off and unsure of what to do with himself, clinging onto a broken motorbike, without many options left. So, with some reluctance, he went looking for a steady job. He couldn't find anything but work cleaning up in a local tavern. He decided it was better than nothing, and got the job. A week later he was fired, so he went downtown and made some connections with some local drug dealers. He's been selling off stock and doing odd jobs and scams in attempt to get rich ever since.