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Player: IrishLemon

Character Full Name: Shain Elise Andronius

Character In-Game Name: Shain

Nickname(s): Shey, Broomgirl

Association(s): Alliance, The Cathedral of Light, Lambent Sovereignty

Race: Human

Class: Paladin

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Hair: Blonde, naturally, but had it died brown so people would stop making jokes...

Eyes: Hazel

Weight: 115 lbs

Height: 5'5


She's a fan of robes and sometimes, a pantsuit when in the Cathedral, and heavy, bulky armor when she's actually out doing a mission, or other physical work.

Other: She -always- wears her blue headband. She thinks it's blessed by the light. She bathes with the darn thing on, even. Not like any of you will ever find that out, though.


Bubbly. She's fresh out of training, and it shows. She's got a semi-hyper, optimistic outlook on a lot of things, including war. This sometimes can come off as young, foolhardy cockyness, and really, it is. She may not always be too bright, but she is a learned woman. She's got a firm belief in the light, and that it is the way to salvation. She's slow to judge others, unless they give her severe reason to do so.

She has -no- tolerance for the undead, or the Horde. It may come off as a surprise, since she's usually a genuine, sweet person, but in those regards she's severely intolerant.


Shain was born and raised in Stormwind. She's seen it fall, and be brought back up, all the while being active in the Cathedral, serving as an alter girl for many years. Through this, she'd developed a deep belief in the way of light, and even at a young age, formed many theories in her young mind about what it meant to be a servant of the light.

She was convinced that hard work, along with a strong conviction was the way to go about earning grace. So, naturally, when around the age of sixteen, she sought to become a squire. She aclaimated semi-slowly to the chores that entailed, do to her small size, and lack of muscles at the time, yet her heart lied within all the effort she put in.

Years passed, and, eventually she became quite an educated, and strong woman. She knows how to use they light against all of it's enemies, and also how to combat with a few different types of weapons.

Upon returning to the Cathedral, she sought out Lazarus, the lead of Lambent Sovereignty, for she had heard good things about him and his group. Now, she's joined as a squire again, and hopes to move along and become a true Paladin within the group.

Till then, she continues doing what her mentor, Thaddaeus, tells her to do, along with sweeping the main hall in the Cathedral, keeping it clean and tidy.