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Player: Delta

Character Full Name: Sengara Dreadshot

Character In-Game Name: Sengara

Nickname: Seng

Associations: Lethaxion

Race: Orc

Class: Fel-sworn (Hunter)

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Hair: Dyed white and braided.

Eyes: More red than brown.

Weight: 271 lbs

Scale/Height: 1.03/6’2”


Usual Garments/Armour: Out in the wilds, Sengara usually wraps her limbs in toughened leather to deter the teeth, claws, and spines she is often in contact with. Her torso is generally defended by a coat of mail.

Other: The effects of the demon blood she imbibes have calcified her finger and toe nails. Her eyes are sunken and dark, and her lips are eternally parched.


Having spent much of her life among beasts, Sengara has assumed a number of habitual behaviours that may seem animalistic or savage to others, and the consumption of Fel has inflamed her temper somewhat.

She possesses a curiosity that borders on gluttonous, always eager to discover more when she has a taste of information. In the company of all creatures, be they sentient or otherwise, she accepts nothing less than the dominant position, and reaps all the rewards that being top dog brings. Her ambition is avaricious, and though generally a loner, can be assertive around others.

Regarding her deal with Lethaxion, she is usually prudently secretive, but admits to her use of Fel to those perceptive enough to be able to guess at it. She is honest where concealment is impossible, but isn’t very free with any other information. So often have others attempted to interfere with her business that she simply keeps it to herself nowadays.

In her dealings with others, which are rare to begin with, she is concise and brusque. She values the Horde for its virtues, but somewhere along the way, she lost the pride she once felt in fighting for it. As a matter of course, she avoids those who would confront her over her abilities, and finds common ground with individuals interested in her pursuits.


Conceived in victory, Sengara was born shortly after the closing chapters of the First War. Her earliest memories were of glory, the accomplishments of her people, and then a great struggle. The tides of battle turned against the orcs, and her family was forced to scatter. Her mother separated from her father and the other members of her clan, retreating deep into the wilderness to ensure that neither of them would be enslaved by humans.

There, Sengara was taught the fundamentals of survival. Her mother showed the young orc how to fashion and use her own weapons, how to hunt, and how to fight. She spoke of the history of the orcish clans, of Draenor and the rise of the Horde. At first, her retellings were passionate and prideful, but the tales grew more objective and humble as time went on, and one day she simply said no more of days gone by.

Although they lived a freer life than most orcs on Azeroth, Sengara and her mother could not escape the lethargy that plagued their race. They faced trials to survive that hardened both, but they inevitably took their toll on the elder of the two. Despite Sengara’s best efforts, her mother succumbed to illness. She knew the rudiments of survival and defence, but from then on, she threw herself into a consistent regime to strengthen her body and resolve. Alone now, she took comfort in the presence of the beasts she encountered, and even bonded with some of them.

Sengara was soon reunited with others of her kind. She was discovered whilst hunting, and was subsequently taken to the leader of a small band. It seemed that most of them had dispersed to the four winds after the Second War, but she was told that a liberated gladiator had been rallying them against the humans with a plan to free the rest of their kind. Intrigued, she joined them.

After helping to unshackle her people, Sengara began to feel a sense of belonging. For the first time, her spirits lifted, and she was compelled to follow Thrall’s Horde to Kalimdor. She journeyed with them and lent her aid to those they crossed who needed it. Utilising her experience in harsh environments, she taught those who had been freed from the camps how to live off the land and track game. Leading such a party in a hunt, she picked up the trail of what seemed to be an injured boar. It found them before they found it, charging from the brush and bowling over a smaller male. They were able to bring it down, but only a particularly nasty struggle in which many were hurt. Admiring the boar’s spirit, Sengara demanded that it be spared, and took to the task of taming it.

Numerous arrows had been wedged in the boar’s back over the years, so reminded of a tale she’d heard from a tauren of a certain thorny-backed demigod, she decided to call him Agaro, and he joined her as the orcs headed north to confront a great threat alongside many other races.

During the battle for mount Hyjal, she met an older orc who employed unusual tactics in his fight against the Legion. After slaying a demon, he collected its blood and quaffed it in intervals to spike the potency of his spells and hasten his reflexes. She had witnessed firsthand the destruction their enemies had wrought, but the way this orc visited it back upon them fascinated her.

He showed her the way to gather the blood and how to maximise its effects in battle. Sengara remembered the stories of the past told by her mother, but this seemed different. They were using this power against the orcs’ ancient enemies, those who had deceived their noble ancestors. What cause could be worthier? She scarcely noticed the subtle changes that began to occur both without and within her. With plenty of bodies to sample from in the endless demonic tide, they were never short of blood during the battle. When the fight was won however, their supply was cut. Yet there were still foes to face, and greater challenges ahead.

The warlock confided in her an idea, one that would allow them to obtain a consistent supply of Felblood. He knew of a way to beckon a powerful demon to their plane with whom a bargain could be struck, but admitted that he would require Sengara’s assistance in orchestrating his plan. She agreed on the condition that all work and proceeds would be split evenly between them.

The ritual took weeks of preparation. From tales she had heard of such things, she imagined that dozens of sacrifices would be required, and offered to acquire some for her mentor. Laughing, the warlock had pronounced her crude and instead gave her a shopping list of artefacts to gather. Some of them puzzled her and were rather obscure, such as a claw from a bear that had slaughtered a village after her cub was stolen, and the antlers of a stag who, tired of his herd being preyed upon by wolves, slew a pack of the beasts. Lastly, a feather from a bird that allegedly never landed since the day it took flight. The last one was especially difficult to obtain as its dead body was suspended in threads of silk, and Sengara was forced to navigate a spider’s nest to claim her prize.

The final component involved the capture of a roaming worg who had turned on his master. She only learnt the identity of its master and why it had turned on him after all was done and behind her. She and Agaro were able to locate the worg, and contained the vicious predator after a hectic struggle.

The summoning circle was measured and drawn, inscribed meticulously with Eredic runes. The cave was sealed to prevent interruptions, and the warlock began his litany. Loosing the worg, Sengara sprang away as it burst from the cage and snapped at her. Armed with only a dagger and nearly bare, as instructed, she was forced to dance beyond its strikes and wait for an opening, ensuring the two of them never stepped beyond the circle. When none arrived, she altered her strategy and allowed a bite to connect. Its jaws fastened, as she anticipated. Pain and fangs tore through her arm, but the worg’s throat was in reach, and she drew the dagger across it. Drenched in both the worg’s blood and her own, she struggled free of its limp body and met the warlock’s eye with her own, nodding.

Exiting the circle, she began dressing her wound as she watched the older orc chant and gesture furiously. Her part was over. Sengara wasn’t sure, but she suspected that almost a day of his fervent channelling had passed before she saw the circle flood with a wan green light. It took on a liquid quality, like the surface of a bubbling lake. She watched in awe as a horned giant rose from the rippling earth, gripping the sides of the circle to hoist itself up. It stepped out on cloven feet. Fire burned through its armoured body. In the small cavern, its heat was nearly overwhelming, and it had to stoop to avoid grazing the ceiling. In its hand were the offered artefacts. It crushed them.

In a rumbling, thunderous voice, it told the two that it accepted their meagre gifts. Brandishing a corded whip, it struck the portal and tore something from within it. Still wrapped in nether energies, two figures separated and landed before Sengara and her mentor. Their forms solidified, a pair of Felhounds stepping forth. The greater demon pointed out that while they had presented gifts representing the ferocity of Azerothian and Draenic animals, the Burning Legion commanded far stronger beasts, and they must prove themselves if they wished to pretend dominance over such creatures.

Eager to demonstrate his worth, the warlock staggered forward. He was tired after the ritual. Before Sengara could intervene, the Felhounds flung themselves at him. He singed off the essence-draining tentacles of one, but the other sank its barbed teeth deep into his thigh and started to siphon his magic away. Sengara pounced upon the other, fighting with her good arm to press a dagger into its back. Her mentor whittled away the strength of his attacker with curses, but his own fled him far more swiftly. By the time she’d finished with her opponent, the other was easy to outmanoeuvre and defeat, but the warlock had fallen.

The demon praised her success, and introduced itself as Lethaxion. It explained that the Legion’s armies depended upon Fel-enhanced fauna, and that it was seeking servants to carry out these enhancements on deserving beasts. If Sengara agreed to obey, it promised to teach her skills and spells to complement her abilities as a hunter and provide her with the blood she relied upon to strengthen both her body and the bodies of the creatures she fought alongside. She agreed, forming the pact.

Before sinking back into the Nether, Lethaxion twisted the bodies of the Felhounds to wring them of blood, leaving it as a parting present. After gathering up the blood in buckets, which were all she had at the time, she spent a few days recovering from the ordeal and seeing to the wounds she’d incurred; minor burns and scrapes she hadn’t noticed and the wound the worg had inflicted upon her arm. She began sloshing blood into Agaro’s feed, and documented the changes it brought about in him.

She maintained the portal in the cavern to keep open a line of contact with her patron. She had to spend a long time reading the warlock’s notes to restore the damaged ritual circle and accumulate all the necessary components. Even then, she suspected she’d be out of luck if she had to start from scratch. The demon often sent her out on missions she seemed strange, which involved studying various forms of wildlife and assessing their strong and weak points. Lethaxion had her track migrations for miles.

The recompense she received was not very straightforward, either. Bloodless itself, the demon summoned twisted beings from its menagerie and pitted her against them. When slain, it emptied their bodies of blood and cast them back into the Nether. ‘You are a predator, not a pet’, it told her. ‘Kill for your sustenance’. So she did. Lethaxion began to teach her spells to infuse her arrows with, traps to cripple and immobilise, and magical means of tracking involving the blood of a creature or the essence of an entity.

Agaro underwent a strange sort of transformation, growing larger and decidedly deadlier. When she proudly demonstrated his capabilities before Lethaxion, the demon praised her again, and informed her that it was her responsibility to see to it that others like her boar were granted the same gifts. She began to devise ways to carry out the demon’s wishes.

Unfortunately, a cave collapse dropped many tonnes of rock on Sengara’s progress. She suspected sabotage, but an accident was just as likely. She was forced to seek out another warlock to help her, and to her surprise, a goblin in the business of dealing with demons crossed her path shortly after her search began. Had she been a little less desperate for help, she might have been wary when he asked for nothing more than a cut of the blood she received in exchange for constructing a summoning circle whenever she needed one.

The world moved and she continued to serve Lethaxion, growing more proficient as both a hunter and in the new powers she’d been bestowed with. Not even the events of the Cataclysm disrupted her duties. She went on seeking out beasts to tame and gift, travelling to Outland both to visit her ancestral home and to observe the creatures of that world. Her return to Azeroth brought new challenges, but she was more than ready to meet them.

Skills and Abilities

Sengara’s abilities are rather straightforward. The abilities a hunter possesses are explained through her courtship of Fel and the tricks Lethaxion taught her.

Instead of Arcane, her arrows are empowered by Shadow. Her shots are imbued with curses that can slow enemies or deal them periodic Shadow hurts via stings. Dark arrows divide to strike multiple enemies, and other shots carry with them a dispelling effect. Invisible foes are revealed by Fel flares, and her explosive and immolating traps burn with preternatural flame. Other traps are capable of completely immobilising.

Further abilities involve being able to track magically, move and shoot faster for a time, mend and even revive a fallen bestial companion. She was also granted the ability to call Fel’d-up companions to her side, and can cast a spell to dismiss them to a recall point too.

In short, she just does what a regular hunter does and the only difference is the means.

Lastly, Sengara requires the assistance of a warlock to contact her patron, Lethaxion. She can’t summon him by herself.