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Player: Joe2618

Character Full Name: Selolun

Character In-Game Name: Selolun

Nickname(s): Sel, Selo and Lunar

Association(s): Draenei

Race: Draenei

Class: Paladin (Vindicator)

Skills and Abilities:

Strong immune system: Her body has adapted to many different planets and has taken on many different germs. As a result it is much more difficult for her to become ill through germs or by any other means.

Age: 2500

Sex: Female

Hair: She changes it regularly but as a rule of thumb she tends to have long hair and it's colour varies as well. She usually has it coloured at a brown to purple colouration.

Eyes: Draenei luminescent blue

Scale/Height: 1.0


Usual Garments/Armor: The clothing she wears is really quite infrequent, she might go from wearing cloth to full plated armour on a whim. She tends to like bright coloured armours though so as to stand out. She is much more relaxed about civilian clothing, wearing anything that takes her fancy at that moment in time.

Other: She doesn't have anything of note.


Selolun is usually a very happy young woman, following the rule of 'Making the most of life'. As her time being hunted by Eredar has taught her. She seeks to grab life by the horns and takes charge of her own life seeking out the best way to spend her time.

She is very spiritual when it comes to the light and spends a lot of time on her inner journey to become all that she can be. She is very selfless and dedicates a lot of her time to helping others when she isn't hunting down criminals or destroying warlocks and demons. She is compassionate and charitable and helping others is precisely what pushes Selolun forward and make her life feel especially rewarding.

The woman does have a temper however, and no matter how hard she tries to pin it down sometimes she can't help it when it comes to the surface. This is very rare although when it does rise she can be unnecessarily violent or hurtful. She never let's this side get to her around friends however even if they are in argument. Strangers on the other hand should keep a look out for this woman.

This anger leads her to question if she is truly good. There is a fine line between a saviour from demons and someone who goes on killing sprees. This often strikes fear into her heart as she doesn't want to become the very thing that she fights.

The emotions of others effect this woman heavily and as of such she tries to make everyone happy, often going to extreme and down right absurd lengths to accomplish this task. If she tries everything and somebody still isn't happy she will simply leave the situation and walk away from the area. She doesn't want to be pulled down by other peoples negative thoughts and emotions.

When around different cultures she is curious and kind, often willing to follow the culture and try her best to understand it. She values all creatures on this planet and views them as people who will one day need to band together in order to fight in the army of light against the burning legion. To this end she has forgiven the Orc's for what they have done to her kind, putting it down to them learning the same lessons that the Draenei had to learn. This means she will give the Orc's a brief chance to prove themselves to her before she brands them as an uneducated buffoon and will do her best to stay away from them. She gives this same chance to the Sin'dorei as well.

As for the rest of the Horde she is much more welcoming with exception to the Forsaken which she is slightly wary of, they are dead after all and the fact that they still live on is quite a mystery to the young Draenei. For the most part she respects the Alliance races, enjoying the company of Dwarves, Kaldorei and Gnomes. Worgen and Humans are suspects however, her first few encounters with them have not being positive ones. As of such she is wary of them and will do her best to avoid them.

She is a creative soul and as of such she loves to dance and sing, although when she sings it is usually in the tongue of her people that her mother taught her a long time ago. She is quite shy about her dancing skills so only does such in private or with people she trusts. Singing on the other hand she does in public, feeling much more confident about her skills in singing. She also has a love for swimming.

She is a pragmatic soul and has no illusions about the future and what it might bring. To this end she tries her best to unite people under one banner, she knows that it is unlikely to happen but she has hope, the battle of Hyjal was a good sign for her and she knows that the Horde and the Alliance can work together when they must.

When relaxing she prefers to have a drink in her hand and a few friends to share her time drinking with. This is precious time for Selolun as she knows that she might die when the legion hits so she plans on being happy with her friends for as much time as she comes until that day comes.

When it comes to how she feels about helping the world, she prefers to concentrate on those people around her and the things she stands for. She believes that every action that she makes has a ripple affect that goes outwards and affects all of Azeroth. If she makes enough ripples then maybe one day she can change the world for the better.

Selolun has only one fear, and that is to become what she is trying to destroy. This is of course the Ereder. She has seen how fel has twisted the Orcs and the Blood elves and it disgusts her. She fears the anger that sometimes rustles from within and questions if she would ever become like they have, corrupt. She uses this fear to drive her on and to strengthen her resolve to destroy any fel beings she finds.


Selolun was the first child of her parents. Born on the Oshu'Gun she had a relatively well structured childhood, although as a young girl she never understood why everyone was always so focused on fighting a legion of some sort, it just seemed so pessimistic to think of war all the time. A sense of adventure was born in the young woman as she grew older, seeing life as a thrill and to be taken by the horns. This worried her parents to no end and even with the tutelage of the light they feared their first daughter wouldn't last very long with this blind optimism and naivety.

This lead to the decision that when she became of age where she might be able to look after herself she was to live with a Vindicator and be an apprentice. Before she left her family at the age of forty-four she was taught but one thing from her mother, the many songs of her people and how to sing them. This was her heritage for her grandmother now an Eredar taught her mother these songs and this tradition was past down on to her.

Her life became a lot harder when she met the man who was to train her. His name was Zaraxia and he wasn't as gentle as her parents were. She spent most of her day learning the many prayers Vindicator's had to know and when she wasn't doing that her body was beaten black and blue by the practice swords that they wielded. Life was hard for Selolun as everyday presented a new challenge on how to survive. Often times at night Zaraxia would tell stories about Fel. This struck fear into her, and this fear slowly grew into a dark hate.

As she grew older she continued her training and slowly she moved on from practice swords to real swords. Her ability to handle the weapon became more like instinct for the woman. One day during a duel with her mentor, Zaraxia sent her flying as an arc of light exploded from his blade. This amazed Selolun, never before had she seen a combination of the light and the sword being so interchangeable. “This is the true mark of a Vindicator Selolun.” She was informed by her mentor.

When Zaraxia allowed Selolun free time, she often went to round up other Draenei and talk. This was due to many reasons, but the two most important to her was to listen to the latest stories of her people and to listen to current events so she could keep up to date. The other reason was to forget, for a short while at least that she was being hunted by the Ereder. She understood her responsibilities, however sometimes she just wanted to forget about all the hardship and just have fun.

Eventually they hit a lush green planet of an unknown name. Zaraxia had been able to pull a few strings to get him and his apprentice 'ground-side'. So that Selolun could experience a planet for the first time. This forest planet amazed her at first, all of the strange animals that she had never seen before, and complex wild life that lived on the planet. She was soon struck with illness as being born on a ship the only germs she had to deal with where of Argus origin. She was in quite a lot of pain, as the germs spread throughout her system.

Luckily, Zaraxia was there, keeping a watchful eye out for her. He took her too a soft area and nursed her back to her health, although not through the life, but rather through medical treatment. She asked him why he wouldn't just heal her and he responded by saying. “The light is only a temporary stop in situations like this. Your body needs to learn to master the planet you live on. Or you'll die.”

Over time she adapted to the changes and was able to live on the planet. However they left once more, moving on the Oshu'Gun to go from planet to planet. Eventually landing on Draenor. It was on this land where she met the Orc's for the first time. She didn't spend too much time with them however, preferring to spend time with her own kin. During this time Selolun met her mother and she was told that she had a little sister by the name of Tia.

Although she never met Tia as her training demanded her full attention. At this stage in her life, the gap between Zaraxia and Selolun was quite thin in terms of their abilities as Paladins. She had slowly come closer and closer to combining the light with her sword, and this like her mentor became her signature technique. After a long time training there was finally nothing more Zaraxia could teach Selolun of the light.

When the Orc's struck the Draenei, Zaraxia and Selolun worked together to hold the line, they kept on fighting as it was their responsibility to destroy all fel beings. This was Selolun's chance to prove herself. They fought for as long as they could against the Orc's but as time went on it became more and more obvious that the Draenei couldn't match them.

The sudden unity of the Orcs and there sudden attack had the Draenei in disarray. After many years of fighting with her use of the blade and the light, Selolun heard of a plan to leave a skeleton force behind whilst the remaining Draenei fled. Selolun considered this idea as a great plan, although she didn't raise her hand to the call as Zaraxia advised her to flee. "It doesn't matter how ferocious the fly is, in the end the weakest of spiders can kill it."

Taking this advice on board, she accepted the words. Selolun and Zaraxia fled, travelling as far as they could towards the Zangermarsh. Over the time that they stayed in Zangermarsh Selolun's lessons decreased, she was working side by side with her mentor, doing what any Vindicator could do, heal her people and defend them from any predators about the area.

As time went on she began to grow more violent due to the Orc's and how they had destroyed her home. Her anger began to be noticed in her work, attacking creatures much more viciously and with more fury. Other Vindicators began to see her as a liability, every Vindicator but one: Zaraxia.

Zaraxia approached Selolun and conversed with her. "The others think you are angry, and to an extent I believe they are right. But something else is amiss about you Selolun." At this point the mentor hugged is student. "You need to stop hiding and bottling up your emotions Selolun. Even if you survive this ordeal you won't be the same person if you allow this new attitude to consume you."

Selolun hugged Zaraxia in return and tears began to run down her eyes. She listened to her mentor, like she had always done, however the grapple with her anger and indeed fear was a long battle, for years her anger was there, but over time she was able to subdue her anger. It still lurked deep within her, but with her mentors soothing words and hugging her she eventually learned that she need not be angry.

Zaraxia and Selolun's bond soon changed, indeed she was still the student and he the teacher. However Zaraxia began to give her more attention and try to make her happy, it was this connection established in this time of near annihilation that kept them both sane. They were not Parent and child in essence. They had one another to protect, along with there people and that was all that mattered.

Eventually the people were strengthened by Vellen's words and plan. It had been such a long time since she saw what she saw at this point: Hope. The woman was determined to save her rest, but she was also tempered to save herself as well, in the sense of still being the same person if she made it out alive.

She stormed Tempest keep. Doing her best to fight off the Sin'dorei and break them. This was a desperate battle, of survival, after fighting for a long while, she came across an elf with a bow, too exhausted to charge for him and knowing that her light was obvious at this point in the fight. She eventually poured light into her blade and swung at it. The elf was confused at this act, that was until he saw a vertically charged arc of light being released from her blade.

When the smoke had cleared all that remained was a heavily injured Sin'dorei. Wasting no time she ran to the Exodar, finding Zaraxia there. She took in a sigh of relief and exhaustion, sitting with the man on a bench she fell into a deep slumber. When the Exodar crashed into Azeroth she had a mixture of emotions, dejected, regretful, joy, and fear. The most prevalent emotion however was relief. Relief that she had escaped from the Orcs and the Sin'dorei.

Zaraxia had another lesson to tell Selolun now, in this new land. "Never lose hope Selolun, even the darkest nights have a dawn. If you keep your hope alive, no matter how hard the situation might seem, you will get through it." Selolun took these words to heart before looking out at this strange new world.

She assisted in the injured Draenei, and began to help rebuild. Eventually running into the Kaldorei who helped her people tremendously. At this point Zaraxia asked the Night elven people if someone of their race might learn the Kaldorei traditions and ways. Selolun had a hard time understanding as she was still learning common at the time. But Zaraxia explained in Draenei that she would live amongst the Kaldorei. “In order to watch them and make sure they do not attack our people.” Was the first part of his explanation.

The second part was. “You have learnt all you can from me, it is now time for you to go out into this new world and learn your own path.” And with that Selolun spent a few years with the Kaldorei, learning their ways and they slowly taught her common as well.

She eventually went back to Draenor, a mixture of guilt from running away from her home planet with a sense like her time wasn't quite done there yet. When she arrived her heart burned for her people, seeing what Draenor had become and the loss her people had to go through.

Suddenly the teachings of Zaraxia seemed to come together, things she previously didn't understand seemed to make sense and her code became much more important to her.

Eventually she made her way to Telaar and saw the Kurenai people. She spent her time there helping them with mostly mediocre tasks ranging from gathering firewood and hunting. After about a year had passed a demon was heading towards the town and she helped to push it away from Telaar, defending it's citizens.

This act earned the respect of the people of Telaar and they allowed her to purchase one of their Talbulks, she picked the 'Cobalt riding Talbulk.' After a while of musing over a name she eventually settled on "Maxxy." A suitable name for him she thought.

She eventually returned to the Night elven lands after a year with the Kurenai. When Deathwing hit Azeroth, Selolun finally considered it time to go out and help the people in anyway she could.