Player: Scarlett
Character Full Name: Scarlette Acele Sin'thia
Character In-Game Name: Scarlette
Nickname(s): Scar, Cin.
Association(s): Horde, Silvermoon city.
Race: Sin'Dorei.
Class: Rogue.
Age: 112.
Sex: Female.
Hair: Lustrous dark black.
Eyes: Radiant green.
Weight: 120.
Height: 5'8
Scar often wears her dress, a beautiful shade of purple, split into two parts, the dress for her legs, cut in the middle for her stomach, finally the last piece wrapping round her chest for a snug fit. Along with this, she wears dress sandals and two large gold hoop earrings.
Other: When on duty (See history) she wears a dark black hood, top, gloves, shoes and pants, tightly fitted with a crimson tabard over the top.
Often portrayed as a vile individual. Selfish, sarcastic and witty. She prefers brain over brawn and always likes to outsmart those around her. Manipulative and free spirited, she says what she thinks and has no regrets in doing so. She despises most other races, specially those that are Alliance.
Those whom have got close to her though, see through all of this, to the innocent, vulnerable woman inside of her tough exterior.
Scarlette had a somewhat troubled upbringing. Having a father she knew not of, her mother was the only role model she could look up too. Unfortunately for her, Scar's mother was low life scum whose acts deviated from pick pocketing to stealing from shops and even if the price was right, risking her life by trying to take someone's life. Seeing all this as normal, she followed in her mothers treacherous acts; stealing from people her own age and so fourth.
There were a few positives in her life, however. She was a naturally intelligent girl, loved reading and at a young age was able to devise complex traps, gaining animals for the two to eat if work was low. On the reading side, she read books almost every day of her upbringing, learning something new within each text.
As she grew older, her mother gave Scarlette her final kiss on the forehead, followed by the words "If I don't get back, I will always love you sweet heart". Her mother was given a contract in which the end result was tragic.
In Scarlettes later life, she lived around the slums of Silvermoon city, begging, thievery and even the odd job, which she did not enjoy doing. Not many people know her name, nor know who she really is. She lives in the shadows of society letting life pass by. One day as she was returning to a local hang out in the slums, she noticed a screwed up soggy parchment which involved information about a group of Mercenaries, led by a Blood Elf named Roove and after seeing the word, she set off in search of this Elf.
Months went by and no sign of him. After another day of pick pocketing, she took shelter in the southern inn due to a heavy rain down pour where one man stood. This is where her life turned round, after talking with Roove he agreed to enlist Scarlette in his team and even gave her some money to get her life on track.
Here she stands today, serving the group who took her in for money to build a better life for herself.