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Player: McKnighter

Character Full Name: Salor Manaweave

Character In-Game Name: Salor

Nickname(s): N/A

Association(s): Blades of the Silverfang, Silvermoon

Race: Sin'dorei

Class: Shadowmagi (Warlock)

Skills and Abilities: As an arcanist, Salor wields the Shadow in an offensive position. Most of his spells are used to cause suffering and damage to a target, physically or mentally. He is not able to control and effect the mind in the way a Shadow Priest may, but he is far more able to cause destruction from afar.

Age: 235

Sex: Male

Hair: Gray

Eyes: Fel Green

Weight: 135 lbs

Height: 5'9"

Usual Garments/Armor: When prepared for spell-usage, he will often adopt darker robes outfitted for mobility. Otherwise, he will dress in causal robes and clothes if he has nothing better to do. Former wear when he has to visit the public.

Other: Salor tends to wear reading glasses, from time to time.

Alignment: True Neutral

Personality: Salor has a seemingly split personality that can be thrown on or off, at any given moment, should it be spurred into action.

On one hand, he is a carefree scholar, reading and attempts to refine his talent at writing poems and short stories. He cares little for the outside world, content in his own private life. While not anti-social, he favors time spent with close friends and his significant other. He does tend to be shy around strangers, often allowing the other person to speak for the majority of the time. As his physical body wanes, he keeps stationary for the most part, not at all affected by his decreasing motor skills. He is kind, respectful, a tender elf that is moving well past his prime.

With the other, Salor may develop sudden urges to travel the world, research and find knowledge and secrets that many others before have tried and fatally failed. At these periods, he will cut off all communication with everyone, even his lover, to fully devote himself to his studies in the field. The desire for these secrets can strive him to commit any deeds without moral judgment and thought. He acts as if he was a young adult, prideful and arrogant. Even with his lack of heighten mobility, he locates methods to make up for his lack of speed with patience and passion for his work. When among research, he is not to be disturbed.

Situations can change the mind-set that Salor adopts, as there is little gray in the white and black differences between them. Typically, Salor retains the former easily and as his primary personality. However, whenever the corruptible powers of arcane break through his defenses, he can fall prey once more to the corruption already afflicting his body and mind.

History: Salor was born to a simple family, his father a blacksmith, while his mother was a Magistrix. All was well while he grew up, attending school as a child. He behaved rather well, quiet and shy. He did not make many friends, studying and doing homework most of the time rather than explore the outdoors with friends. The father had hoped for his son to take over the blacksmith once he had grown too old to tend to it, but was quite disappointed when Salor showed no interest in manual labor. The rather peaceful childhood was shattered once they were going to have another baby.

Initially, Salor was quite excited about being an older brother. His mother was already teaching the basics of arcane, but soon enough it was time to give birth. Salor gained a wonderful baby sister, but due to complications in the birth, their mother died. Both father and son were devastated, left to blame the little baby for the horrible accident.

Regardless, the family pressed on. Salor held distaste towards Kelia, the young, brash child that grew up after him. He often ignored her, rude when he did speak, and never gave her any help with homework that she struggled with. Salor pinned the death of their wonderful mother on her, and how he wished that he could trade Kelia back for their mom. Alas, the father was busy tending the forge, leaving both son and daughter to grow up by their own means.

Salor ended up catching the eye of a recruiter for the Magistry, after a few decades, and he was enrolled into the academy. There, he was properly taught how to wield the arcane, the dangers of doing such, and all the secrets still left uncovered regarding it. Knowledge was like water to him, he always wanted more and more, never quenched or sated. He buried himself in studies, shunning out most childhood friends in hopes of grasping every topic to grace his mind.

He graduated with flying colors, the top ten percent of his class. Despite the great success in school, his father could truly care less about the education. His focus came upon young Kelia, who took a great interest in smithing and crafting at an early age, already learning how to work the forge. Salor was left alone to enjoy his achievement, while initially depressing, it only strive him to progress further.

He was accepted as an official Arcanist shortly before the Second War, providing support to the wounded with conjured food and basic medical care. Salor never cared for fighting, so he was content where he was. He did take an interest in the new breed of magics that the orcs wielded, curious but never tempted to attempt it on his own. He went through the war without any major encounters, thankfully, but the first images of war left him haunted with what might occur to him, should he partake in these bloody conflicts.

However, when the Third War came to the doorstep of Quel'thalas, there was little to avoid. Salor was forced to engage with the enemy directly, while his father and now grown sister spat out weapons and arrows for the military. The undead hordes proved more than a match for the Quel'dorei, driving them all the way back to Silvermoon, claiming so many lives and even the best of their fighters. Morale was shattered, including Salor's. Ships began to fill to the brim with non-combatants as the Scourge poured into the city. Salor desperately attempt to locate what remained of his family, to try and get them to one of the departing vessels. All the found by the time he reached the forge was Kelia fighting off a pair of ghouls that had already devoured their father. In an outrage, the Arcanist blasted the two undead into a pile of limbs. With his least favorite family member secured, he brought her to the ship and nearly tossed her inside, not even bothering to give her a reassuring farewell. That was the last time he saw of her.

Following the wake of the majority of the Scourge's forces, Salor went along with the survivors that remained. He attended the rallying speech that the Prince Kael'thas gave, though the inspiring vigor soon faded once he departed with his elite army. Left to rebuild their shattered kingdom, Salor began to felt the arcane withdraws.

Through sheer willpower, he manage to survive long enough for the Burning Crystals to arrive. While he was not completely for absorbing fel, he would do anything to keep himself from turning Wretched, or death. He officially earned the traits of being a Sin'dorei once his eyes fluttered to green. He became dependent on the new source of arcane, until they could locate a better, cleaner way to keep their addiction in check.

Meeting a certain Noria Duskbinder, the two became associates as they began to share their interest in Shadow, one of the key factors that played in their kingdom's destruction. The pair studied, Salor looking for a method to gain power over the Scourge, to repay them for their actions. Noria simply desired to learn how to pacify inner demons in others, and in herself.

The research went on for a good few years, then a brief period of romantic interest occurred between the pair. It was awkward at times, Salor not being the one to show affection openly, and Noria being chaste and cautious, despite her wild and lustful youth. It didn't last long, and ended with an odd parting as Noria went to open up a clinic, and Salor left to research on his own.

Though, time passed by, and another friend of his introducted him to a band called the Blades of Silverfang. More importantly, he met a certain Leron Silverfang. The forward moves by Leron led to a relationship, which ended up with love. The two married, and despite a brief kidnapping from a Redis Taylor... Salor moved on with his life with his new husband and son. However, it appeared that something else stirred within the elf. The kidnapping had changed something in Salor, but only time will tell if it is for the better or worse.