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Dwarf femaleWarrior Rosmari Razorfeather
Rosmari Razorfeather
Nickname(s) Rosey
Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Class Warrior
Association(s) Aerie Peak
Status Alive

Rosmari Razorfeather is a 57-year-old Dwarf Warrior. She is played by Jonoth.


Tragedy struck Rosmari the moment she entered the world. She was a difficult birth, the trauma and bloodloss causing her mother Mari to pass away. Her father was devastated by the loss, but knowing the child was what they had always hoped for, he named her Rosmari for two reasons. To be the flower that bloomed from his wife, and because of the thorns that roses have, signifying the danger for such beauty. Because of the time of the birth, the first ritual they took part in as father and daughter was the Wildhammer ritual day for the dead, where the father promised to raise Rosmari as best he could.

Rosmari got along well with the kids her age, and her propensity to form strong bonds began to show. Her father was a Gryphon Rider, and at an early age started taking her for flights on the backs of the majestic creatures. She loved the beauty of the land, and the freedom of flight as the wind breezed through her hair. Her father thought she would make a great rider some day, but as she got older, she only wished to enjoy the skies with the gryphons, and to not bring them into the danger of combat. She began to become more isolated, with her knowledge of Common progressing very slowly as she tended to distrust most of the outsiders who came to Aerie Peak, save for some of the High Elven Rangers who taught her to use a bow. She would never stray far from her weapon of choice, however, ironically it being a polearm which kept things at a distance.

During the Second War, her father was called upon to help defend the lands from the Orc invasion. It was during this time that she began learning to wield the halberd, and to study the terrain in which they lived, becoming more of a guerrilla-style fighter. She was strong and agile, and took after the beasts of the wild in her ferocity. When her father returned home, she became very protective of him, constantly offering to travel with him and protect him, though he always shrugged it off with a chuckle saying he was able enough to protect himself. When the Third War came, he went off again in a show of good faith to the Alliance, lending his aerial prowess to the battle. Before he went, he gave Rosmari his feathered headdress, promising to come back for it. Rosmari spent much of her time waiting by the gryphon aviary, hoping her father would soon return home, and day after day there would be no word from the war front.

Finally, word of victory arrived with the return of the surviving riders, and on the back of one of the gryphons was her father, a wide smile on his face. At first Rosmari was overjoyed, until her father hopped down, his leg on the opposite side of the gryphon appearing reduced to a stump. She was heartbroken that he had sustained such a loss, but he was quick to hold her and tell her he was fortunate that he could return home to her at all, and that was all that mattered. When Rosmari tried to give him back his headdress, he refused to take it, telling her that his days of riding were over, and that it was her job now to continue the legacy of the Razorfeather name. From that day forward, she began training and riding, never giving up her own style of combat completely, but honoring the legacy of her father. She travels the world on the back of her gryphon, seeking to defend and protect as her father did, and hoping to make her mother's sacrifice a worthwhile one.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Rosmari lives up to the Wildhammer name. An untamed beast, she finds herself at home with the creatures of the forests and mountains, and can seem savage when wandering through more town-like areas. She's very forward about what she wants, and persistant in getting things. She's loyal to a fault when she makes friends, and can often be considered territorial when it comes to people or places. Her accent is thick, her speech often bordering on unintelligible, and she has grown accustomed to having to use hand gestures to signal what she wants.


  • Scale/Height: 4'9"
  • Weight: 165 lbs
  • Hair: Blonde, with a little blondish fuzz on her chin and jaw
  • Eyes: Blue

She wears tribalistic cloth and leather garments, with a feathered headdress.

Other: Claw scars are loosely scattered across her lean but muscular frame. The tattoos on her arms are of gryphons flying around them. She usually carries a halberd on her back.

Skills and Abilities

As a Wildhammer, she possesses great skill in the training and riding of gryphons. She prefers melee combat to mounted combat, however, and wields her halberd in battle, preferring it to the usual Gryphon Rider weapon, the Stormhammer. She knows how to use bows with decent skill, but nowhere nearly enough to use in combat. She has typical arms warrior skills, though her lack of heavy armor allows her more maneuverability.