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Player: Adam255

Character Full Name: Roirin Moonshade

Character In-Game Name: Roirin

Nickname(s): Roi, Rinny, Smith.

Association(s): The Craftsmen of Ashenvale, The Argent Crusade.

Race: Night Elf

Class: Warrior

Skills and Abilities: As any normal warrior's skills would be, in general. Roirin is also a blacksmith of a rather high level, and makes his own weapons and armor. Roi also possesses some survival skills, but very basic.

Age: 10,285

Sex: Male

Hair: Formerly white, now dark blue, held loosely behind his head. A thick beard also covers the bottom half of his face.

Eyes: Silver

Weight: 145 kg

Height: 2.34 Meters.


Usual Garments/Armor: Plate armor that's usually lacking gauntlets and shoulderpads, along with a tabard of the Argent Crusade. His casual clothing usually consists of loose shirts and long kilts.

Other: Roirin's body is covered with runic tattoos, aside from the base of his neck, face and hands. All the tattoos are red in color. The runes are useless, but cannot be removed.


Alignment: Chaotic good.

Roirin thinks of himself as a protector of most things on Azeroth, giving his life to do so if needed. He is a very calm and patient man in most times and getting him enraged being almost an impossible task to do, along with making him show any other emotion other than a warm smile or a playful smirk. Despite his usual expression, Roi thinks very badly of himself, and never counts himself as 'over' other people.

When around strangers, Roirin tends to be over-alert of his surroundings, listening to every sound and considering every move he or others preform. But when he is around familiar and trusted company, Roirin behaves as a well mannered and overall happy person, enjoying life and all its beauties.

His view on other races varies quite a lot. He accepts most races aside from a very specific few, being Blood Elves, Forsaken and most Orcs, but will never do something to show it. His polite nature holds a wall to block off his racism, causing him to not seem all too irked when around those races, but he will be very easy to distrust them.


Roirin was born in the forests of Ashenvale to a loving mother and father in a rather peaceful time of the world, when it was still in its primary state. Yet Roirin was born with silver eyes, following his father in that matter, none of his family members were druids or trained to be druids, mostly because of heritage and because of free choice. Roirin's father was a mighty warrior of his people, weilding a blade and shield to every battle he joined. His mother, a wrathful warrior aswell, with little to no patience for whoever stood in her path.

Roirin chose to have his parents teach him their knowledge of combat, being defensive combat to the most violent combat technique possible to him, he wanted to learn it all. But being a male that's not a druid in the Kaldorei society was looked down upon, in a way, causing Roi to have second thoughts of it. When Roirin was already a young adult, the war of the ancients broke out in the world. The demons began swarming the lands and the battle raged for what seemed to be an eternity. His mother remained to protect Ashenvale, loving her lands so much that she is willing to give everything to its protection, while Roirin's father took him and fled away from the demon's rampage along with his beloved's premission to do so. Roirin's father chose to run and take Roirin with him because of fear for his death. He wanted Roirin to live a full and rich life, not having it cut short only several years after birth.

A few short years passed when Roirin and his father were on the run, hiding in every way they can until one fateful day came. A pair of insane Highborne, possibly from the Legion's invasion, inscriptionists ambushed Roirin and his father, managing to overpower them and take them to a cave in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. The inscriptionists began to experiment on Roirin's father with different symbols of power they branded, very painfully, onto his body. The symbols seemed to have no effects at first, the inscriptionists not knowing what the certain 'language' of the runes were. Their experiments began to grow more and more painful, carving the symbols into the man's body until his body finally gave in. Roirin's father died from the suffering on the 'experiments' and left Roirin all by himself.

The inscriptionists held Roirin as a prisoner for what seemed to be years to come, not intending on letting him go any time soon. They refrained from any more testing on him until they knew exactly what the symbols did, thinking of him as a 'pure body' to test on. They tested on innocent bystanders or even animals at times, until they came to a breakthrough. They realized the runes are connected somehow to sources of great power when introduced in certain patterns. Roirin has given up hope of escaping at this point and has grown to accept his life as a prisoner to a couple of mad Highborne. As months and years passed on, the inscriptionists finally realized a certain pattern to try on him. The process was painful, more than anything he could possibly remember in his short life, but even after so much years of research, the inscribers failed in their experiment.

As the inscriptionists were getting ready to continue their research, not wanting to give up so soon, a sudden attack of demons came to the cave. Roirin was kept hidden away in case they were found, not wanting their experiment taken away. He simply watched as the inscriptionists were butchered by the powerful demons after they tried to fight back, soon after managing to escape his captivity, only to find himself deep within a the lands of Azshara. He simply ran in the first direction he saw, not caring for anything he left behind and being in constant fear of being found and killed by the Legion's forces after seeing only a hint of their powers.

He kept running and hiding himself as the war raged on, making his way back to Ashenvale forest after much, much more years of surviving in nature and living off anything that it gave him. As the years went by and Roirin finally entered Ashenvale forest, his runic tattoos began to become more and more odd to him, though he chose to simply ignore them for the time being as he slowly made his way back to his home and as the war approached its end, still hiding from time to time.

As the Highborne attempted to summon Sargeras himself, the Well of Eternity imploded as he tried to cross the portal. The sundering happened, riping the world itself into three continents with a powerful implosion, causing Roirin to think the Legion's conquest has come into full motion. He was mortified, running in complete panic to the nearest hide-out he could find to spend the time that was what he thought was his last moments on Azeroth. But as it seems, the end has yet to come. He was found by a group of Kaldorei survivors which, at first, didn't seem to care much for the inscriptions on his body. They took him along with them to the 'holy mountain' Hyjal, with intentions to help rebuild their civilization again from nothing. During his time in Hyjal, Roirin grew more and more curious to the runes in his body, but again, payed no attention to them.

Lacking the power or training of a Druid, Roi was almost useless to his people, and he didn't like that at all. The man searched for any way he could be helpful from the first moment he noticed, until he stumbled upon the Blacksmiths of the Kaldorei that were helping with the crafting of any metal needed. Roirin was interested by such a craft, and quickly asked if he may learn the arts of working with metal. He was still rather young and small from his time in captivity, but he quickly got the hang of swinging a hammer onto steel properly, and began learning the craft of Blacksmithing. It was a peaceful time, as it seemed, and Roirin joined the Craftsmen of the Kaldorei as one of the Blacksmiths, making armor, building supports and so on to help his people recover from the prior war.

Years and years passed as Roirin continued to practice his craft and live a peaceful life in Hyjal, along with his people. He was no druid, but his life was good enough for him. The man didn't take much notice to the World Tree as it was founded, mostly because he didn't know what it does. He has been told of the Tree's magical properties, and how they made the Kaldorei live forever, but he never took too much notice to it, as he never wanted to live forever. It was a peaceful time for the Kaldorei in Hyjal, though the same couldn't be said for Ashenvale. The Highborne, mad with magical withdrawl, unleashed a storm of magic onto the once calmed forests and were exiled for their foolish actions. Roirin felt a tear in his heart, the land he grew up in was not only stomped and burned by demons, but now by his own kind. Despite the inner pain, the man pulled through and continued his tranquil life in Hyjal as a Craftsman.

Peace was something Roirin wasn't too used to, as he was running in fear almost from birth, but he quickly grew accustomed to the calm lifestyle of the Kaldorei in Hyjal. As life has its ups, it also has its downs. Archimonde and his Legion marched towards Hyjal, seeking the power of the world tree for themselves. The Horde and the Alliance, along with the Kaldorei stood strong against the Legion invasion, and even Roirin lended his blade into the fight, though not having too much weapon training up until this point. The battle raged on, many dead, many wounded on both sides, but with the help of nature itself, Archimonde was defeated and the three factions stood victorious, but at a cost. The World Tree, Nordrassil, was destroyed along with Archimonde, taking the gift of eternal life from the Kaldorei. The sheer impact of the war made Roirin want to train more and more to help protect his people when the time may come.

He returned to his forest of Ashenvale and began training as a warrior, alongside his craft, and was soon able with a sword and shield on a well enough level to stand up in a war. The fact Roirin made it through the attack on Hyjal was nothing short of lucky, as he was barely able in combat. Roirin didn't spend too much time training to finally come to a point where he was able in combat, as he had prior training to that, but he quickly grew to see how unneeded he was as a simple warrior. Roirin had nobody to turn to, his father was dead, and his mother had disappeared in the War of the Ancients, so he simply left Ashenvale without a word, aside from a letter to his fellow Craftsmen that he will be returning at some point.

A few months of travel and Roirin arrived in Booty Bay after taking a boat from Ratchet, he was unfamiliar with most races, and didn't care all too much for them. Carrying only his sword, shield and armor, along with some money, Roirin advanced to the arena of Gurubashi to see if he could find a challenge there. While there, Roirin met a human girl named Mei in one of his matches, which quickly grew to be one of his closest friends. They traveled along-side eachother to Stormwind and remained there for the time being. Mei took on her own life, as did Roi, but the two saw eachother quite frequently, enough for feelings to sprout on both sides. Only a few years passed, the Draenei arrived on Azeroth and the war in Northrend began, but until not too long ago, Roirin spent his time in Stormwind, studying the cultures that resided there.

Roirin stumbled upon the banner of the Argent Crusade when in Stormwind along with a recruiter that was looking for able hands to assist in the battle against the Lich King. Roirin left a letter to Mei that he will be leaving for the Crusade, packed whatever possessions he had and left for the cold north. He was put into a group between the many others within the Crusade where he assisted both with fighting, and smithing. Within the ranks, the man met a Draenei woman named Iutu, only a few days after he was assigned to his group. Iutu introduced Roirin to the Draenei culture whenever they had time off, and the man was eager to learn of such a culture. Roirin got easily attached, as he did with most other people in his life, and soon wanted to spend every moment of his time with Iutu, which was not too difficult, seeing as they were in the same group. While happy with the Draenei, he was afraid to return to his people and tell him of it, as the Kaldorei were never too accepting to other races.

The final battle took place and the Lich King was defeated, along with a giant weight off the shoulders of Azeroth's inhabitants. Roirin remained in the Crusade up until today and kept his training, along with mastering his craft. He thought he found his true place, even though he disliked some of the Crusaders along-side him. "It's hard in the cold north, but nothing is more rewarding than to know you helped others live on..."