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Player: Kimaira

Character Full Name: Rem

Character In-Game Name: Rem

Association(s): Darkspear Tribe, the Horde, Splinterspear Clan

Race: Troll

Class: Berserker

Skills and Abilities:

  • Controlled Berserk: Rem has learned to channel his rage. Being in control of his emotions allows him to become more focused and disciplined whilst berserking.

Age: 38

Sex: Male

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Dark brown

Weight: 152 kg

Height: 263 cm


Usual Garments/Armor: A mask of ferocity, pieces of chain attached here and there, he rarely wears any chest armor, but if he does, it is merely a leather garb. He carries a large polearm around him next to everywhere he goes.

Other: His light-blue colored body is covered in white scars and war tattoos alike.


Outside combat, Rem is a curious character. He is also a bit restrained in social situations. Cautious as he may be, he cherishes the opportunities to fight. He finds his purpose to be a whirlwind of destruction and until the day comes when he falls in combat. He holds high respect towards those who have assisted his kin, and holds high grudges against anyone who could cause him or his tribe trouble. He clings to the past, believing that ancient troll practices which Horde forbade should be kept, and he follows those traditions, believing he is in no way betraying or harming the Horde as he so does. There is some odd charisma about the character. Rem always seeks the golden midway when discussing with other beings. Each battle he charges forth to, he believes Shirvallah will always be there with him, until the times comes for Shirvallah to decide its Rem's turn to fall, and then he is to be judged. Upon the judgement, he hopes to be deemed worthy to rest in Bwomsamdi's care.


Since the day he was born, Rem was abnormally large. He was always ahead of those born approximately in size, being few heads taller than the others. The day Rem fought his first real fight against another troll for the sake of settling a heated argument, the adults accompanying him realized he'd make a fitting berserker, as in the fight he was merely nothing more than apparition of berserk, and thus he begun training as one. When Rem remained victor he devoured his fallen kinsman, preventing the argument from going further by a haunting spirit. Since then, Rem trained with an elderly berserker, who for years attempted to teach Rem to control and channel his rage, but it was not an easy task.

Rem purely kept acting on instinct, and was as far away from what one could call a prodigy as possible. Over time, Rem made little progress, and with small steps he advanced, which his mentor noticed, giving the elder strength to continue mentoring Rem. Rem grew to be to exact opposite of his combat role, he was the very soul of caution. Yet his blood lust and rage flowed through him like wildfire every time he faced combat. He was raised to respect other tribesmen, and his manslaughter became only a memory of forgotten past. He finally started to show real signs of improvement as a berserker by the time he was already years beyond his adult hood. He lived and adored the simple life, with no real troubles he cherished each moment he witnessed with his tribe, then the day came.

The Kul Tiras marines landed on the isles, and after few confrontations and taste of man flesh, the Darkspears had to retreat further into the island, and Rem with them. With head hunters he did partake in skirmishes against the marines, but their efforts appeared to be in vain. Then the orcs came, led by Thrall. Rem charged forth with the united assault of Trolls and Orcs, being there to witness the victory over the invading humans. The cheer did not last long, for he among others were to be captured by the murlocs led by the Seawitch. After Thrall's successful rescue of the Darkspear, and fleeing from the sinking island, Rem was eternally grateful to the orcs, and especially their leader. He mourned for Sen'Jin, who he had always looked up upon, but decided to take his sights towards the future.

He found Echo Isles intriguing, and curiously kept exploring their new home isles. From time to time he encountered trouble, but the game found on the isles was magnificent to his taste buds. Rem finally had begun to believe that all would be well again, still bitter and relatively haunted by what happened back home. Although he cherished their tribe joining the Horde, he couldn't accept everything that the Darkspears admitted to regarding forbidding some of their old practices.

After Zalazane overtook the Echo Isles, Rem had just about enough. To him it was clearly the lack of proper practice of voodoo that allowed Zalazane to cause such ruckus with no efficient counters against him. That is when he announced he'd follow his own path, but remaining forever loyal to the Darkspear and the Horde. He agreed when he formed the Splinterspear Clan, that to his death he would be accountable to the Darkspear, and follow the Horde. He and his followers would heed the call of war whenever necessary, but when questioned about the agreement of practicing things such as cannibalism, Rem refused to reply, for in his heart, he wants to follow the traditions true to their kind. Upon the Splinterspear growing in size, although a capable hunter alongside berserker, Rem forfeit the leadership to their most wise Witch Doctor, remaining an adviser and fighter to the clan.