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Player: Rakkezai

Character Full Name: Rakkezai Soulrender

Character In-Game Name: Rakkezai

Nickname(s): Kezai

Association(s): The Horde, Bleeding Hollow Clan

Race: Orc

Class: Warlock

Age: He looks to be in his late 60s.

Sex: Male

Hair: His hair, once full and black, falls down like purple straw. It's scraggly, dry, and it's more than likely that it hasn't been washed in quite some time. His beard, on the other hand, is neatly tied.

Eyes: Red. Bright, bright red.

Weight: Around 275 pounds.

Height: Seven feet, three inches.

Alignment: Neutral evil


Rakkezai prefers the primal vestments of the orc warlocks, his cracked and worn tunic of choice is the same one he wore throughout the second war. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he enjoys having a certain style. His armor, which is always red, purple, or green, is needlessly adorned with skulls and the occasional scroll, with the Bleeding Hollow symbols inked on. He loves to look as intimidating as possible, all the time.

Other: Rakkezai's belt has a journal clasped to it, as well as several pouches of questionable content. On occasion, he brings his imp Mezzek with him. The imp, always trapped in a large glass jug, serves as an amusing paperweight, or if the imp is really lucky, Rakkezai will drag the jug behind a boat as bait for big game fishing.


Rakkezai's not very sociable, even for a warlock. He makes little effort to make friends, unless of course there's some benefit in it. He respects power, and will have quite a bit more tolerance towards someone who shows impressive skills in any field other than holy magic, and orcs always seem to last longer around him as well.


Rakkezai was born to the Bleeding Hollow clan, just moments after his twin brother, Donkar. The two acted as foils to each other, one excelling where the other had his shortcomings. Donkar was faster, stronger. Rakkezai was smarter, and always took a moment to think something through before he acted. This trend continued until the two both showed they were exceptionally gifted by the spirits, both quite able in the ways of the shaman. Or rather, they both showed they were ready to undergo training. Donkar, as per his usual manner, blew off the lessons, not taking them very seriously at all, while Rakkezai studied diligently.

He became a shut-in. With few friends, only three he could recall by name, he devoted every ounce of his strength into becoming a shaman. He swore he'd be the best, and he'd do the chieftan proud. Donkar honed his strength, prepared himself for adulthood, and spent a great deal of time eyeing potential mates. When it eventually came time for the two to undergo the trial of the hunt, the clans had begun to unite under one banner: that of the Horde. The two brothers were quick to throw their full support behind this.

Fast-forward a few years. When the spirits abandoned the shaman, Rakkezai was no exception. Taking the wisdom of his superiors, he volunteered himself to undergo warlock training. The new and exciting art enthralled him, and he excelled at it almost immediately. He saw combat all over Draenor, fighting the draenei on their own land, before they had the chance to fight back. They got what was comin' to 'em. He came of age to choose a mate, but never did. He was far too busy fighting the draenei threat.

At the raid on Shattrath, Rakkezai had progressed enough up the millitary ladder to assist in leading his unit. This, he maintains, was the greatest day of his life. The orcs won, and though Donkar disappeared in the combat, Rakkezai couldn't have been happier with what happened. Rakkezai fought, honed his skills, and strived to be the best he could in the fel field all throughout the invasion of Azeroth and the First War. War gave him a much more explosive personality, and he alienated the few friends he had left. War consumed him. He was present at both the first, failed attempt at razing Stormwind, and the second, when he and his companions prevailed.

At the end of the second war, Rakkezai was among the orcs rounded up into internment camps. He nearly went mad, rotting in there. He failed one breakout attempt, and two suicide attempts before he was freed by Thrall, freed to fight in the New Horde.

Not much has changed, since then. Rakkezai still fights for the Horde, still seeks to become the best in the fel arts that he possibly can be. Recently, though, his eyes have become set on Northrend, particularly the forces that dwell there. Facing his encroaching mortality, he's dedicated to making a name for himself. All the power he can claim, all the glory he can fight for, those are his only goals now.